This city is seen now as the holy vessel of divine power for governing the earth during the millennium, "having the glory of God: and her brightness was like a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal.". This remains true. Revelation 19 NIV - Threefold Hallelujah Over Babylon's - Bible Gateway 227-28.] The things in the present and in the future are all designed to help God's children. Hallelujah literally means "Praise God". Now there was nothing more repulsive and fatal to paganism in every form than the truth revealed in Christ, which exposed every thing that was not itself not the truth, definite and exclusive. In short, Babylon, the disgusting counterpart of the holy city, in earthly ambition seeks the kings and the masses for her own present objects, while the other suffers now and will reign then. Revelation Chapter 16 Explained - And as a result was thrown in jail in Egypt and was then released because of the family influence, and told to get out of the country for his own welfare or he would be put to death if he stayed. hromphaia) symbolized (cf. For true and righteous are his judgments ( Revelation 19:2 ): All the way through we have had this affirmation that the judgments of God are true and righteous. "And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heavens fled away." Where Hallelujah occurs in the Old Testament it is translated by Praise God, but here in this chapter the original Hebrew form, transliterated into Greek, is retained. Man gets hung up and he stops short. purified at the judgment seat of Christ (1 Cor. John here was so awed by all of this that he fell at this angel's feet to We can understand a remnant saved out of one or more nations; but who ever heard of "nations of them which are saved"? The answer: because it's the final book of the Bible. I will tell thee the mystery of the woman." They begin to worship, in a sense, the instrument that God has used. First, he is remembering Psalms 97:1: "The Lord reigns; let the earth rejoice." Present tense. It is an evident contrast with the state supposed in the wheat-and-tare field of Christendom which is found at the end of the age. They were in three distinct stages which first involved the betrothal or for the smoke from her rises for ever and ever. What is there to hinder it? He is arrayed in a vesture dipped in his own blood, by which he purchased his power as Mediator; and in the blood of his enemies, over . We find a decree going forth that all the world shall be enrolled. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS ( Revelation 19:15-16 ). ", If we had to find another title for the Book of Revelation to describe its message--then it would bear the title-- "King of kings and Lord of lords.". "That day" does not mean a time when everybody will be converted, but when the Lord Jesus will govern righteously when overt evil will be judged, and good be sustained perfectly for a thousand years. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. I am not raising any question about the ten. The book is traditionally attributed to John the Apostle, [1] [2] but the precise identity of the author remains a point of academic debate. But this passage confronts us with something which became of very great importance in the worship of the Church. This is the meaning of "one hour with the beast.". He is praised for judging religious Babylon and avenging the martyrs. (i) In certain circles of Judaism the angels had a very large place. The great city was either guilty Jerusalem or Babylon. 5:10). It is also clearly a personal reward to those who had suffered. "They have one mind, and give their own power and authority to the beast." Peculiar energy indeed attaches to symbolic language. Together they join this great chorus proclaiming "Alleluia!". Jesus replaced the filth with His righteousness. - WG, and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty . What confusion! That is not at all the way in which the guests are spoken of. What about little babies?" The Spirit of God implies that it is decidedly not the righteousness here which is by another, and we thereby imputed righteous, but righteousnesses personal and actual. Literally "fierceness of the wrath". Instead of taking warning from the wickedness of those before her, who had seduced on the one hand, and persecuted. wedding garment ready for the wedding. She does not, it is true, say, "Come quickly." event, the new order comes and the marriage is consummated (see notes on In that place the sword seems to be an emblem of his words or doctrines, as penetrating the hearts of people; here it is the emblem of a work of destruction worked on his foes. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. Scripture is positive in Isaiah 65:1-25 that death during the millennium only comes as a specific judgment because of open rebellion. And then comes the gathering and the battle. Any other intermediary than Jesus Christ between God and man must be utterly opposed. twelve disciples and twelve Old Testament prophets. But far from that he has, on the contrary, persevered in the same evil course, as badly or worse than his father. On His robe where it spreads out at His waist HIS TITLE is inscribed. They are not seen here as the bride. persecution are made the beasts provoking sins. So far they were right. If that is so of human words, how much truer it is of the divine word. This is most important, because it might be (as it has been) forgotten by some who make the gospel and the corresponding presence of the Spirit to be the same at all times; as others have thought, because Revelation 4:1-11 and sequel treat of Jew and Gentile, and the state of the world under God's judgments, that this cannot be a testimony of Jesus at all. Salvation is simple. So, Jesus was at odds with the religious leaders of His day and they are the ones that prompted His crucifixion. - CBSC, a sharp sword . The reason is given at the close; not only "by thy sorcery were all the nations deceived," but above all "in her was found [the] blood of prophets and saints, and of all the slain upon the earth.". Gods deliverance of His people from their enemies (verse 1); Gods permanent crushing of mans rebellion (verse 3); Gods communion with His people (verse 7). A Verse by Verse Study of the Book of Revelation - Glenn Earle Cummings 2007-02 The Gospels, Acts, Epistles and Book of Revelation: Commonly Called the New Testament. Men are not regarded as composing this tabernacle; they co-exist. "The dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works." Religion is threatened by life, by spiritual life.So, God has judged that religious system and has avenged the blood of His servants at her hands. Lit. Moral elements too were not wanting: the mystery of lawlessness had long been at work, though the enemy had not yet brought in the apostacy, and still less the manifestation of the lawless one. The | 12:10; 13:9; and Roman When any wrong is done, it will be dealt with. In one sense it would be an eighth, and in another sense it would be of the seven; the eighth perhaps because of its extraordinary resurrection character, yet one of the seven because it is outwardly old imperialism again. (verse 16--We know who He is "King of kings and Lord of lords"). News Links, Recommended Books, News Sites, and Bibles God is sovereign. Then comes not the destruction only of these rebels by divine judgment, but the dissolution of heaven and earth. The fine linen, clean and white, represents the Capnionis, which was used by Erasmus, and lately discovered after a long obscurity by Dr. Delitzsch, reads (not ) . After that It appears that those who were redeemed were looking on from heaven and Revelation 1:19 - Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary - And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for night shall not be there. Bear this in mind: to leave the last part out is fatal to any accurate understanding of the Revelation. symbolizes the permanence of Babylon's destruction (Isaiah 34:8-10). Two sets of people are called on to praise God. The outer court represents the control of Jerusalem and Israel by Gentiles during the last half of the Tribulation period. Pilate said, "I find no fault in Him. Like when this guy was breaking up with his girl, he said, "Can I have one final kiss?" His attributes: he is faithful and true to his covenant and promise, he is righteous in all his judicial and military proceedings, he has a penetrating insight into all the strength and stratagems of his enemies, he has a large and extensive dominion, many crowns, for he is King of kings, and Lord of lords. Gods sovereignty (verse 6); and. Now, this law that has the backing of the Greek Orthodox Church, or it was instituted because of the Greek Orthodox Church against proselytization, is the law that they used to charge him.In Egypt it is a capital offense to lead a Muslim to a faith in Jesus Christ. again. . But she has a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and the impurities of her fornication. The friendships of the evil are not lasting. I like that, God speaking into existence the world in which we live. "The Lord God is the temple of it, and the Lamb as far as we can speak of any. But it conserves certain great truths. Go to Next Section The word used here for crown is diadema ( G1238) , which is the royal crown, as opposed to stephanos ( G4735) which is the crown of victory. which will take place on earth following the return of Christ (20:4; Matt. At the same time the attempt to apply Babylon to ancient Rome is almost as unhappy; and for a plain reason. "He that testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. to Top Click here to download Revelation 19 Keynote presentation: here to download Revel. Once Jesus enters the battle, it is soon over. "True and righteous are thy judgments, O Lord.". The pronoun he is emphaticHe Himself, by Himself, as is there expressed. essence of all true prophecy. I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God ( Revelation 19:1 ): The judgment of the earth, as far as God's wrath being poured out, has been completed on Babylon. God. Justly does she gather her title from the old fountain of idols and of combined power without God: confusion being here the characteristic element, the designation is taken from the renowned city of the Chaldeans, the first spot notorious in both respects. (ii) His name is Faithful and True. stench and the potential for disease. (3) All this description closes in verse 5. And there shall in nowise enter into it anything that defileth, nor making abomination and a lie: but only those written in the book of life of the Lamb." It is a picture of final judgment. Never worry about the righteousness of God's judgments. 12:10; 13:9; and Roman In the former verse God invited all the ravenous fowls to a supper, he here showeth their cheer. THE ALMIGHTY AND HIS KINGDOM ( Revelation 19:6-8 continued). No one really knows what the vowels in Y-H-W-H were. They which are called: This is not the bride (the church), but the guests. And the Spirit and the bride say, Come: and let him that heareth say, Come: and let him that is athirst come: let him that will take the water of life freely." That is to say, the heavenly saints are viewed still as the heads of the glorified priesthood, and also the executive in the administration of God's judgments. by His sacrificial blood. It is one of those cases which every now and then appear where God checks and reproves our foolish curiosity, as He alone knows how to do perfectly. And on his robe, and on his thigh, he has a name written--King of kings and Lord of lords. And so it is with this very Babylon that comes before us here. The picture is of all men sitting down at the Messianic Banquet of God. Second, he alone has that purity which can judge without prejudice. The fact is, in the very best authorities it does not exist at all. These twenty-four elders, I believe, as I said before, are two groups of twelve, But we as properly say, "Come." They received their power as kings when the beast ceased to exist. These would appear to be (save Judas Iscariot, of course) the twelve apostles that were peculiarly associated with Christ in His suffering path on the earth. Who does not see that this is precisely analogous to the verse which opened the description of Babylon? It was the barbarians who brought in the prevalent ideas of liberty as well as feudalism, and accordingly it is they that have firmly stood for freedom; so that all the efforts to reconstitute the empire which have been tried over and over again have hitherto issued in total failure. His Earthly Kingdom (see article . heaven. It probably came to be so well known to even the simplest member of the Church through its special use as a response of praise in the Easter worship. She will despise everything really divine; she will only use whatever of God's word she can pervert for increasing her own importance, and gaining a greater ascendancy over the consciences of men, and enjoying herself more luxuriously in this world; for she will go far to obliterate all remembrance of heaven, and to make this world a kind of paradise which she embellishes, not with pure and undefiled religion, but with the arts of men and the idolatries of the world. [issues, proceedeth, comes, came, goeth, comes out, ] . . It is certain that we ought to read (not "upon" but) "and* the beast." "And the dead were judged," but not out of the book of life, which has nothing to do with judgment. 5:25-32). This name used here, pertaining to our Lord, is a very strange one. Here we see the chaste virgin Hitherto the reverse of this has been true in history. The judgment on Rome is the guarantee that God never in the end abandons his own. And I heard as it were a voice of a great multitude, and as a voice of many waters, and as a voice of mighty thunders, saying, Alleluia, for the Lord God the Almighty reigneth. And there (or they) are seven kings." linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.". It may well be from that old Jewish idea that there came the idea of the marriage feast of the Lamb, for that indeed would be the true Messianic Banquet. If you'd like to financially support VBVMI, please do so here. In the Ascension of Isaiah ( Isaiah 9:5) there is a saying: "Thou canst not bear his name until thou shalt have ascended out of the body." If so, we can define the true prophet as the man who has received from Christ the message he brings to men, and whose words and works are at one and the same time an act of witness to Christ. the end of the Great Tribulation, just before the kingdom is established It is due to the exigency of a notion which fears and is irreconcilable with the truth in this place. Of course the application to the Roman empire would be immediately in the mind of any Christian at Rome. 1 Thessalonians 2:13 Commentary. It is not the magnitude of each voice. In Hebrew writing there were no vowels; the vowels had to be supplied by the reader. There is nothing more to hear of nations; nothing more to do with separate countries, kindreds, or tongues. That is spiritually in chapter seventeen, that great religious system that corrupted the earth. Blessed are those who are invited to the feast of the marriage of the Lamb!" In Judaism there was increasingly stressed the transcendence of God, because of that it was increasingly felt that man needed some intermediary. reign with Christ in the millennial kingdom. Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, 2 for true and just are his judgments. "The kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour unto it" not into but unto. took on His righteousness. And again they said, Alleluia. So here He is sitting upon a white horse. And then we come to a most cheering disclosure: "And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and [I saw] the souls of those beheaded on account of the witness of Jesus, and on account of the word of God: and those who had not worshipped the beast, nor his image, and had not received his mark upon their forehead, and on their hand; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." You worship God. "I heard a great voice of much people in heaven": The people are the same with The battle joined. Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary Revelation 1. He is the living Word, the active agent of God who expresses Gods will and carries it out. Thus nothing can be simpler or more beautiful than the way in which this verse sums up the Revelation as a whole. Revelation 19:15 - Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary - Babylon symbolized by its capital city of Babylon. And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as a voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth ( Revelation 19:6 ). chapters There is no paradox in the message whatever. He had a great desire to bring his brothers, Egyptian brothers to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. And it was so. I expect to be there in that heavenly scene declaring, "Alleluia, salvation and glory and honor and power unto the Lord our God.". The millennial nations, "the number of whom is as the sand of the sea," fall a prey to Satan. . The temple would suppose a medium. It clearly contrasts this mystery with another. he will rule them with a rod of iron . The redeemed in heaven are called God's "Bond Servants", and this is the group In presence of grace I do not think this is for His glory, any more than for their own blessing. The redeemed harlot), and avenging the blood of the martyrs (7:9-17). The Word of God is alive and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword. Revelation 19 - Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary - Verses 1-6: Alleluia: This Hebrew word appears 4 times in the New Testament. And a voice came from the throne = is not explicitly identified. It is known as a divine feat in the theological term, which means the capacity of speaking things into existence. - Wallace. If you are a believer, do not be afraid, even if you know but little; for the Lord neither forgets nor slights those who may be comparatively unintelligent. There was never a time in history in which such forces were drawn up against the Church as when the Revelation was written. Revelation. This is a mistake. Such was her influence stretching out far beyond the beast. Every day-and we set up these rules for righteousness. Verse 5. Then, when the Lamb and His purchase by blood are celebrated in heaven, the four living creatures join the elders, though each is distinct. (a) He is faithful. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses ( Revelation 19:14 ). Take notice of this (which confirms the application just now contended for), that when John saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus, he wondered with great wonder. Our own righteousness had been as filthy rags, but We know that sometimes there were nine, sometimes eleven or more; but supposing this all perfectly certain, I affirm that, according to history, they did not receive their power as kings for one and the same time with the beast. We have just seen that it is the eternal state. the church is the bride during the presentation feast in heaven, then comes to These compose the third class here spoken of. Why did the angel tell John not to do this? Revelation 3:19 Meaning and Commentary - Bible Study Tools "Theme - Purpose": The theme of Revelation is the revelation of the person and the prophetic This falls in with what we have seen of the book in general; but I do not deny that certain elements which figure in the Apocalypse then existed and still exist. The woman was there seen sitting on a scarlet-coloured beast, i.e., the well-known imperial power of the Roman Empire, "full of [the] names of blasphemy" in its wicked opposition to God, and clothed with the forms we have already seen "seven heads and ten horns." "And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will show thee the bride, the wife of the Lamb. "For God put [it] into their hearts to do his mind, and to do one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled." In Daniel's time it was not at hand. We do not have to pretend to be something we are Hallelujah is a very common word in religious vocabulary but the only time it actually appears in Scripture is on the four occasions in this chapter. (This takes you to our other website) It is not therefore a question of virtual idols suitable to ensnare the children of God, but of that which is adapted to the earth itself, thorough-going palpable idolatry. "Let him that heareth," then, be encouraged to "say, Come." And the coming of the Lord is urged in connection with it. The wrath of God is fierce! "And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and encompassed the camp of the saints, and the beloved city." Gates of hell can never Gainst that Church prevail. In that it "continues" to come forth, indicates this is not literal, but symbolic. supreme in authority, and "God", which means supreme deity; you have an It is not his own blood, but the blood of his enemies that he tramples as he tramples out the rebellious. It was not merely a vocable or sound dropped heedlessly from unthinking lips. Can anything be less reasonable (even taking that ground, low as it is) than that the various rulers of the western powers, Catholic kings, join the Pope in destroying his own city, or his own church, whichever Babylon may be made? Then we have a description of Babylon given. ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? There is nothing in Jesus to harm him; there is every thing to bless there is Himself to be enjoyed, even if they have failed in the full knowledge of it here below. And John heard it as the voice of many waters or rushing waters and the voice of mighty thunderings.Glory. 16:12-16). Revelation Commentaries | Precept Austin Revelation 14:19-20). How does God tell us to worship Him? 11:25-27). Revelation 6 Verse By Verse Bible Study Guide With Discussion Questions "And the nations shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour unto it. And I think that this has been declared all the way through, because this is one of the areas that Satan constantly challenges concerning God, the fairness of God's judgments when he deals and meats out His judgments upon man. Past history therefore in no way suits the prophecy. 18:20. There stands the solemn brand graven, not on the blasphemous beast, but on the forehead of its rider, "Mystery, Babylon the great." "Your Maker is your husband; the Lord of hosts is his name," says Isaiah ( Isaiah 54:5). The woman was allowed to ride the beast to influence and govern the empire first, but at last to be the object of hatred to the ten horns and the beast, who expose, rob, and destroy her. The bride is in view. article . Calling is the, fruit of active grace on God's part towards man, and only towards him when fallen. But now heaven is opened for yet graver facts, and of incalculable moment for man and the universe and the enemy. Clearly the same saints whom we have seen first set forth by the elders in heaven, subsequently by the elders and the living creatures, next, by the bride and the living creatures at the marriage-supper, and finally by the armies that followed the Lord out of heaven. His eyes were as a flame of fire ( Revelation 19:12 ). As for the earthly land and city, the moon will have her light increased to that of the sun, and the sun shall be sevenfold. Verse 10. Praise in heaven. The relationship of the Christian and Christ must be the closest in all life. He will not fail to take up the gage He has given our hearts. Then the angel quickly tells John not to worship him. As man does not believe in the resurrection of man, it is no wonder that he does not believe in the resurrection of an empire. Lord. Here we see the chaste virgin As R. H. Charles puts it, it is essential to remember that the Heavenly Leader is this time, not the Slain One, but the Slayer. The army which he commands (Revelation 19:14; Revelation 19:14), a very large one, made up of many armies; angels and saints followed his conduct, and resembled him in their equipage, and in their armour of purity and righteousness--chosen, and called, and faithful. "Praise our God," says the voice, "all you his servants, you who fear him." to Christ in faith during the Tribulation (compare Jer. When Christ at God's right hand was announced, even from the very beginning, He was ready to judge the quick and the dead. But now He is ready to return and establish His kingdom and take us unto Himself and the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife, or bride, has made herself ready. "And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have not yet received a kingdom; but they receive authority as kings (not at but for) one hour with the beast." You might get left. And I saw an angel standing in the sun ( Revelation 19:17 ); You can't do that unless you are an angel. Thus the name of Christ, not merely as the root and the offspring of David, but as the bright morning star, calls out responsively the heart of the church, and this too under the guiding activity of the Holy Ghost. The Book of Revelation: Verse by Verse Commentary By Robert Clifton Robinson on September 16, 2020 ( 2 ) The Book of Revelation is the most important book for this precise time in history. ). And the beast was seized, and with him the false prophet, who performed in his presence signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast, and who worship his image. You can trust in this. 22:2-14; John 3:29; 2 Cor. Once again John finds his inspiration in the words of Scripture. Book of Revelation Bible Study (Verse by Verse) - Cornerstone Fellowship Nothing more is to be done. (i) He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, not his own but that of his enemies. Smoke rose: This is because of the fire (compare 17:16, 18; 18:8-9, 18; If Christianity does not bring joy, it does not bring anything. occasion and the downfall of Rome, is said to be "great" partly because of their In Asia Minor even the tribunal of the proconsul was subject to bribery and to maladministration. It is a question here of distinctive character, apart from that of time, for which we must search other scriptures. Verse 6. "[48] No "battle" of any kind takes place here. Further, a negative point of great importance is presented by the seer, "And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God the Almighty is the temple of it, and the Lamb. We shall find, on the contrary, its aspect is toward the universe, yet is there the special place of Israel; and quite right it is that it should be so. Then follows a description of the wall, gates, foundations, and general position. Christ needs no armies, whether of angels, or anyone else. From the manner in which resurrection is referred to in scripture, does not God leave room for this? But along with that God warns of her ruin, and calls on His people (verse 4) to come out of her. We do not mend matters by hasty conclusions, we only complicate the truth. . Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Revelation 19:11-21. which sword proceeds out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh ( Revelation 19:21 ).
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