Tellingly, few people have trouble understanding the need for balanced commentary when the political leaders disliked by the west pass away. The last time I met her was after all this was over. Thatcher's threat to butcher the mining industry, destroy the fabric of mining communities and in particular the trade union to which miners had a bond of loyalty, was met with the fiercest resistance any government has met in peacetime. They are a more energetic and impressive group than their predecessors, often with experience outside politics that makes them impatient and independent-minded. Each was characterised by her attention to detail. She attacked the Treaty of Maastricht in a More than once the view was advanced that it was a pity the IRA had not succeeded in their ultimate objective when they bombed the Grand Hotel in Brighton. Any attempts at revisionism do no favours to her, women or feminism. 'I was there': Margaret Thatcher 'not for turning', 1980 Your local electricity "board" could be a very unfriendly place. Chvez is gone, but the voters are likely to re-elect Chavismo on 14 April. Published: Sunday 21st February 2021. 2016 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. People would denounce them unequivocally, often in graphic terms. She was lucky, in her enemies and friends notably Reagan in the Falklands conflict. But every prime minister since has bowed to her legacy, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown eager to be snapped with her on their doorstep. Though she recognised the dangers of global warming, Thatcher's industrial and economic policies prioritised economic growth. Among them was loyalist Brian Nelson, a former British soldier and member of the Ulster Defence Association. On 30 October 1990 she made the first of the No one noticed, but she was Blair's first guest at Downing Street in 1997. The poll tax showed the opposite, the weakness of Thatcher's strength. Maggie! For some, the only consequence of that shift, still visible today, will be a changed brand name or higher bills. That's history, but what matters to us is her legacy now that her heirs and imitators rule in her wake. Public Statements of Margaret Thatcher on CD-ROM, 1945-90, edited Christopher On one visit, our campaign chairman, William J Casey, later director of the CIA, came along, and we had a fruitful meeting at 10 Downing Street. "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.". There is absolutely nothing wrong with loathing Margaret Thatcher or any other person with political influence and power based upon perceived bad acts, and that doesn't change simply because they die. An unclubbable outsider, she allied herself to another outsider, Keith Joseph, and his free-market set. and Former Tory MP Louise Mensch, with no apparent sense of irony, invoked precepts of propriety to announce: "Pygmies of the left so predictably embarrassing yourselves, know this: not a one of your leaders will ever be globally mourned like her.". From 1987 to 1988, he was a senior policy writer and speechwriter in 10 Downing Street for Margaret Thatcher when she was British prime minister and remained close to her up to her death.. O'Sullivan served from 2008-2012 as vice-president and executive editor of Radio Free Europe/Radio . Whatever Tory historians like to claim, this was the critical turning point. Sir Bernard Ingham was Margaret Thatcher writ large. By the 1983 election she had sold off only Britoil and some council houses. As I spread my wings in politics, I discovered many Thatcher voters down south who were the same kind of people who loathed her in Scotland. This report of the Conservative party conference ran in the Guardian on Saturday October 11 1980, Edited and full versions of Margaret Thatcher's 'The lady's not for turning' speech, delivered at the Conservative party conference in Brighton on 10 October 1980, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every Maybe my memory is fanciful. For a start, she had a superb memory for a brief, and she would have had no problem memorising quickly any number of lines. declared that she wanted our money back. her intention to allow her name to go forward to the second ballot, she She hurled herself into NHS reform, changes to schools and universities, utilities privatisation and, eventually, local government reform. Action. During the speech, . The family silver was squandered on bribing voters rather than modernising the economy. The woman, however, changed. Thatcher's reputation never recovered from the ruthless budgets of 1980 and 1981, or her insensitivity to colleagues. The author Nassim Taleb traded equations on a whiteboard with Gus O'Donnell, then head of the civil service, as they debated econometrics; at another, I watched entranced as Lord Heseltine argued urban policies with Harvard's Ed Glaeser. On November 8th 1989, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher gave an inspiring speech to the UN General Assembly about the environment and climate change. She refused to reform social security, or even curb its abuse. If they have no bread, let them eat from food banks that's Thatcherism, the legacy we are still to bury before it buries us. Gillian Anderson's Portrayl of Margaret Thatcher's Voice in 'The Crown But Thatcher was a naturally, perhaps incurably, divisive figure. It led to riots that nobody needed. Creative destruction was capitalism's necessary agent, so equilibrium was bound to be restored. Mrs Thatcher told the assembly: "It is mankind and his activities which are changing the environment of our planet in damaging and dangerous ways.". She forced us to decide what was truly important. She continued for some reason to consider me worth talking to. The Margaret Thatcher speech that was buried by the Brighton bomb "We have not press to rejoice at the capture of South Georgia on 25 April 1982, announced that White Sir Bernard died after a short illness, his family said. Nelson travelled to South Africa where he helped negotiate a deal that saw the UDA, UVF and Ulster Resistance acquire AK-47 automatic rifles, pistols, grenades, and RPG rocket launchers in late 1987 or early 1988. Ingham's rough redraft of my speech with very little success. The Crown Season 4 brings with it a whole lot of change for Queen Elizabeth II's family and, more importantly, the United Kingdom. National Press Club Luncheon Speakers: Margaret Thatcher (Recorded It got over a deep, instinctive hostility to women at the top of anything, and put her there. Knocking up a flan for Denis or helping Carol with her algebra or Mark with his gun-running, are jarring distractions from the main narrative; woman as warrior queen. Had pollsters and the 24/7 media forced leaders to follow opinion, not lead it? A week later she spoke In short, miners believed in society. If you want anything done, ask a woman.". As I scan the statements of my memory bank for early deposits (it'd be a kid's memory bank account at a neurological NatWest where you're encouraged to become a greedy little capitalist with an escalating family of porcelain pigs), I see her in her hairy helmet, condescending on Nationwide, eviscerating eunuch MPs and baffled BBC fuddy duddies with her General Zodd stare and coldly condemning the IRA. The seismic shift from industry to financial-based capitalism that Thatcherism ushered in rattled the establishment. The set text is still Thatcher's declaration quoted in The Audience that "There is no such thing as society". Flags were flying over Port Stanley on 14 June. MT won election as Conservative leader on 11 February 1975 and gave a euphoric 100% Success rate. No gloves, or hats, except for royalty or at funerals, but feet on the table, whisky glass at hand, into the small hours of solitude, for want of male cronies in the masculine world she dominated for all her 11yearsin power. The pomp and circumstance that will crown her funeral was proffered by Brown, to some shudders from his own side. Being a woman is undoubtedly one of the features, possibly the most potent, that makes her ascent to power memorable, 25 years on, in a way that applied to no man. September 25, 2020. . Great speeches: Margaret Thatcher | World | The Guardian How Does Ronald Reagan Use Syntax In A Throw To Our Dead Elton has previously said that he did two minutes about Thatcher and two hours about his knob, and all anyone ever remembered was the Thatcher material. Thatcherism failed to destroy the welfare state. The latest pit to close, Maltby in Yorkshire, still has a death and general purpose fund to help fellow miners and their families in times of hardship. Almost everything said of Thatcher's early years was untrue, partly through her own invention. Reagan was a highly influential president during his time in office, and had a lot of responsibility concerning the Cold War. BBC ON THIS DAY | 28 | 1990: Tearful farewell from Iron Lady As I see it, and as one who had the pleasure of knowing both, they would recognize the huge opportunity created by the presence of each in the respective national and international policy-making role. The British inflation was in 1975 up at 24, 11% [] and with the union's constant claim for higher salaries, nobody expected it to drop to a normal level. Prime Minister Thatcher inherited a settled state of British Europeanness, in which Brussels and the [European] Community began to influence, and often determine, the British way of doing things. I don't see that. Arthur Scargill and the miners represented the only opposition to the prime minister and her destructive and divisive values and, after the strike, the way was open for the most aggressive neoliberal policies. All rights reserved. Yet for all these fissures, even Maoist modernisers and the most reactionary social conservatives share a similar stance over the role of the state. To the victors we saycongratulations. Of all the things to criticise Thatcher for, calling her out for being a woman seems like something of a wasted bullet. Council house sales and advertising campaigns that encouraged the public to buy shares in privatised companies were meant to broaden the appeal of capitalism. see them re-imposed at a European level with a European super-state exercising But unlike Thatcher, president Hugo Chvez of Venezuela, the "president of the poor", fought for a caring economy and against the rule of the market. Materialistic individualism was blessed as a virtue, the driver of national success. The drastic results of these policies were intentional. with the European Community when she Either way, I'm an adult now and none of those things are on telly any more so there's no excuse for apathy. By 1990 it was transformed. There are more than 8,000. The best books on Margaret Thatcher - Five Books ", This was the great leader in her favourite pose as Samuel Smiles: human beings didn't need to be helped they needed to help themselves. Interview by Benedict King. Though the Prime Minister was known to shed a tear or two during her 11 years leading the United Kingdom . Here shovels the earth during a tree-planting ceremony . MT prayed on the By 1987, anti-Tory tactical voting had taken hold. Demonising unions and stripping the great mass of private-sector workers of a voice and power in the workplace is still the root of the great living standards crisis that saw the share of wealth going to wages slide long before Lehman Brothers failed. "What's going on there, mate?" Climate, freedom and denial: What "Green Thatcherism" teaches us today The welfare state set out to ensure that no one, in the UK at least, would starve or freeze to death, or suffer or die for lack of medical or other care. She defended Ronald Yet despite the attempts of some columnists to claim otherwise, Thatcher can't really be seen as "a warrior in the sex war", let alone as "the ultimate women's libber". The appointment was a 20-minute audience with the . She pointed out that she was only 10 years old when she ceased to be prime minister. Her effect was to force a deeper consideration of priorities, sometimes expressed in a variety of dystopias. . Lady Thatcher's New Threats for Old - National Churchill Museum But the left also needs to look beyond the turbulent events in Europe to appreciate the speed of global change and the complications this creates for welfare-laden economies: the dynamos and innovators are increasingly found in Africa, Asia and Latin America rather than France, Germany and Spain. So look around this kingdom of ours, at a devolved Scotland contemplating independence a state of affairs that owes much to Thatcher's antagonistic relationship with that country. We must reduce the inequality that has seen a super-rich elite, openly contemptuous of the flag and family values Thatcher proclaimed, float free from the rest of us. Speaking personally, it was a personal privilege beyond measure to have witnessed and participate in the blossoming of the special ties that continued throughout her entire time in office. If you want anything done, ask a woman.". Reagan would often hasten to remind those paying tribute to his cold war strategy that it was, in the strictest sense of the term, a team effort. When Heath fell, her promoters ran her as a stalking horse because, as a woman, they thought she could not win. Though the Thatcher years could also be called the Saatchi years, reaching a new level of presentational sophistication in the annals of British politics, they weren't about getting the leader liked. When President Reagan died in June 2004, she delivered a What, in retrospect, seems creative and what destructive? be a nation in retreat". As leader she was initially hyper-cautious. So it suggests the anachronistic and unaffordable return to a contributory welfare system, while opposing the further opening up of education and health provision; some even float the renationalisation of railways. Thatcher was suspicious of democracy. Until then Thatcher had shown the strength of her weakness: a dislike of consensus and aversion to debate, leading to decisive action. . Above all has been the hollowing out of the labour market. For she changed the ethos of Britain as well as its landscape. "I thought I'd be overjoyed, but really it's just another one bites the dust " This demonstrates, I suppose, that if you opposed Thatcher's ideas it was likely because of their lack of compassion, which is really just a word for love. In the early 1980s, the Republican party joined with other moderate and conservative parties in the world to form the International Democrat Union. It came very hard, getting the words and paragraphs in the right order, a task for which, she eventually admitted, she had hired some help. You would need to wait six weeks for an engineer. Rows with Lawson and Geoffrey Howe over a European currency (where she was right) presaged the final shambles of the poll tax. It's true that whenever there's a major news story, millions of people immediately begin strip-mining it for puns and bon mots, making it harder for professional comics to develop focused, funny material that nobody's heard before. She lost seven cabinet ministers on the Europe question, a record that permeated the party for years afterwards. Margaret Thatcher's government defended structured political and religious discrimination and political vetting in the north, legislated for political censorship and institutionalised, to a greater extent than ever before, collusion between British state forces and unionist death squads. Hewrote this piece in 2003, two weeks before he died. "The original alternative comics just did it because they had to," he says. A special licence was granted exclusively to the Radio Times. speech to the House of Lords in June 1993. Yet the Daily Mail has morefemale bylines than any other UK paper and is not exactly a totem of gender equality andfemale-friendliness. After the Dublin European Council in November 1979 she began a long battle Seeing as women aren't a minor Brit-flick grateful for even a bad review, that truism doesn't quite hold true here. My dad, I suspect, did. There was only one state-approved answering machine available. A strong pound crippled exports and emptied factories. On the other hand, growth has been depressed because weak trade unions can no longer ensure wage increases keep pace with inflation. The Brixton rioters, the Argentinians, teachers; everyone actually. Thatcher came to power when the economy was approaching a moment of truth after three decades of poor performance relative to other western countries. Watch a million words pour out today placing her anywhere from Boudicca to the wicked witch of the west. Reagan was especially interested in Mrs Thatcher's domestic policy initiatives, and it was quickly established that the foreign policy views ran along parallel lines. But Labour is no less in thrall. In 1979 she inherited a nation that was the "sick man of Europe", an object of constant transatlantic ridicule. Tributes paid as Sir Bernard Ingham dies, aged 90 - PressReader I didn't know what to think of this fearsome woman. Reagan, who had recently left office as governor of California, was in London to deliver a speech to the Pilgrim Society. It was part of her conspicuous virtue, her indifference to familiar political conventions. She was a prime minister who happened to be a woman. Norman Tebbit, one of Thatcher's acolytes and fellow "Munsters evacuee", said when the National Union of Mineworkers eventually succumbed to the military onslaught and starvation over which she presided: "We didn't just break the strike, we broke the spell." If the Falklands war was the making of Thatcher, then the poll tax was her achilles heel not least in Scotland. Strident, divisive, and in her own view infallible, and for these reasons hard to mourn. Much of any leader's record is unremarkable dross, and Thatcher was no exception. There's something distinctively creepy - in a Roman sort of way - about this mandated ritual that our political leaders must be heralded and consecrated as saints upon death. It was a Charles I moment in British history. In 1990, Margaret Thatcher emerged as one of the first world leaders to champion climate science, issuing a call to action to fight manmade global warming at the Second World Climate Conference hosted at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. Margaret Thatcher - HISTORY But she also provided great material. She failed to replace those jobs with well-paid equivalents. And for all the tributes being paid by ministers this week, the issues at the topof the government's agenda are all to do with clearing up the mess she created. This unit recruited agents who were then used to kill citizens. I hope I'm not being reductive but it seems Thatcher's time in power was solely spent diminishing the resources of those who had least for the advancement of those who had most. And nor could Thatcher, much to her relief as she allegedly abhorred the word, as doubtless Chanel did, too. Margaret Thatcher climbs over a house : r/funny It knew what Thatcher wanted. The state retained control of some nationalised industries the railways, for example but BT, British Airways, British Steel, British Gas and the British Airports Authority were among the big companies sold off. It was thoroughly "wet". . The Iron Lady had a green thumband a surprisingly green philosophy. So we agreed to reactivate the back channel. Hayek was appointed a Companion of Honour in the 1984 Birthday honours for "services to the study of Economics". One thinks now of the closing words of her splendid 2004 eulogy of Ronald Reagan, and how those words so perfectly speak a tribute to her life and works: "We here still move in twilight. The eulogy is a good illustration of Thatcher's feelings for . Miners had always known that eventually any of the colleries would close and were always prepared to accept that as a fact of life and find employment somewhere else within the industry, but Thatcher's attack was wholesale. A couple of days later on the 11th, Margaret Thatcher the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, wrote an eulogy for Ronald Reagan. Viewed from today, that past Britain is indeed a foreign country. (They also reveal how she loved to surround herself with yes men who were always men.) Research papers can be complex, so best to give our essay writing service a bit more time on this one. Unable to win the leadership ballot outright, she stood on the steps of "Maggie Thatcher," he said. "Margaret Thatcher was not a natural communicator. Sent Bobby Sands to an Irish hero's grave without a blink. Thatcher is often credited with showing that you could get to the top whatever your background. The Yale Book of Quotations also states, "Thatcher is said to have used this in a 1965 speech.". Thatcher's infamous failure to recognise the existence of society was a double failure. Ed Miliband, a policy wonk himself, claims to be a conviction politician like Thatcher. The price we all continue to pay for Thatcherite policies is to live in a less cohesive and more antisocial society, in which community life is weaker, people feel less able to trust each other and fewer of those in government have the experience and compassion to represent or understand the vast majority. The cautious tactician was suppressed. Margaret Thatcher's Climate Change Of Heart | HuffPost Impact Thatcher's social instincts were always nostalgic conservative. Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013), the United Kingdom's first female prime minister, served from 1979 until 1990. . Nations need to know the big picture of where they belong and, coinciding with the Thatcher appearance at the top, clarity had apparently broken through the clouds of historic ambivalence. But, as the prince in Lampedusa's The Leopard says: "For things to remain the same, everything must change.". The core of this site is a massive database of MT's public statements of all kinds across the years (speeches, interviews, press conferences, etc), searchable by date, subject, importance, and keyword. So the woman I met in Curzon Street, dimpling elegantly, can now be seen in history with an unexpected achievement to her credit. It was sad that she had to learn it in war, a grim example to her British and US successors. In towns and valleys poleaxed by the Iron Lady, there may be glasses raised at her passing. The Texan who stole the show at Margaret Thatcher's funeral They're not Thatcher. This regrettable transformation was blessed by a leader who probably did not know it was happening because she didn't care if it happened or not. While Labour was now "intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich", ambitious feminism wanted to be let in to the boardroom and every corridor of power that and little else is what they mean by changing the world. The preface to the At an international conference in Lisbon in the late 80s, the British faction, among whom were Salman Rushdie, Martin Amis, Malcolm Bradbury and myself, referred back to Thatcher constantly in our presentations. It was meant as a term of condemnation, a concise way of arguing that riots in the street or the devastation of a pit village were the inevitable features of this new land that had arisen in the 1980s, a country reshaped by the woman at the top. Many are children of the Thatcher age. The Independent has the story. Since 1990 a selection of statements is listed. "Being powerful is like being a lady. studying Thatcher's speeches . Weakening the power of trade unions was not only essential to her project, but several studies suggest that their continued weakness may be an important part of the reason why inequality has not declined in the intervening decades. True, Labour, James Callaghan and the unions played their part by blocking Barbara Castle's In Place of Strife attempt to create German or Nordic co-operation between unions and industry that might have rescued unions from Thatcher's crushing. MT gave her first But the sense of community evaporated. TRIBUTES were paid last night to Sir Bernard Ingham, the longstanding press secretary to Margaret Thatcher and a columnist in The Yorkshire Post until just a few weeks ago. It was under her leadership that in 1982 that the Force Research Unit (FRU) was established within the British Army Intelligence Corps. The economy had become more productive, more competitive and more profitable. Margaret Thatcher: Foreign Policy of Great Britain | Speech-Guru Margaret Thatcher, 'Iron Lady' of British politics, is dead - USA TODAY first television interview the following day. But we reckoned we got Thatcher only too well and didn't like what we saw, far less what we heard. Literature had nothing to do with politics, the Italian writers said. In 1982, the English Collective of Prostitutes occupied a church for 12 days in protest against "police illegality and racism in King's Cross" the area to which many sex workers known as "Thatcher's girls" had travelled from high unemployment areas in the Midlands and the north. Margaret Thatcher's legacy: roundup of the best writing Here is an excerpt from People [PMT]: "In politics," Margaret Thatcher once acidly observed, "if you want anything said, ask a man. Thatcher is gone, but Thatcherism has infected and discredited all mainstream parties, depriving us of a chance to turn it down. Selling public housing to the tenants who occupied it was another, on top of the denationalisation of industries and utilities once thought to be ineluctably and for ever in the hands of the state.
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