My favorite books when I was a kid were books that continued on and told a story. Children of the Covered Wagon introduced life in the prairie which I would imitate during my schooltime recess. Another beautiful book! Reading all the comments brings back so many memories of great childrens books! Because of Cherry Ames, not likely, because of me. Books that encouraged dreaming in one way or another. Required fields are marked *. I got to revisit my childhood through my kids eyes and conversation as we interacted with those books. She also subscribed me to a Nancy Drew book club. Thank you for all the information you put out for us all to learn. I loved The lion, the Witch , and the Wardrobe. I am a identical twin and there was a set of twin bears in the book (Flora and Dora) and I remember loving to see how each bear had their own interests and styles but in the end all loved eachothers company. Zoes book looks amazing and the photos are breathtaking! As a child I always liked non-fiction books. These stories taught me to look past the mundane and realize the magical in life. I still love books too and these days am developing a gardening collection, which will soon include Erins books and this one as well! X Tania. An inspiration of what friends can do for you. One of my favorite books as a child was Letters From Felix because it was the first book I ever received that was unique in how it was made. Congratulations Zoe!! Thank you for asking! food that rhymes with alexis food that rhymes with alexis. Thank you floret for finding me on the internet all those years ago. About 20 years ago I decided I loved Bull Terriers and read up on them. I loved reading this interview and learning about flower life in New Zealand! . . It shaped me by showing me the importance of reading to my own children, which I did for many, many years. Jai bien aim relire ses livres ma fille quand elle tait jeune. Thanks for introducing me to this wonderful flower grower and the beauty she and her mum being into the world . Ever since then, I have had a soft spot in my heart for helping those less fortunate. Thanks for reminding me of all those magical hours and I was able to return to them while reading to my kids! And after purchasing my first home with my fiance this past December, now mapping out or vegetable and flower gardens, what better book to add to our collection than an I Spy-esque book about flowers! In many ways Nancy was a role model for me- shes such a strong young women, relentlessly working to solve the problem and absolutely NAILING IT! Sizzle, sizzle, watch it fry. I read the Boxcar Children series to my children and now my grandchildren. Jessies illustrations were so dreamy. Words that rhyme with food - WordHippo I read whatever I could get my hands on, it was an escape to different lives and worlds. pearl, earl and whirl all rhyme with girl in my book BaskerviIle. Choose a job you love and you will never work a day in your life.. Confucius. I accumulated a huge collection of Jan Bretts books as a kid. Im also hoping I can visit your farm as I roadtrip through WA state this summer! It was the first time, in first grade , that my mother allowed me to purchase a book from the Scholastic Book Order form! Basil E. Frankweiler, the thought of running away and spending the night at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and then solving a puzzle involving art and history was very appealing! These are the spices that make up my potion. Ended up majoring in physics, getting a Ph.D. in Materials Science, and doing aerospace materials research. Its the reason I chose to garden organically and to use no kill methods to deter pests from my plants above and below the ground :). They were books about kids reading books, going on adventures, and solving problems! To this day, I remain a hopeless romantic <3. It is lovely seeing contributions from New Zealand, thank you. Today I know so much random facts about animals, that only helps if we are playing trivia games or sometimes when watching Jeopardy lol . Ever since my elementary days Ive been drawn to books spinning tales of people living off the land, whether it was spotlighting the lifestyles of indigenous peoples, or the rugged hardships of early pioneers. Once I had kids I discovered that I actually really do love books! . I loved most of the books mentioned by othersespecially the Narnia series and The Secret Garden. Those and anything about horses, art, and flowers! My blossoming heart looks to you. Je me suis tout de suite inscrit une petite formation ds une ferme florale de ma rgion pour en savoir plus. We are surrounded by nature and our neighbors farm animals and even through Im learning country life is not easy (my husband grew up in the country with a farmer father) I love seeing the beauty in the simple world around us, how everything works cohesively to thrive and how hard work provides opportunities for things to grow. He gave us all plants to sustain our bodies and beautify our lives. Would love to add Zos beautiful book to my collection. Growing up my books where mostly authored by Margrethe Henry (fabulous horse stories). I still have to reference those thoughts and beliefs daily now that were farming. Probably the first book I read was the Secret Garden, but I loved the imagination behind James and the Giant Peach. I was really into Stephen King when I was younger. I really didnt have any books as a child that inspired me with the exception of the book Hawaii. I loved fantasy books with great world building and they are still my favorite! Books are such a wonderful gift. Thanks for a chance to win another! Well, Ive had to reach back many decades to remember the books Ive read as a child. Until this question I hadnt thought about it but its incredibly relevant in my daily life. I also really loved the I Spy books- especially with a younger sibling. Creating hidden spaces with plants is satisfying, even the patience required for everything to grow is cultivated. She took me with her to our tiny little public library week after week hoping I would be interested in checking out a book. The Lupine Lady by Barbara Cooney is my all time favorite. Life lessons! Ultimate list of over 100 brilliant books every child should read for I remember these blue-covered books all line up together. Owning my own horse was a dream. Id rather have something home-made and free. I loved to read as a childI really loved old poetry books I would find in antique shops while my mom would look for antique items that she was on the hunt for. I loved books about magic and other worlds, like the Narnia series. Thanks for joining us again Zo, and congratulations on your new book! Its about family, struggle, LOVE conquering all, and the power of plants as medicine, as a way to bond with the earth, and as a way to make a living. Nancy was so clever and confident! List of Rhyming Foods - Kenn Nesbitt's Children of the Forest features the sweetest mushroom capped children, and in The Flowers Festival fairies heads are surrounded in flower petals. Probably the free Sears catalog . Kia kaha. I loved coming off age novels that included nature and magic. I think this book will be a perfect addition to an afternoon on the porch with a tall glass of icy lemonade! As an adult, I was lucky enough to find and purchase a sweet, quaint early 1900s farmhouse and its my little girl dreams come true. Besides that, this book is absolutely stunning! I loved a good compelling story then, and I still do!! I was fascinated by the old ways of living. I continue to love visual puzzles and paired with flowers is just brilliant! I could feel the heat that makes you slow when looking at those pages. Harry Potter was my favorite series as a child. I am always inspired by books that showcase the beauty of the land. I love junking still, and especially love old things amongst the flowers in my yard. I remember we would take laundry baskets to the library every month and fill it with books; I loved mystery like Nancy Drew or historical fiction such as The Shenandoah Sisters series. My favorite book as a teen was The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady by Edith Holden. Which words rhyme? Now in May Im going to the UK and have several must see gardens. Dont miss it! I absolutely loved a collection of books of National Geographic photos. Great interview! Its a whole new wonderful world in flowers and gardening. It motivated me to become a physician and work for health and human rights around the world. So dont be afraid to give cabbage a try. As a kid, my mom would let me choose piles of books from the scholastic order forms sent home from school. Like Miss Rumphius, I, too, hope to make the world more beautiful, be it with roadsides abundant with lupine or sharing flowers in another way with the world. I loved so many books as a childhard to choose just one! I love books about horses. I still have an appreciation for animals and a sympathy for them, but my attention has turned more to caring for people and their lives and struggles. This book looks absolutely stunning. I loved mystery stories of all kinds: Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, and also read the Little House books many times over. Things of nature. I loved historical fiction as a childthe Dear America series was a particular favorite. I found colors to be more vibrant and it made the whole universe come alive! Magical and English! It gave a sense of wonder and a little bit of that magic. This was the 1st book I wanted to read again. 2. I mostly loved books about adventure and animals. around her young heroine enchanted me and helped me articulate what I had long experienced about nature a source of solace, interest, and undying wonder. So eat up your greens, and enjoy their crunch and snap, Packed full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. I read it over and over; it sparked an incredible imaginative side of my brain that I credit a lot of my creativity to! The Secret Garden, Harriet the Spy, & The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. As a child I was always drawn to animal stories full of adventure and heartbreak and discovery and relationships and life. It has kept me searching for that little special thing everywhere. I was that girl who loved all things horse, spending hours drawing them and living for every other Thursday at 4pm when I could have a riding lesson on my favorite old black horse, Peanuts, at Jimmy Rainwaters Flying Horseshoe Ranch. I loved Winnie the Pooh and knew all the poems from When We Were Very Young and Now We Are Six. It was truly finding an old friend again. She was a young girl who solved mysteries and went on different adventures. Influenced with dozens of fictional princesses growing up, Ella was the most relatable as she was always fighting her inner most desires to please everyone around her. The 1st time she saw the canopy of apple blossom on the ride home drew me right in. Is there anything more sweet? Classic tales that were condensed. Favorite childrens books of mine are now in the hands of my young grandson. I loved reading anything about nature as a child and especially when I was outside. is. I loved that book so much that I found a used copy as an adult so my own girls could enjoy it! Pop a food item on the plate and have its pair and one other object ready. At the end of the book was a suitcase full of stickers from where Felix traveled. As a child, it sounded foreign and beautiful to live in America before it was settled. She came up with creative ways to help parents with parenting. Friendship and love are as important to me as they are in the pages of this book, and regardless of the pain that comes, I dont want to betray those values and I dont want to give up. As a child, the best part to me was when she meets the talking flowers. I especially loved one book called Jingle Bell Jack. My grandmothers neighbor often read it to me. Dreams do come true! Graham Oakleys Magical Changes showed me how to look at things in many different ways, and how dynamic things can be. It shaped my perspective that everyones story is so intertwined with factors outside their control! Recently, Where The Crawdads Sing , had a great second story of how nature adapts to waterways. Nancy solved mysteries and was smart, independent and stylish and a good role model for me growing up with three brothers. Seeing so many women find peace in gardening I too am starting in that realm. When I was young I liked my Bible story books. I also got some of your Dahlia seeds. Today I am an avid nature lover, artist, and flower farmer! I loved the Bobbsey Twins series (showing my age!). XO) And great interview and story Zoe! Anything that sparked my imagination for adventure and dreaming. As an adult I like to go back to childrens books,after I worked with young children so many years, I realised that we all have this chance to go back to that wonder inside of each of us and create with no limits,just as childrens are doing,when I look at this book I see all the beauty and the colors and this, brings me back to my real creativity. That labor of love she had in the garden now means more than ever. I read everything I could get my hands on, our local library just wasnt big enough:). And I hope to build this passion into a small business one day. I loved Snugglepot and Cuddlepie by May Gibbs. The global event encourages children to read for pleasure, giving every youngster the opportunity to have a book of their own by handing out free World Book Day tokens for the occasion. filled with wild flowers and trees! I really enjoyed reading the secret garden. And a Heaven in a Wild Flower I remember the contrasts of the orange Justicia with the purple Ruellia, berries in the fall from our pyracantha, and the white spring blooms of spireas. I have a soft spot for anything with multicoloured flecksroses, dahlias, zinniasI love them all. Your book is a ray of sunshine! The Secret Garden. The Book With No Pictures by B J Novak; The Diary of a Killer Cat by Anne Fine; The Hundred-Mile-An-Hour Dog . Narnia has shaped a lot of who I am today. (Urban area so no sheep or goats here.). But I do love to share my love with my friends by posting them on my Instagram page. I treasure the fact I still have this book after 50+ years of loving it. I have since found a different copy for the kids to have on their bookshelf. I loved all kinds of books but especially mysteries like Nancy Drew, the Bobbsey Twins, and the Boxcar Children. It was my way of escaping and adventuring as a child. I can be a successful flower farmer season 2, here I come trying again! What a lovely interview! Simply always loved flowers. Ultimately the tales of a self-sufficient simple life must have grabbed me. Lots of pretty flowers in the artwork of a funny little story. These are treasured tomes that are still on my bookshelves. Et voil que ce printemps je commencerais mes premires semis de fleurs :) . I loved how the children were so clever and could survive out in the woods. As a child, I was introduced to the Bible story books by Arthur Maxwell. To this day I am sure this is where my love for gardening and flowers where born. I am so excited that copies are finally available for us here in the states. My dad introduced me to Madeleine LEnglea A Wrinkle In Time as a young teen, and I was hooked on Sci-Fi for life! I absolutely loved books as a child and still do as an adult. Have always loved books. My two favorite books of his you could search for Goldbug on every page! I knew it would be our retirement home the minute I saw it. Id get lost in the illustrations, with so much detail including little hidden story lines in the borders of the pages. Thank you so much for being so generous with your knowledge, seeds, resources and beautiful flower world. I am still an avid reader with a deep love for words and beauty. With my petals full of dew, Tii hi is book looks stunning!! What a beautiful book. We need to see beauty in times like these. As a child I loved Felicity from The American Girls collection as well as Black Beauty. And I have grow lights in the library because after we read Harlem Grown we will be starting seeds!! Thank you for the chance to share this book and this memory! The lovely thing about fiction is that everybody comes away with a different impact from itI think, for me, its been a better appreciation and awareness of the beauty of life, basically, how to immerse myself in my own life. Ive always been drawn to books on nature and flowers, in particular because I co-lead a group of women arranging fresh flowers every Sunday. Zoes book is gorgeous and makes me nostalgic for the I Spy books my children loved. Loved this mother daughter story it reminds me so much of how my own daughter and I work together Add flowers to the equation and it makes me long to see their lovely farm!!! My favorites as an early reader were the Narnia series and Little House on the Prarie. The Bee Man of Orn is about accepting people for who they naturally are. I have two clear favorites that stick out in my mind from when my mom would read to me when I was young. It was like seek and find. First, I would listen tirelessly to my father reading about little Marys garden adventures; then, when I finally learned to read, I returned to that magic spot again and again. Id have to say my favorite books were those with beautiful illustrations and photographs. Planting seeds, caring for the plants along their journey to harvest time. The world at your feet you view, From this book, Ive learned never to judge someone or something before you truly know who or what they are. King of the Wind, Call of the Wild, Where the Red Fern Grows, Julie of the Wolves, My a side Of the Mountain Black Beauty Black Stallion, and all the garden catalogs I could find. As an early reader my favorite book was Chip and Dales book of The Mystery of the Missing Peanut. This is such a fun question to think about! It is no wonder that I grew into an adult who has studied both horticulture and medicine, who loves nature photography, is obsessed with being outside surrounded by flowers and wildlife, and who takes every opportunity I can get to travel and explore the world. And my mom probably read this book to me thousands of times. Sewing my clothes led me into fashion design and the significance of color which now is my starting point for any endeavor. I actually struggled to enjoy reading as a child. Charlotte was a creative inspirer! was called Summer at Buckhorn. I loved trying to solve the mysteries as I read the book. Hello Im so excited to hear about Zoe and from my country of birth! The farm was originally her parents what a sad day, me being the only girl on a huge livestock farm dug up every possible place I could grow roses and other not so familiar flowers, I got my first job working at a Landscape and garden center and spent every paycheck making my parents home a place I wanted to come back to. and they passed that obsession on to me. I loved so many books, but two of my childhood favorites were Black Beauty and Charlottes Web. What a treat! I was lucky enough to have 8 siblings. Vincent Van Gogh wrote Color itself speaks a language, you cannot live without it.. I loved old fairy tales. The characters in these stories, particularly the females, showed me that my quiet confidence could lead me to so many places. I also loved the magazine Highlights with the best part being the search of the hidden items, simialr to Lost & FOund. I remember my Granddaddy reading to me from The Bumper Book. I am a woman of 70 years. Your book looks beautiful. She met a lot of different people along the way. I also love gardening and photography and am excited to photograph our emerging spring daffodils. (To-the-point dry history books were my least favorite.) And now when Im working on my bit of earth, I think of my childhood friend Mary, and the robin, and I smile. What a great escape! I wanted to recreate that very same joy Id felt as a child but with a grown-up twist, incorporating my love of flowers and nature, but still holding onto that playfulness. So any biography I could read I would and today I feel like that helped me keep an open mind and heart for everyone. Of course I wanted to be Jo but my personality was more like Beth. I learned about flowers, dogs, trees, different countrys flags, all kinds of things! This is a beautiful interview with stunning photography! I loved reading any book about a different place or culture, I always loved learned about how other people live. Now I know that every day life for me can be a beautiful story of its own, woven throughout with the magic of ordinary days. I enjoyed reading books about dogs and war. This past fall (spring in the Southern Hemisphere) Zo released her first book, Lost & Found, and I was fortunate enough to get a copy to review in advance. The interview with Zoe is lovelymakes me wish I lived closer to New Zealand as I would love to attend one of her workshops. It made me smile as I reached back in time to decide what I would say. Later in Jr and Senior high school I was able to access the library where I found The Hobbit and other adventure stories. I gravitated towards books about misunderstood girls (Meg Murray of Wrinkle in Time, etc.) The scale of damage is beyond anything I have ever seen, so many have lost everything and many are still cut off with no access in or out. :-). So looking forward to getting a copy into my hands but also into the graceful, elegant hands of a college chum who could have collaborated with you on this entire adventure.. it mirrors her perfectly! Heaven! I have always been interested in drawing and painting, so I remember these pictures and their subtlety to this day. And now as an adult, I am most happy in the wild places and on our small farm, conversing with the plants and animals of a place. The paintings I was especially drawn to where landscapes, nature and flowers. What a dream come true! So if anything I came to love books.and to read . As a kid I was always into biographies about the underdog I like to believe be it taught me to always keep fighting and trusting my drive even when things seem impossible. I love all the unusual in nature and look for to put in my designs. I loved all the Mother Goose nursery rhymes and the colorful illustrations but as a preteen I discovered in my parents collection of books, The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck and was captivated by the story. There were be battles to be won, riddles to solve, and characters to save. food that rhymes with alexis - Its glorious, but we still keep space for our organic veggies, amongst the ever-burgeoning annual flowers I grow..many from Erins seed. I loved books that my imagination placed me within the setting. Especially the Redwall series :), I loved The chronicles of narnia series. She was a nurse and I enjoyed how she cared for patients/ families and the various roles she was involved in. No other books have made me feel quite that way. Now I enjoy nonfiction more, but this book would be a divine addition to my collection! She leaves gifts in exchange for your hair! Without TV and almost no radio, books carried me far away and whetted my curiosity and craving to learn. Sweet as can be, thats what you are to me. The type of book that shaped who I am today is not a book but a magazine, National Geographic. I have always loved mythical lore, and I think its helped me keep a bright imagination as an adult. and happy to see organic flower farms. Trying to navigate that world now! Imagination and creativity help shape me into a thought provoking and problem solving adult working in my career field. As an adult, I have read it again several times. Of course, there was a family dog and cat. As you can probably imagine, they had a blast with this; rhyming is always fun. God bless you as you bring the beauty of flowers and photography into the lives of others. Thank you for sharing them, along with your interview introducing Zoe, her mum and dad. I think that something about having an adventure and being independent were the things that attracted me. The Quiltmakers Journey is a lovely illustrated book of find things amongst the stunning illustrations. Each bear also loved a different sport or activity in the winter and the summer. That has always stuck with me as a reminder of what truly matters in life. But now that I am getting older and more into gardening as a hobby, I cannot get enough picture books of anything floral! My grandmother always had beautiful petunias and a fence rows of colorful zinnias which she simply called Old Maids. And I would be turning it into a small side business with hopes of paying it forward. Planting seeds and growing flowers is surely one way to do that! Thank you again, for opening our eyes to the endless variety of Gods creation.. I loved joke books and also poems. I googled seek snd find books to know what you were referring to. I just liked reading and enjoyed lots of different subjects of books. I loved the fact that she solved the mysteries without having to rely on boys for help. Was your mom Sue at all involved in the making of Lost & Found? Fern and Charlotte both had such kind hearts and helped save Wilbers life. I would want Zoes book just because I may never get to NZ . From the cover to the last page, I was enchanted by the idea that there was a secret garden that had been abandoned and was there to not only tell of the past, but held the opportunity to become a beautiful part of the future. If there were a picture book that captured me, Id say anything about Christopher Robin and Pooh. Will always love a good laugh over reading Calvin and Hobbs. The Secret Garden was also a favorite of mine magical! Ham and lamb rhyme., How about these words? My newest hobby is flowers so this book would be much enjoyed by my daughters and I. I loved books that showed the strength and compassion of children. I was so intrigued by these flowers, so different from the tropical flowers in my Motherland. My favorite is the Three Little Pigs story, not only I loved the memorable story but I also played the youngest pig role in a play during my kindergarten graduation! With great soil you can grow anything :-). My favorite book was a color book. It gave a message that a childs level of work is valuable and taking steps to achieve a desired end is possible. I owe it all to my first book. That whimsical, playful, and sweet view of life weaves through many things I do, floral design, painting, writing, journaling, and gardening! Its all about the Lupine Lady who plants seeds to make the world more beautiful. Nowadays I prefer reading historical fiction and gardening books, especially those by Floret! Thanks Floret and all the 2023 workshop participants for being strong, can do women! Excited to see this! Perseverance is important with gardening too! I used to check out garden design books from the library and spend my time pouring over them and imagining my dream garden. Even as a child, I was drawn to the world of historical and strong women. I was the kid who read the shampoo bottle and the back of the cereal box! I read every book I could find! As a child the library was a world of wonders unfurling in each book. Dahlias were her favorite! There were so many in the series and I loved the adventures and the way she would be so curious to solve a mystery. food that rhymes with alexis - Life was simple and their daily chores appealed to me. I am trying hard to nurture their love and excitement around books. And Ill be adding Zoes Lost& Found to my list too, the perfect book to combine two of my loves! Once, when my friend was trying to determine what to do with a spot in her backyard that was accessible only through wild branches entwined and hanging over head that she was planning on clearing, I said No! I realize now how much I love people and love to hear their stories. I think I can, I think I can, I KNOW I CAN! I was obsessed with The Bunnies Ball as a little kid. I now have a small garden business of my own that my little boys help with. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. When my kids were little I instilled my love of this book in them. I remember laying in the hammock for hours and reading during the summer. Repetitive books were my favorite to read as a kid. Loved reading mysteries and still do. This book looks like a treasure for not only the eyes, but of the heart and mind as well. I have all the floret books and look forward to getting Lost and found to add to my collection. Lookup it up at - the most comprehensive rhyming words dictionary on the web! I grew up loving everything about the land and the beauty it encompassed. I think that shaped me to become the curious person I am today. Again, simply learning about others was so inspirational and I enjoyed presenting these print articles to our readership. My Mother and Grandmother would encourage me to pick up pencils and colored crayons, using the backsides mail and envelopes for paper. It may have been my first window into animal cruelty, and for sure it inspired me to love all animals and care for them. The photos in this book look so incredibly lush and beautiful. I always loved books about pioneers, whether biographies or fiction. When I was younger I loved the Mrs. Piggle Wiggle books. And dont dreamers grow the impossible, probably? Still very much a reader many years later, looking at the world through that magical lense knowing anything is a possibility :).
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