c. reorganizing experience. Content theories explain work motivation in terms of what arouses, energizes, or initiates employee behavior. c) valence is high and expectancy and instrumentality are low With no trains running, MTA employees are able to inspect signals, replace rails and crossties, scrape track floors, clean stations, and paint areas that are not reachable during normal train operation. Are CCC and DDD mutually exclusive? e) improving hygiene factors will make people satisfied with their work. Joanna likes attention and is driven by seeking influence over others. High-nAch people are not motivated by tasks that are too easy or extremely difficult. To quit embarrassing situations or to avoid conditions that may lead to belittlement or the scorn or indifference of others. He refers to these factors as satisfiers to reflect their ability to provide satisfying experiences. e) Locke and Latham's goal setting theory. They actively seek out performance feedback. Hygiene c) affiliation b) valence All of the following statements describe hygiene factors in the two-factor theory EXCEPT: <p>Official Rules</p> <p>NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. 61. According to CB Bhattacharya, the Pietro Ferrero Chair in Sustainability at ESMT European School of Management and Technology in Berlin, Germany, employment engagement, or how positive employees feel about their current job, was at an all-time low globally in 2016: 13 percent. Successful managers tend to be high in this type of nPow. Multicultural models include all of the following except a they b.) To escape from a dangerous situation. d) Safety a) expectancies c) Two-factor theory This need is oriented toward fulfilling responsibilities to the employer, not to the self. c) Motivation = expectancy + equity + rewards Which of the following reflects concerns with expectancy theory? individual. Accounting and Finance Political Theory (PLH-1) Criminal Law - II (0303) Masters of Business Administration export import (1723) Bsc Nursing (BNurs2011) Bachelors of Business Administration in Finance & Investment Analysis (BBA1) MBA (33A) Contract (140) MBA (CRIM) Bachler of art (eli) English (BCA302) Mechanical Engineering (BE MECH) Trending Need-based theories describe motivated behavior as individual efforts to meet needs. a) the length of time a person sticks with a given action But what if Lucretia also has a need to dominate others? Which theory is based on the phenomenon of social comparison which states that people will act to eliminate any perceived inequity in the rewards they receive for their work in comparison with the rewards that others receive? The diversity of the living world is staggering. c) Motivator factors involve what people actually do in their jobs. b) the amount of effort a person puts forth Busi 240 Liberty University Quiz 3BUSI 240 Quiz 2. e) It holds that people who feel underpaid will reduce their work efforts to compensate for missing rewards. To give sympathy and gratify the needs of a helpless object: an infant or any object that is weak, disabled, tired, inexperienced, infirm, defeated, humiliated, lonely, dejected, sick, or mentally confused. Rather than schedule these inspections during regular hours, they consulted with the maintenance workers, who suggested doing the inspections while sections of the subway were closed to trains for seven consecutive hours. 57. d) Existence, relatedness, and goals Good pay by itself will only make the employee neutral toward work; to attain satisfaction, employees need challenging job duties that result in a sense of achievement. d) working conditions. d.) Motivator To make an impression. Which of the following needs are addressed in Alderfer's theory? a) Safety, social, physiological, esteem, and self-actualization The theory of multiple intelligences, developed by Howard Gardner, posits that humans can possess eight different types of intelligence: musical-rhythmic, visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. When we sense that we are valuable contributors, are achieving something important, or are getting better at some skill, we like this feeling and strive to maintain it. Job content is what we actually do when we perform our job duties. d) the order of needs in the hierarchy may differ across cultures. c) ERG theory contends that more than one need may be activated at a particular point in time, whereas Maslow's theory does not. a) achievement e) Reinforcement. b) It is best known through the work of J. Stacy Adams. The content theories of motivation include all of the following EXCEPT: a. hierarchy of needs theory. For example, by providing adequate pay, safe working conditions, and cohesive work groups, employers help employees satisfy their lower-order needs. financial assets include all of the following, except? This is a manifest need. To ask or answer general questions. 2017. Giving Back. https://bombas.com/pages/giving-back, Knowledge @ Wharton. This need is the second of McClellands learned needs. a) Individualistic true. Do we need to talk or be silent? We say these people have a high achievement motive. A problem often discussed in the engineering economy literature is the "oil-well pump problem." According to the company website, Bombas exists to help solve this problem, to support the homeless community, and to bring awareness to an under-publicized problem in the United States (n.p.). a) pay To attack, injure, or kill another. b) People with a high need for power are drawn to interpersonal relationships and opportunities for communication. a) hygiene factors are associated with the job context or work setting. b) the amount of effort a person puts forth. Henry A. Murray recognized this problem and condensed the list into a few instinctive and learned needs.3 Instincts, which Murray called primary needs, include physiological needs for food, water, sex (procreation), urination, and so on. a. Bhattacharya credits the success of Unilever, and other companies with similar engagement levels, to an emphasis on a sustainable business model. He outlines eight steps that companies take to move sustainability and social responsibility from buzzwords to a company mission capable of motivating employees (Knowledge @ Wharton 2016). e) base wage or salary. Content theories include all of the following theories EXCEPT: e) Locke and Latham's goal setting theory. [3] [page needed] Stage theories [ edit] A disaster may be domestic or international b. Satisfaction and dissatisfaction are on different scales in his view. In 2016, the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) launched a pilot program called Jump in which employees participated in challenges on ways to save water and electricity, as well as other sustainability issues. c) achievement. SDT researchers have consistently found that as the level of extrinsic rewards increases, the amount of intrinsic motivation decreases. c) internalized negative inequity Sustainability should be tied to a higher purpose and foster a sense of unity not simply among employees, but even with competition at a societal level (Knowledge @ Wharton 2016). They include such needs as the need for achievement, for love, and for affiliation (see Table 14.1).4. Maslows theory is still popular among practicing managers. Management theories include methods and practices that companies follow to manage their employees and maintain good employee relations effectively. When nAch is being expressed, making it a manifest need, people try hard to succeed at whatever task theyre doing. Motivation mcqs - CHAPTER 10: MOTIVATION Multiple Choice - StuDocu . How? c) Its essence is that perceived inequity is a motivating state. Kohlberg's theory of moral development Piaget's stages of cognitive development Erikson's stages of psychosocial development Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development SDT theory has interesting implications for the management of organizational behavior. These eight types of intelligence represent the varied ways individuals process information. All of the following are examples of stage theories in development except _____. 14.2 Content Theories of Motivation - OpenStax Other needs take over and we endeavor to satisfy them. A need is a human condition that becomes "energized" when people feel deficient in some respect. They differ in that they feel best when they have influenced a work group to achieve the groups goals, and not some personal agenda. According to Maslow, lower-level needs must be satisfied before high-level needs can be achieved. How does this pay structure relate to self-determination theory (SDT)? All of the following characteristics apply to the prokaryotes except A. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun!. c) McClelland's acquired needs theory. The need for affiliation contributes to managerial success only in those situations where the maintenance of warm group relations is as important as getting others to work toward group goals. c) an individual's choice when presented with a number of possible alternatives Herzberg argued that there are two sets of needs, instead of the five sets theorized by Maslow. In this case, Alderfers third component, frustration regression, can cause us to shift our attention to a previously satisfied, more concrete, and verifiable need. The degree to which the rules and procedures specified by policies are properly followed in all cases to which they are applied is known as __________. As shown in Exhibit 14.7, the ERG model addresses the same needs as those identified in Maslows work: Exhibit 14.8 identifies a number of ways in which organizations can help their members satisfy these three needs. e) Locke and Latham's goal setting theory. e) relatedness factors. b.) __________ is the process of developing, negotiating, and formalizing the targets or objectives that a person is responsible for accomplishing. Manny is classified as driven by a need for: According to Orem each of the four constituent theories within the Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory include all of the following,EXCEPT: ( Multiple Choice) Question 9. c) When a person will react to specific management styles The need for achievement varies in intensity across individuals. d) expectancy, instrumentality, and valence are all high Chapter 4 Theories of Motivation 4.1 Multiple-Choice Questions To get free, shake off restraint, break out of confinement. ( True False) Question 10. Long since displaced by more refined theories, hedonism clarifies the idea that needs provide direction for motivation. Content theories include all of the following theories EXCEPT: a) Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. Some jobs are by their very nature uninteresting and unlikely to be made interesting. e) Locke and Latham's goal setting theory. exports to Europe? a) Hygiene factors include achievement and recognition. First, when a need has been energized, we are motivated to satisfy it. Rather, hygienes refer to job context factors (pay, working conditions, supervision, and security). Process theories of motivation focus on which of the following? e. Carl Jung. Therefore, the more we satisfy our growth need, the more important it becomes and the more strongly we are motivated to satisfy it. b) instrumentalities b) self esteem 53. 58. e.) growth, The ERG theory contends that __________. a) ERG theory collapses Maslow's five need levels into two need categories.
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