Thats their business. Bishop of Cornerstone Church Toledo and the Cornerstone Global Network I think you perhaps mean undergraduate degree because Ive never heard of anything called an understudy degree. Are you pushed to bring people to church and invite so many per month? Do you feel like you have to give more than you can afford or are you made to feel guilty regarding how much you do or dont tythe? He wasnt drunk. Just because Denny Schafer has a way to speak his opinion in public doesnt make him a bad guy. My Cornerstone. In fact he apologized and said there was no excuse. LE, What are you doing here? He will be judged with the rest of us. You guessed it. Please let this die. I thought you were never coming back Julie. Pastor Pitts doesnt need to explain himself here, nor has he ever done so! Wayne Aarum was the first man Joy McCullough ever held hands with. amen! Wayne Aarum was not present for the meeting. But there was a significant amount of evidence that many people found quite convincing. MAUMEE--A local pastor convicted of drunk driving is back home. The vehicle stood out and was recognizable for its color, make, model, and convertible status. He said,I loved you guys and viewed you as my own children. Dave: All those Biblical types you mention acknowledged theyd done something wrong. By signing, you accept Change.orgs Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and agree to receive occasional emails about campaigns on It almost been 72 hours, are your attorneys issuing their warrants er subpeona or subpoena (yea thats what it is). And if you find out if the other was true. It quickly evolvedto include allegations of Aarums abuse at Circle C Ranch, all of which were ultimately included in the investigations findings. 48hr left. You cant really think he doesnt know this about you. Obviously you are much sharper than T.D. My reference is based upon years of experience. He blamed his problems on media monsters. Dont waste your time or money with this church. We send our kids to camp and something happens, and we know about something, thats where it gets scary. BTW, have you looked into going on disability? The people at Cornerstone are blinded to the truth because they worship him. Reporters also tried to contactRonald Snell,a longtime friend of Wes Aarum Sr. andCircle C board member for a short period, whowas also present at the meeting. Nor does that attitude reflect in my posts. I think alot of other churches, have a problem with the mixed congregation. In an email to aUSA TODAY NETWORK reporter on April 28, 2021, Aarum said: I have never had any sexual interaction with anyone other than my wife. I think most people have driven when they probably shouldnt and got out of it scot free (I know I have). Someone who looks exactly like Michael Pitts stole the pastors car and his personal identification, masturbated in front of two boys, and then blackmailed the pastor for at least two years so the pastor couldnt acknowledge the mixup; or if you live in New York or across the U.S., the following centers and hotlines can connect you with counseling, information and support: Bivona Child Advocacy Center in Rochester, New York works on child abuse response, healing and preventionwith a model that leverages collaboration between law enforcement, medical personnel, and child protective services. Pitts pleaded "no contest,"and Judge Gary Byers found him guilty and sentenced him to 9 days in the Corrections Center of Northwest Ohio in Stryker. They are non-denominational. and called and tried over and over to contact the church (it was a service night)to let someone know. A USA TODAY NETWORK investigation found thatAarum, 55,touchedat least 16teenage girls inappropriately, some on multiple occasions, according to their firsthand accounts. You dont need Pitts approval or covering. Pastor goes all over the world teaching and preaching to not only congregations, but to Pastors and Ministers. [5] As of 2005 it became the largest church in Northwest Ohio, with 4,000 members. Rest assured that he makes far more from his speaking engagements and book royalties than his salary from cornerstone. Some people, Im afraid, are just blinded by what they Want to see, and not whats real. Its not about that, it should be all about God. Im not speaking of an arrest warrant, which is not actually issued by a judge. I noticed they all look young and hip. you go girl!! People dont have problem with a church, until they see you building beyond the church structure itself. New York State Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline. If you are that concerned about a so called false-prophet or a church being led astray by false teachings then get on your knees and do some real intercession pray for this man and these people.oh and one more thingLord, you are awesome!! Charlton wrote here on RD back in March: Thesuit has been filed not only on behalf of the individual plaintiffs [8 at this point], but also on behalf of a much larger class of people allegedly abused as minors in SGM, who do not wish to come forward with their stories. I have always tried to do my best to help.. p.s. He was identified by witnesses along with his automobile. Have you not read in the New Testament that if you do one part of the law you are obligated to keep all of the law? Here you will find a variety of messages from Phil and Meredith Ryburn and the team at Cornerstone C. One can still see what a wonderful teacher he is. Sarah Taddeo is an Enterprise reporter for USA Today Network's in New York, covering consumer affairs and statewide news. Just because you can take a scripure out of context doesnt mean you have Michael Pitts number. Over the next 8 years the church invested over $800,000 into the station, eventually purchasing 37% ownership. Ill pray for you Matt. If you notice on his website there is no mention of Jesus. Please consider becoming a digital subscriber. Cornerstone Church - Home - Facebook If 72 hours pass, and this forum still exists, my attorneys will be issuing your warrant. Hes known for his knowledge, humor, devotion to the Lord and to His people. Thanks. He was consecrated as a bishop by the International Communion of Charismatic Churches in 2009. I WAS in fact looking for some past info. MinistrySafelawyer Kimberlee Norris spentmonthsinterviewingdozens ofvictims, witnesses and corroborating sources. Add to that Pitts drunk driving conviction and you wonder what is it that attracts these paper mache religious leaders to something like his latest conference called Decree: Heaven on Earth (make sure to look at the url closely). Best wishes to you in finding your answers. Also a fact I would assume the Pator knows. Pitts has been found guilty ofdriving under the influence once before. Not spreading rumors. Pastor Michael was never conclusively identified at any of the locations of his charges. I thought this forum died, if you have a problem with Pastor Michael Pitts, take it the Lord in prayer. Actually, the Delta incident like you called it was proven to be false just like the other so-called incidents its hard for him to do those things when hes out of the country! Share this story. I have a hard time believing Pastor Pitts would have done those things and continue to minister. Ive been to Cornerstone, have you? I wish Id done more, Gillis said. It was the best decision Ive ever made. If I wanted to get a copy, yes I could get it..anyone can. Vengeanceis the Lords, Ademasaid. p.s. He is the founding pastor of Cornerstone Church and oversees the Cornerstone Global Network, a network of over 150 churches throughout the US, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, South Africa and the UK. Nobodys perfect, you should know that! It reminds me of a movie I saw once about a traveling vampire circus. Since late 2019, allegations aboutWayne Aarums misconduct have gained momentum. Do you have a system of discipling or spiritual guidance your expected to seek? As for why people still worship at his church the good pastor is a charismatic man. When asked if he had even been confronted about his interactions with teen girls at campbyboard members, Ranch employees or volunteers, Aarum said no family member or Ranchboard memberhad even complained to him regarding his conduct. If you open up your heart and ask God to reveal to you the truth, He will. I believe it was MLK that said the most segregated day in America is Sunday. When she finished telling him about it, Aarum praised her;he said God still loved her. He is a man who has guided my learning well. She added that the difference between the strict rules for teenagecamp staff membersand the operational freedom thatAarum seemed to have as a senior leaderwasstark;You start to see the dichotomy of how the kids are treated and how Wayne was untouchable as far as what he was allowed to do, she said. Dont fear Pitts fear his saints? Michael Pitts (@bishoppitts) / Twitter This public display of affection is just the latest in a long-running and highly public friendship. He was released over the weekend. And my family is better because of it! Protesters demand accountability for Cornerstone Church leaders - WTOL Given the lack of critical response to the appearance, Mahaney will likely feel more comfortable returning to the broader evangelical conference circuit. Many former members believe that the church preys on underprivileged minorities, especially in the black and hispanic communities and those with lower socio-economic status. By the way, its Michael, not MIchael easy isnt it.. It was 1997, and Aarum was her youth pastor. Though there has been some debate surrounding Pitts ability to get charges against him dismissed on legal technicalities, the Bible has no such leniency for those who claim to be bishops in the Lords church. Jesus completed the law but he didnt disregard it. Pastor Pitts pled guilty to trespassing. So, yeah, I certainly dont say God unless Im saying it to speak to Him, or talking about Him to someone else. How can anyone in their right mind ignore the Delta arrest? At the time of the Delta incident, Pitts was driving a teal blue Saab; which was identified by two boys. I WATCH PASTOR PITTS ON A REGULAR BASIS AND BENEFIT FROM HIS MINISTRY. Its funny that redneck Carty Finkbeiner could get less media coverage for all his real crimes. I am a member of Cornerstone and I want to say to Kevin (and whoever else may be wondering) exactly what happened the service after the DUI. I call it an organization because thats how he runs it. hahahaha! how are you so sure that its true? Youre not Michael Pitts. Let your yes be yes and your no be no. If he didnt do these things, then you have nothing to worry about, right? FOR ALL THE MEMBERS OUT THERE I WAS CURIOUS WHAT HE SAID ABOUT THAT? ( dont you worry about your own walk and stop judging another mans servant if you want reference scripture. We give as unto the Lord and we do it for Him, not just for our church. Its so easy to stand outside a situation and form opinions based on the malarky that the media puts out there, as well as the gossip of others. Patterns of predatory behavior emerged and grew more egregious as time passed.. It can be difficult for people to see a well-known leader or authority figure as a potential perpetrator of abuse,said Rachael Denhollander,a lawyer and advocate for victims of sexual abusewho was the first victim to publicly accuse Larry Nassar, a former doctor for USA Gymnastics, ofsexualabuse in 2016. Sorry, I do buy it. So we must ask ourselves the question, what makes us righteous? LOL . We pastor a small church, (no, Im not jealous, I wouldnt want a large church, too much stress) and I have an incurable disease. He is just a man. God Bless Pastor Pitts and the whole Cornerstone Family, I myself have benefited greatly from the annointing spirit that overflows beyond the walls of Cornerstone. May God richly bless you all! Come on, be serious. As part of the unusual plea agreement, both prosecution and defense agreed that neither side would be allowed to discuss the reasons for the sudden deal. Pastor Pitts claimed complete vindication. His parents were raised attending church regularly. After the lawsuit against SGM was dropped, in fact, Mohler and two fellow evangelicals published astatement of supportfor Mahaney, calling him our friend and a vast influence for good. The statement claimed that Mahaney was not charged with any credible, serious, and direct wrongdoing. Thus, they wrote, we, along with many others, refused to step away from C.J. Unfortunately, there is no one to rebuke him sharply, openly and to his face until he repents. Nothing. Snellfelt confused, she recalls; no one had ever touched her like that. Futhermore, you obviously did not really look into the Delta incident. Hmmmmm. I dont mean to give you a hard time but just want to encourage you to seek the truth and remember that your relationship with God, and answering to God is more important than answering to a leader of Cornerstone And you go girl. God is the ultimate judge. Mr. Smith said that as part of the negotiation, prosecutors agreed to return to the defense any evidence of Mr. Pittss counseling sessions with Dr. Gregory Forgac, a Toledo psychologist who frequently deals with sex offenders. Two law enforcement agencies conducted investigations in the allegations earlier this year. Thank You Lord for all that you are doing in my life and in the lives of those who you have called and anointed for this season!!! If anyone ever cares to chat with me, feel free to email me at, and Ill be happy to talk with you. In an interviewwith Buffalos WKBW-TV in March, Wayne Aarum told reporters he'd like to knowthe identities of thewomenwhoare accusing him ofimpropriety. This taught us one thing The media always start with the story they want to portray and then goes and gets information to support it. Hes a great man with a past. (Of course, I hadnt to surf in secret and never told anyone at church that I was questioning the church) I felt like I had become so obsessed/convinced that I was in the one, true church that I couldnt leave or I would surely lose my salvation. Toledo is a very racist, bureaucratic and segregated place that fears the truth and God. Benton who lived and worked in Toledo for some time said he was dismayed that there was little information on Pitts sexual malfunctions on the internet. False prophetess Paula White is working hard to resurrect the church her selfish divorce helped tear down. Is that your fruit dropping to the ground? Michael Pitts (pastor) - Wikipedia To invest in and support our ministry, visit to make a. At that point, Carolyn McDonald briefly considered alawsuit, butdropped it after her lawyers saidit wouldbedifficult to bring her most egregiousallegations of abuseto court, because she couldnt remember whether she was 17 or 18 when they occurred. Yes I am. I do believe in God. Thirdly: During the beginning of the trial, more than 4 people (women)reported to the police that the individual they saw had an uncanny likeness to michael pitts and they gave a description of a car that was later followed up on and the individual that owned the car DID have a definite likeness to the pastor, as well as a record as long as your arm of indecent exposure and assault!! Barnaum or even the great Dr. Suess, Jesus has the first, last and middle words. Thats your defensiveness rising up in you. People imperonating others is in fact fraud, but more than this the word of God says, and I quote, touch not mine annointed and do my prophets no harm. Many ofthose womenwould later spend years in therapyto erase traces of emotional entanglement with him. A subpoena is what you and your understudy degree are referring to which is: a formal order commanding a person to appear in court under penalty. Pitts, Wife Included Among Power Shifters", "Growing strong: Four local churches where the congregations are rising to the heavens", "Diversity a goal of local congregations", "Pastors Lament Loss of Access to WDMN-AM", "Cornerstone Church and its leader are the real deal", "Bishop Pitts: New period of awakening is coming to California", "Spiritual revival event showcases talented teens", "Pr Jessica shares her testimony in Ghana", "Toledo charity lost its leader but not her spirit", "Churches equip U.S. soldiers with over 5000 Bibles", "Cornerstone Toledo Youth Visit Mercy Ministries Today", "Local church to sponsor benefit for city's needy", "Cornerstone pastor writes 2 books on handling crises", "Metropark ranger in Pitts case suspended", "Low-power Toledo TV station produces a high-stakes drama", "Toledo Area Pastor Released from Jail after Serving Nine Days",, This page was last edited on 6 December 2022, at 08:34. [18], On September 18, 1997, Pitts was arrested on charges of exposing himself to passing motorists near Oak Openings Metropark in Swanton, Ohio. 100% of travelers recommend this experience. whats one more sin I guess if I find you all Ill have to Get prayed over BY Pitts for whiping your asses and getting you fired like Toledos Denny S 92.5 FM your next. How is Charlotte this time of year, anyway? He is a good teacher and preaches for ME to follow the word. Do you know someone connected to The Chapel or Circle C Ranch? The witness never actually was indicted for purgery, but maybe, the charges were suddenly dropped because he was going to be??? Its sad but there are ways to work around it and stick uncle sam with the outrageous price tag of medical coverage. His behavior does NOT represent the rest of us. Cornerstone Youth exists to disciple resilient believers that influence culture. Hes more focused on speaking to asset owners. Pitts is not exempt from sin because hes carries the title of Pastor or Apostle or because he built a multi-million dollar organization. Rather the DA, deputy sherriff or a Sherriff himself. I left after the drunk driving incident because there was no true remorse from Michael for the ordeal that he put his members through. Its written in the Bible. Image: Courtesy photo . Eastview Christian Church leaders promise review amid allegations of 38 people follow this. Service Times: Sunday: 10:00 am Thursday 7:30 pm [23][19] In 2006, Pitts again pleaded "no contest" to a DUI and was sentenced to 9 days in the Corrections Center of Northwest Ohio, a fine of $300, and suspension of Pitts driving license for one year, starting April 2007. Eight additional public indecency charges were dropped due to "substantial evidentiary considerations" and Pitts pleaded "no contest" to two charges of criminal trespassing and was sentenced to 60 days in jail. (obviously this is paraphrased) Dont be blinded by the charisma of this man. Oh, looks like I stuck a nerve. But unfortunately thats not the case. Did you see him doing the act.. He is one of the greatest men of God I, or for that matter the world, has ever known. This info was disclosed via tape recordings to the defense and they were ready to use it. You really are deceived. Another issue involved the two young witnesses, who would have had to appear in court. The qualifications are clear. But several of themmadethemselves known to Aarum or his boardover the years in hopes that confrontingthe issue head-on would causeAarumsbehavior to change. Carolyn McDonald, a former Circle C Ranch staffer, and Jerry Gillis, lead pastor at The Chapel, discuss the allegations against Wayne Aarum. Thats what bothers you! Michael Pitts is an American pastor, preacher, and author. Firstly, many many individuals in the city of Toledo were and have been very unhappy about Michael Pitts once the church started to grow big. A buddy of mine used to video tape the services at Cornerstone. So, my friends, Im not going to be here anymore. What do you call what your doing here? The answer, apparently, is 7 months. Theres some thoughts to ponder Julie. Lily was a ho, but know she is above pastors, I DONT THINK ANYONE IS WILLING TO BOTHER GETTING THE DELTA REPORTTHEY WOULD RATHER BASE THEIR OPINIONS ON RUMORS. The leadership is very secretive, deceptive, and full of greed. Isnt it funny how when you type michael pitts into the search field of this site you get links to go and look at his books at and In skits at church and later at Circle C, he played Jesus. When a pastor resigns after his 77-church network is implicated in the largest evangelical sex abuse scandal to date, how long does it take for him to regain the trust of his colleagues? Advocating for sexual abuse survivors If you were sexually abused by a #MattRasor, Chief Financial Officers of Cornerstone Church - Maumee/ Toledo, we want to help. Im not speaking of an arrest warrant, which is not actually issued by a judge. Dont get your hackles up matthew and no name thats just my opinion. I think its disgusting. Anyone that builds a multi-million dollar organization is not stupid, slow, ignorant or any such thing. It was almost like I needed that from him, said Poulsen, who now lives inAmherst. Its apparent because these people cannot govern their own lives, they turn a blind eye and enable Pitts to continue his charade and deception. If Pastor Pitts is guilty of that sin FORGIVE HIM mind your business and go on preaching the truth to the ones in need. Cstone - Apps on Google Play Where are those stories? Since his last name is not pitts, they didnt know he was related to him. So the people who were victim to the disgusting actions of Pitts, are just supposed to live with it? He stood in harms way to protect Gods people, he faced death and peril to protect Gods peoplehe was righteous. His final punishment: 14 days of house arrest with an ankle bracelet and a $500 fine. Id settle down on the f word if I were you. Others were less sure. The annointing is bigger than one person, there are many members of Cornerstone that are bless with nice things. A young Michael and Kathi Pitts founded Cornerstone Christian Center, "This is a place you can pastor the city from." I just dont get it. He would kiss their foreheads, or put his forehead to theirs in a close embrace a particular physical encounter thatstaff members at the Ranch would refer toas gettingWayned., Aarum said in a May 7, 2021, email thathe had never touched anyonein a way that was unsuitable orincorrect in the work, situation, location, setting, or circumstances.. All Right, all right, I never said I was a shining beacon of light., Denny Schaffer wasnt fired.he was promoted to WSPD. Actually, God did show the truth, they just choose to ignore it. Im known by the entire Cornerstone congregation.I dont need the trouble or the headache. Cornerstone Church Toledo Sex Abuse Lawsuits - Meet # - Facebook
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