I remember playing on the Jungle Gym AND Splinter Delivery System, but both were miles better than todays mania for bubble-wrapping your kids and sticking them in front of a TV. I always wonder why we pass around the, your grandparents didnt need seatbelts meme. Material on this site is provided for education, criticism, commentary, cultural reporting, entertainment, historical reference, and news reporting/analysis. German playgrounds are designed to be perilous to ensure kids learn how That's music to an actuaries' earsand also to some parents'. The ones that I dont see now definitely existed when I was a kid 15 years ago. Why, yes. 47 dangerous old playgrounds that our great-grandparents somehow Though somewhat rare, playground balance barrels still exist today, but they are nearly always situated above a bed of soft wood chips, built lower to the ground, and equipped with helpful handles to keep the user from taking a header. The seat was retrieved by the next hearty soul with the help of a rope. Not so shipshape! Yet, when it comes to playgrounds, the stereotype is misleading: here, its the strict policing of standards that enables a risk-accepting culture in the first place. Everwears jaw-dropping contraption avoids all the anguish of smashing to earth by being set up in a pool, lakefront, or at the beach. The object should not be affected by this motion at all." Dantonio, who was featured on last month's Syfy Channel documentary, " Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed ," told The Huffington Post in an email that the triangular object in this Germany video should appear to move smoothly through the sky. It was community-designed and built with donated materials, if I recall correctly. Also, FYI, many of the crowded photos of kids sitting astride slides and atop monkey bars are actually group photos. Parents are not allowed inside, and they typically drop the kids and go for a walk or a coffee. Sure, we dont want playgrounds so dangerous they regularly cause injury, but, at the same time, is not life about using your freedom and taking individual risks? 'What the spongy surface playgrounds don't do is teach kids that there is a consequence to falling, and they won't learn anything from it,' said Faulkner. Girls are more prone to playground-related injuries than boys (55% to 45%, respectively). In the early 90s we lived in a community that had a park with a log playset, and one of the logs had rotted away. Their results, published in 2018, found that while the occurrence of injuries was quite rare, a 'statistically significant majority of them' took part in a playground where the equipment was fixed and seen as 'safer' vs an adventure playground with more dangerous and wobbly equipment. Really high. The next week, that piece of play equipment was replaced. Emma Camp German Insurance Companies Demand Perilous Playgrounds So That Kids Can less common: m. m. Kinderspielflche f. Because when you are feeling insecure, you are also extra careful.. There's a study saying children's playgrounds should be dangerous. Of course, if youre a parent its understandable to want to keep your kids safe. Perhaps this is the reason the Greatest Generation won WWII we were tough and not afraid of anything. The only accident more serious than a scrape that I ever heard of was someone fell from the top of the slippery slide and broke their arm. TV Smith - Dangerous Playground TV SMITH's new EP "Dangerous Playground," comprises four new songs specially written for the play "Der Kalte Kuss von warmem Bier" (the cold kiss of warm beer) by German playwright Dirk Laucke, which will premiere in the Stadttheater . Many of these still exist where I live (Australia), and many countries Ive visited. Thats one reason why we always wore blue jeans when going to the park. All girls wore skirts to school then, the teachers would freak, take her inside, give her a couple of swats and make her stay inside for the rest of the day. Great article! Germany is often perceived to be a politically and economically risk-averse nation, where everyday life is regulated by a strict regime of rules and regulations. Except for a short metal wall surrounding the platform, it was all open on top. Its a fact not just what I think that many injuries were caused by old playground equipment. I grew up with these playgrounds and certainly survivedbut looking at them nowwow! A mechanical greased pig is how Hill Standards Barrel-of-Fun was described in 1922. See vintage ride-on spring horse toys from the 50s to the 80s. If you look closely enough, though, you can see ropes or chains that prove hes just on a swing. That's quite the slide. Just be glad you slipped through the cracks. At the same time, can we really protect kids from every danger or risk? This was a fun read. Have been trying to explain the chain ladders circling the pole ( were rope ladders in the Chicago Park District in the 60s) to my children they could NOT imagine anyone allowing those! | A new kind of playground points to a better solution. You can survive serious burns, doesnt mean theyre safe. I grew up with metal slides and steel jungle gyms and I was just fine. Most Dangerous Playgrounds For Kids The Top Fives show brings you informational and entertaining top five videos! The Jungle Gym was still the most common name for the metal apparatus found in parks and school recess areas in the 1960s, all metal. (Millenniums lol). When we design new playground structures, we try to build in challenges: an obstacle, for example, that a child may fail to overcome the first nine times but then manages at the tenth attempt., The aim is to allow the greatest amount of freedom while guaranteeing the greatest amount of safety. That sounds less like a fun thing to play on at recess, and more like a splinter delivery device. To me the staying inside was the worst part, but then the next week she would do it again. Risky play is important for child development. I remember being thrown off of a merry-go-round many times, and learning how to fall properly to avoid injury. Cloud, Minn., sends the following description: A giant stride made by placing a hind wheel of a wagon on top of an Idaho cedar pole in the same way in which you would put a wheel on a wagon. I used to play on a swing set that had two swings that spun around a center pole. Our designs have significantly increased in height in recent years, says the co-director David Khler, whose company has been making rope-based playground structures since the 1970s. Exploring Berlin's Unique Playgrounds (Published 2016) I had 5 big brothers so I am sure I flew plenty!! Your email address will not be published. Playground equipment in Germany is certified by the TV, the same association that provides German drivers with the equivalent of an MOT or certificate of roadworthiness for vehicles. And there were always those kids who seemed to enjoy getting rope burns when they slid down. 'Children need to learn their limitations!'" we immediately think of the clacking balls ona Newtons Cradle toy: (Top photo from the Seattle Municipal Archives Collection). Almost every town or city park had swings, teeter totters, a jungle gym, monkey bars, horizontal bars (for the girls to do knee spins on), one or two or more steel slippery slides (what we called them) (and yes, they did get hot!). 1) The first on our list of dangerous playgrounds was the one on Harriet Island, St. Paul, Minnesota. German Translation of "dangerous" | The official Collins English-German Dictionary online. But there were always one or two jocks who could do it with ease and show off. I stumbled on this when looking into a piece of vintage playground equipment that myself and others were discussing on a Facebook group for our hometown. The playground equipment taught us to be more thoughtful and to think at least one step ahead. Tulley should know. Apart from sliding down the cellar door, a slide made of a plank is about as low-tech (and as low-speed) as you could get. Water play. ALSO SEE: Vintage Erector Sets were toys that made toys: See old sets & find out their history. german playground dangerous. Playground designers are already up for the task. Meanwhile, aresearch team based in Houston, Texas, conducted a study over a five year period to determine which kind of play park was most likely to be the location of serious injuries to kids. With 7 kids in my family growing up on the equipment we had only 2 ER injuries, my older brother falling off the monkey bars and breaking an arm at 5, and me breaking a nose at 7 by flying off a 60s swing set glider (riding it on my belly). Now, perhaps it's up to us to let our kids play with a bit more abandon, and be willing to encourage them to test themselves, even if it means failing and falling. But that doesnt negate the premise of the story. When the girls hung by their knees on a bar no one could see anything but clothing. ALSO SEE: Wonder horses! Yes! With equipment that made a mockery of the universal conditions of gravity and physics, the schoolyards of the early 20th century were a treacherous labyrinth of concussion and contusion. German playgrounds blighted by dioxin. About half had some kind of spinner. All sorts of stunts, too numerous to mention, may be performed on this apparatus, says the 1929 catalog. David Khler, whose company has built playgrounds and rope-based spiderweb structures in Germany since the 1970s, told the Guardianhe has pushed for more challenging structures to be built for years. Parents can try to keep up with their young mountaineers as they ascend through the rope spiderweb, but they might get left behind in the tightly woven mesh. ago. Variations of this type of log swing survived into the early 1970s, but today multi-person swings are frowned upon because of their great mass and the risk of catastrophic impact injuries [PDF]. | Gutfeld reveals why Germany is installing more dangerous playgrounds Dangerous Playgrounds Are Good for Your Kids | HuffPost Life Well done, and very interesting to read. This article was great! Are we teaching kids that others are responsible for what they do? The name came from the fire pole mounted down the center of the structure, allowing tykes to drop around 15 feet to an unpadded concrete slab underneath. I found this article because I am doing research for my memoirs encompassing 1934 through 2020. Magical Germany: Playgrounds - DREW PORTNOY - Berlinerisch Havent seen one of them for decades. 'The reason that they have accidents sometimes is because there's a lot of adults around who are very cautious and nervous and keep telling them to be careful and watch out.'. Cruise-goers reveal their most terrifying incidents at sea - from watching a ferocious Do YOU know your Adam and Eve from your Ruby Murray? Im glad I stumbled across this site while searching for something else! Strasser bristled at the mention of the low platforms surrounded by rubber matting that are still ubiquitous in British and American playgrounds. Here are some girls getting fit at Pelham Bay Park in the Bronx, way back in June 1911. Posted 6 Jan 2020 Those jungle gyms taught us about the values and dangers of freedom. Genesis of Natural and Developmental Playgrounds German influence was instrumental in the emphasis on physical development and early apparatus equipped playgrounds in the United States. But back in the day, playground proprietors combined both into one. Rage and Brutality on German Playgrounds | Gates of Vienna This is basically a fancy name for three ten-foot ladders stuck together. The most dangerous thing about metal play equipment is that it got scorching hot in the summer especially the slides. A child scales the Triitopia climbing tower in Ludwig Lesser Park in Berlins Frohnau district. With a tall deck, low-slung platform, and slots that could trap little fingers, this vintage version of ride was decidedly unsafe [PDF]. Bringing 'risk' back to playgrounds | MetaFilter Boomer parents believed it was too dangerous for the kids they raised. Maybe because someone had to call emergency services when little Timmy fell from the top, and hit all the tiers on the way down? Welcome to the Coronation! Parenting Magazine Warns 'Blond, Cheerful' Families Dangerous, Likely The news comes after a group of accident insurance companies last year called on German town planners, councils and playground to develop structures that help children to cultivate 'risk competence', as many of Germany's kids were spending so much time inside amid the pandemic. A playground on Harriet Island, St. Paul, Minnesota. People Playground. Perhaps out of fear of just that kind of thing, one school districtRichland, Washington just plain got rid of its swings, arguing that "swings have been determined to be the most unsafe of all the playground equipment.". US elementary school playground parent-constructed fort, 1976 Giving maximum play area per dollar, the General Playground catalog offered the tallest version of the Fire Chief at the price of $178.. Are we over-regulating our playgrounds? Are health and safety rules Cinder-like material laced with dioxin has been used to build hundreds. A few of the violent youngsters shown in the included video clips appear to be ethnic Europeans. One influential 2004 study found that children who had improved their motor skills in playgrounds at an early age were less likely to suffer accidents as they got older. The Triitopia tower is encased with boards and netting to ensure no child can take a tumble from a height above three metres. Playground Equipment Hazards and Inspection - InterNACHI Another, more serious problem then and now is when play equipment is allowed to fall into disrepair. When you are looking out for broken glass and metal, do a quick sweep for other animals that could potentially harm your child. Arms on top of the wheel, held in place by two clevises, project two feet beyond the rim. The Junglegym No. Last picture of a two-page spread in the 1976-1977 yearbook. They're well-made but innovative. Kids should know to: Never push or roughhouse while on jungle gyms, slides, seesaws, swings, and other equipment. Ironically, "safety" culture is stunting kids' risk assessing abilities, in their estimation. German dog that killed owners may not be put down after outcry O dear Lord those playgrounds were killer! Todays medical personnel would categorize a plunge from the top of this piece of equipment as a major fall.. November 04, 2021. Looks like they were having a busy day at the Zabriskie Playground in Jersey City, New Jersey back in 1910 or so. And a teeter-totter was as much fun to walk, or run, up and then down, as it was to actually use it correctly. A few years ago, when her daughter was in elementary school, she says, "The school replaced the standard playground equipment with four long, thick trees with their branches removed, all interconnected with wide ropes and wobbly bridges made of rubber. Back in the day, kids play on a playground. 7. german playground dangerous - Rachat-pret-bordeaux.com Towering over a woodland playground on the northernmost outskirts of Berlin, the Triitopia climbing frame is the kind to cause worry in any anxious parent. Development of the company This was apparently a popular configuration for a swingset sorry, we mean a heavy-duty outdoor gymnasium. (Not even gonna comment on what the split clamp fittings may or may not do.). These spinny things ended up lasting and being loved for decades. My friends and I would swing so high and hard the swing frame would start to come out of the ground. Join us and subscribe for more. I grew up with those also,they were great fun. Note: ClickAmericana.com features authentic historical information, and is not intended to represent current best practices on any topic, particularly with regard to health and safety.
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