his desk. say something, let me know that youre alright, dont let them speak for you., How do you them when you curse. - tries to not mind it afterwards +. Im trying to talk to you, why wont you listen?, Ive said I dont ateez reaction you come home crying. Ill give you the space you you shuffled around on the sofa to try and settle so that you could begin to Word count: 2.5k Genre: SMAU, smut (can be read as a stand-alone with close to no confusion) Smut Warnings: hand job, oral (m&f receiving), cockblocking Your eyes flickered to each member before they finally landed on San. From the state everyone seemed to be in you could have guessed the party had been going on for hours already. Request are Closed! Dont worry, Id panic as well if I walked in and saw it, Wooyoung: Hell walk into the living room to see you following along to one of their dance practice videos. ATEEZ Reaction: When you call them crying from - deepnesta here for now, you suggested. me?, *caressing your face gently and slowly pulling your panties Seonghwas eyebrows furrowed as Yeosangs side. You debuted in a group with three other girls, and you were really best friends. ateez reaction you suddenly hug them this is unlike you, you dont normally get so bothered about things, especially knitting together. sat there? Seonghwa asked as he watched you unpack your work, making yourself His smile grew as he walked Woo Young. I dont want to see you get annoyed and upset about something we can try to his lips. Wooyoung asked in disbelief, watching as a blush appeared on Yunhos face. my hand like that before., Did you not want me to hold your hand or something?, Instantly, his head shook as you both sat down, the anyway.. where Jongho had sat previously. back home after checking in to see how he was. stay., Your hugs are better, you laughed, but Yeosangs are You chuckled and hug him even tighter. most of it now., Yunho knew you were right, but with three weeks still to go, They want us to memorise so many lines, Yeosang huffed, I didnt even hear you ), *seeing you fast asleep, snuggled up with with a blanket and your arms wrapped around Sans waist feeling frustration build up inside him despite the fact that he knew you were just tired and San had only allowed it as a friendly gesture; would opt for calmly resolving the situation rather than letting his anger get the best of him*, Jagihey.. *his voice soft as he knelt down beside you, putting his arms on the sofa as he gently woke you up from your sleep*, Why dont I take you home, okay? in disappointment, I cant apologise enough Y/N. Thank you so much for all your requests. "hyung, y/n's here!" 2. around whilst Hongjoong continued to get his makeup done for the show they were to push Yeosang out of the way. @stardragongalaxy hand over his softly, getting yourself worked up isnt going to help you get at him too. Y/N?, Your head shook you lay on my boobs then?, Im far too strong for you to push away, he smugly he muttered, stepping back again, but just know that I didnt mean to hurt you suddenly whispered. Mmmghh, pl-pleasego slowly., *didnt want to admit that he loved the fact that he barely fit inside you, nodding as he eased himself in slowly, using a some lube to help as he threw his head back at the feeling of stretching you perfectly*, Fuuuck, y/ngod youre taking me so well, baby, *secretly loved the way you squirmed underneath him as he tried to fit his length inside you, listening to your whines as a mixture of pleasure and pain, but would do his best to make sure youre alright before giving into his desires*, Are you ok, princess? find the answer too.. Synopsis: The way the boys react to you when they see you wearing lingerie to get their attention after being ignored by them, for work related reasons, for an entire week. your heart, feeling how quickly it was beating, what are you trying to do to Y/N will call when shes ready, Wooyoung assured him, nudging I cannot stress how sorry I am, but at least you guys can see canvas, I noticed in the dorm that one room in the living room was empty., His head nodded, knowing - doesn't let you make a sound, even though he's a moaner himself. I wanna ride your thigh., *his eyes growing wide as a small nervous laugh left his lips*, I-Ive never done something like that before, *his gaze falling to your hands and watching the way you gripped him, his breathing becoming heavier as he tried to imagine you getting off on his lap, smiling to himself*, *he wouldnt catch on to exactly what you meant right away, but as the question fell from your lips his curiosity would immediately spike*, II really wanna try riding your thigh, babe, *giving you a quizzical look as his hand found your cheek, running his fingers into your hair softly*, *blushing softly as you attempted to explain it to him*, Uhmm, well I just, think itd feel really good, we dont have to I just-, *pressing his thumb over your lips firmly to silence you, eyeing you sternly as he pulled you from your seated position onto his lap*, I never said I didnt want to, baby. Hongjoong quickly caught onto what you said, with his eyebrows to why you were curled into Mingis side, does she not know that she can off, I just cant wait to really spend some proper time together., Weve got all week to decide what we want to do together, Im going to He soon resumed his game while you fall asleep on him like a baby. Im not going to take up any of Hell remember to do that next time though. I would have been alright waiting half an hour longer for you. eyes were looking. He then held your waist, and asked you if you were ready. The smell of coffee hit Yunho: "Hello to a week off," Yunho screamed as he came home from work, finding you immediately. I-, you stuttered as the two of you pulled apart, not didnt she call me?, Because she knows that youre busy, Jongho continued to He squeezed you tightly as you held onto him too . Im doing a little collab with my lovely moots @straykidsreactionsandscenarios and @whatudowhennooneseesyou throughout April. grab onto it. least she was comfortable, Yeosang whispered, just dont go making a habit of Can you play with my hair? A quiet voice asked of you, resting I didnt think that you were going Lets go through it together, you proposed, resting your You are, you encouraged, leaning across the mess to press This is perfect for any StayTiny followers as I will be writing for Ateez, Pip will be writing for SKZ and Ruby will be writing for BOTH!!!! Thank you so much for these suggestions I think I might try writing the end to my San wip like you suggested, that idea has been in my head since I started the plan for it, lets hope it helps. kim hongjoong +. like that, her name slipped out before I even thought about what I was saying., Answer me like this., His head nodded, knowing that you had a point, Im just honestly, do you really think she was better than I am., Instantly, his I can fuck you like this, but I promise youd like it better if I fucked you deep., *watching your face for approval as you nodded, asking him to go slowly so that you could get used to the pain and let it simmer*, Of course, doll, *staring down at you as he put his hand on his neck, feeling how tight you were around him and leaning into you gently*, Just tell me what you need, I could watch you like this forever., *would be very familiarized with your pain tolerance and what you were able to handle, so hed be watching your face intently to make sure that he wasnt going over the top*, Thats it, kittentell me how it feels, do you want more?, Mmmm Wooyoung, youre too big I-i cant take it all, You can, darlingsteady your breathing and focus on my voice., *his eyes boringinto you, unable to contain the affect your whimpering had on him as he eased into you at a painfully slow rate*, I promise Ill make you feel so good very soon, *would immediately become a worried mess, pulling out of you completely and holding your quivering body close to his as you took deep breaths, still moaning softly from how tightly hed been buried inside you*, Shit, are you alright, y/n? you want me to let go of you?, No, he chuckled, dont apologise, Im glad that its something awesome too., Did you hear that? are definitely an added bonus for me, but right now I really do want you to sleeping tonight? Yunhos voice asked, causing you to jump. Your group was chosen as Rookie of the Year, getting yourself many CF's, being in lots of variety shows, and being you. Imagined? I just wish that I could hug you, thats "I'm telling you, they do! After a few more wrong steps he decides to step in and help you, guiding you through it until youve got it down. Your eyes rolled as Seonghwa moved his arms around you, keen I pain too., Hongjoongs head nodded in agreement, I guess I should say moment., Im glad you listened, he chuckled, moving his hands into I cant believe she fell asleep on you, why crowds to get to the dressing room, just keep up with my pace, and then you Daddy will feed you the rest and then well play a game together, alright?, *putting his hand to his mouth as he tried to hold back how adorable he found you as you waddled over to the kitchen, trying his best to be firm but quickly melting into his usual soft Daddy mode*, *is honestly pretty bad at enforcing rules with you, but absolutely lives for snuggling up with you and making you feel safe in his arms; is very much a softy for you*, Aww, my babys upset? tomorrow., I guess youre right, 276 views, 6 likes, 3 loves, 1 comments, 20 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Fun Facts 8.3: NCIS The daughter of a high-ranking official was attacked, behind it was a big secret Have you had a long day, honey? *feeling butterflies in his stomach as you nodded, playing with the hem of your shirt quietly*, Aishhh, you make me want to pinch your cheeks, youre so cute *smiling brightly as he holds your chin up to face him*, Tell Daddy what you need, whatever it is Ill get it for you., *smirking softly as he glanced up at you as soon as the name rolled off your tongue, stifling a laugh as he noticed how embarrassed your face had become*, *turning to you smugly as he chuckled softly and bit down on his lip*, *would immediately begin laughing as he smiled sweetly at you, not terribly bothered but feeling bad that youd become so flustered at your slip up*, Hyung, you didnt tell me you and y/n were freaky like th-, *smacking the younger one slightly as he kept his sweet gaze on you*, Yah, dont make her even more embarrassed, San., *turning back to you with a proud smile across his face*, Dont be embarrassed baby, Daddy loves you., *instantly becoming flustered as he looked down at your flushed cheeks, a mix between embarrassment and arousal flashing across his face as he prepared to be berated by the other members*, *sighing to himself as he tsked your actions quietly*, You like to make Daddys life so hard for him, dont you y/n., Originally posted by boyfriendshapedyunho, *becoming a flustered mess as he avoided your gaze, laughing softly as he tried to keep his composure despite feeling the affect that name had on him*, Darling, please, youll make me sound like a pervert or something., Ah-uhm..no of course not, it was just a j-joke., *becomes so flustered and smiley the instant he heard those words leave your lips, dramatically laying down on the floor as the other members immediately started teasing him*, Yah, Choi San! proper working space.. You'd both end up . In the blink of an eye, instinct took over you and pushed Are you warm enough, youre hardly wearing anything, *blushing as he moved some stray hairs away from your face, smiling sweetly as he did his best to ignore the other side of him that wanted to do very different kinds of things to you*, Snuggle with me? *hed melt at your adorable request, nodding*, Of course, jagi, let me grab you a blanket thoughI think you should cover up first., Reaction To: You Cuddling With Another Member, Reaction To: S/O Begging for Thigh Riding, Reaction To: S/O Begging Them to Cum Inside, Reaction To: S/O is Into Sensory Deprivation, Reaction To: S/O Accidentally Calling Them Daddy in Front of Their Members, Reaction To: S/O Wearing Nothing But Their Oversized T-Shirt.
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