Your CDO or Agency HR will notify you of posts you have been medically cleared for your next assignment. The medical clearance process is designed to identify medical, mental health, or educational issues before departing for an overseas assignment. The clearance exam may also be done at the Department of State Exam Clinic in Washington DC for those over 6 years of age. There are many specific medical conditions that may disqualify you from joining the U.S. Military. Or Fax to 202-647-0292 (less preferred) Overseas Screening. Candidates who do not receive a security clearance are ineligible for the fellowship. The in-service clearance process is simplified using a DS-3057: Medical Clearance Update (MCU) form. Complete a DS-1843: Medical History and Examination for Foreign Service or Individuals Age 12 and Older form. Please return to Start Here to click on the steps to a medical clearance that best fits your status and overseas assignment. You can also download a PDF document with this information on the Resources page. The Department of State has identified certain posts as Employee Self-Certification and Ability to Perform in Emergencies (ESCAPE) posts. The three levels of personnel clearance in the military are confidential, secret, and top-secret. The examinee, parent or guardian must sign and date page 2 of the DS-1843. This is not guaranteed. Provide a valid phone number and e-mail address good for 90 days when you submit the paperwork. Please return to Start Here to click on the steps to a medical clearance that best fits your status and overseas assignment. A MED Clearances Nurse Consultant assigned to you will follow this process: Review the list of posts submitted by the CDO or agency HR. state department medical clearance disqualifiers The Office of Medical Clearances is responsible for ensuring the U.S. government personnel receive adequate medical evaluation and clearance prior to their assignments abroad. The Committee reserves the right to seek MEDs opinion when it deems such opinion is necessary for proper adjudication of the request, consistent with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and implementing regulations at 45 C.F.R. You need to provide 10 years worth of history and information for top-secret levels compared to 5 years for confidential and secret status on the Security Clearance Background Investigation Questionnaire. Employees subject to the six or eight-year rule must work with their CDOs if they wish to request a waiver of the rule. Individuals with Post Specific (Class 2) medical clearances must be approved for their post of assignment. Clearly print the persons name on each page submitted to Medical Records. Do. The following in-service employees, contractors and EFMs are required to update their medical clearance and can use the MCU form: The following employees, contractors and EFMs must under-go a complete physical and should complete either a DS 1843: Medical History and Examination Form Over 12 Years of Age or a DS-1622: Medical History and Examination for Children Age 11 and Younger . Such information should be provided directly to the Director of Medical Clearances in the Office of Medical Services, not to the CDO. Additionally, compulsive or addictive sexual behavior when the person is unable to stop a pattern of self-destruction or high-risk behavior is analyzed. The process considers such factors as: failure to repay a U.S. Government guaranteed loan or meet tax obligations; failure to register for the Selective Service; past problems with credit or bankruptcy; unsatisfactory employment records; a criminal record or other violations of the law; drug or alcohol abuse; and less than honorable discharge from the armed forces. PDF Frequently Asked Questions - Careers Travel orders are not required to start the process. Separating FSOs intending on becoming a Retirement Annuitant (REA/WAE) should use their separation exam as their first-time WAE/REA physical. For information on how to schedule an appointment with the Exam Clinic, contact. The healthcare provider must print or stamp their name, as well as sign and date page 4. All employees including Locally Employed Staff, contractors and Eligible Family Members who will be posted to a designated ESCAPE posts for 30 or more consecutive days are required to obtain a medical clearance. Document rationale for Post Approvals and/or Disapprovals. Post Specific (Class 2) Medical Clearance Process for ESCAPE Posts. While many employees are excellent colleagues, the Department has its fair share of bad bosses and nasty coworkers. Global AIDS Coordinator and Global Health Diplomacy, Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs, Special Representative for Syria Engagement, U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Office of the U.S. Please return to Start Here to click on the steps to a medical clearance that best fits your status and overseas assignment. During the clearance process, you also need to complete a medical exam to assess your physical and mental health as it relates to essential job duties. Consult the Medical Capabilities database and alternatively consult with post directly. Periodic reinvestigations (PR) are required every 10 years for the secret level. The Six-Year Rule. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, Waivers of the Six-Year and Eight-Year Limits on Continuous Domestic Service, In-Service Medical Clearance Update Guidance, Guidance for a Pre-Employment or Pre-Assignment Medical Clearance, Guidance for Post Specific (Class 2) or Domestic Only (Class 5) Employees, Contractors, and Eligible Family Members, Guidance for Separation or Retirement Examination (Including REA/WAE Applicants). Individuals assigned to any of these ESCAPE posts, including TDY travel of 30 or more consecutive days, must meet more rigid standards and undergo further medical vetting than addressed in this document. It extends to cover the illegal possession (including cultivation and processing) or distribution of illicit drugs. Employees or eligible family members with a Class 5 medical clearance may not be assigned outside the United States. Financial problems that are related to gambling, alcoholism, or drug abuse also are security concerns. Pertinent sections of the Department of State Human Resources SOP A-04 state: The Foreign Service Act of 1980, as amended, 22 U.S.C.3901 et seq., requires all Foreign Service employees to serve a substantial portion of their careers overseas and limits the number of years Foreign Service employees can spend in continuous domestic assignments. This will be determined by either a current diagnosis or . Requests for a 6/8 waiver where neither the employee nor a family member has any special physical or mental health condition that would require the Bureau of Medical Services (MEDs) expertise may be considered by the Committee without MED input. Provide explanations in section IIA on page 2 or on a separate sheet of paper. Individuals who currently have a Post Specific (Class 2) medical clearance or have a new significant medical, mental health or educational issue will need to supply supporting documentation of their condition and treatment plan. ASVAB Scores For Air Force Jobs: All 130+ For 2022, How To Choose The Right Military Branch For You, Military Dental Requirements and Disqualifications, Confidential Security Clearance Disqualifiers, Top Secret Security Clearance Disqualifiers, Military Security Clearance Disqualifiers, 9. Is there a list of conditions that would automatically disqualify you from service or a medical form that is openly available? The medical clearance process is designed to identify on-going medical, mental health, or special educational issues for which adequate resources may not be available at a specific post. A missing signature will delay the medical clearance review process. See Post Specific (Class 2) Clearance for details, Afghanistan, Erbil, Iraq, Libya, Peshawar, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. These 12 will automatically disqualify you from obtaining a clearance, which can affect your job prospects. .header-alert .icon.icon-close-thin.header-alert__close.js-header-alert-close{display:none;}. Confidential security clearance disqualifiers include careful examinations of the following: A periodic reinvestigation (PR) into your character and record is required every 15 years for confidential security clearance. MED requires copies of any lab, radiology reports and EKG tracing when indicated on the physical form. The healthcare provider must print or stamp their name, as well as sign and date page 4. If you or your EFM has a Post Specific (Class 2) clearance, we recommend you act early. An MCU can be submitted to your health unit (preferred) or directly submitted to. A missing signature will delay the medical clearance review process. The same is true regarding a pattern of high risk, aggressive, irresponsible, or emotionally unstable behavior. You might not see how your financial history ties into serving the military yet the government considers a track record of not meeting financial obligations as irresponsible and untrustworthy. There are often no blood banks or limited medical supplies and medications available locally. Post Health Unit Option: If you would like the examination at post, please contact your Foreign Service Medical Provider (RMO or MP) for guidance. You should list any posts you may travel to. This brief, two page document requires does not require a physical exam. Criminal, dishonest, or disgraceful conduct. Take charge! While a medical clearance is not required for TDY travel of less than 30 days, persons with health concerns should avoid travel to localities where medical care is inadequate to meet their needs even if that travel is only for a few days. Failure to have all family members medical clearance in order may delay your travel orders. A waiver request should be sent to an employees CDO, who will forward it to the Five/Eight Committee. All prospective employees and their family members should understand that principle before pursuing a career in the Foreign Service. Get involved! f. Incomplete/Cancellation (Class 8): Issued to an individual whose pre-employment medical evaluation is incomplete and the application has been inactive for more than 90 days. Passing FS Medical Clearance : r/foreignservice - reddit Passing FS Medical Clearance. Foreign Service Officers Candidates, Foreign Service Fellows, and some first-time Limited Non-Career Appointees under the 5 Foreign Services Agencies must be able to serve at any post in the world for their first tour. I Am No Longer A Foreign Service Officer | World Adventurers Reasons for a Separation or Retirement Exam. foreign service medical clearance disqualifiers The in-service clearance process is simplified by the use of a DS-3057: Medical Clearance Update (MCU) form. Include the Medical Records coversheet. This may be delayed if the individual is not properly registered, has missing signatures, incomplete documents, inaccurate email address or the writing is illegible. When to Start the Medical Clearance Process for an Individual with a Post Specific (Class 2) or Domestic Assignment Only (Class 5) Clearance. Part of your eligibility for the FAIT Fellowship program is your ability to enter the Foreign Service upon completion of the program. Inform your CDO or Agency HR of approval determinations. You also cannot have association or sympathy for those that commit these types of crimes or organizations that advocate overthrowing the U.S. government. You are also subject to an interview by an SSBI investigator along with field interviews of your references. All forms, labs and reports should be in English or with an English translation. The Committee reserves the right to seek MEDs opinion when it deems such opinion is necessary for proper adjudication of the request, consistent with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and implementing regulations at 45 C.F.R. If you have questions, please send us an email at Employees of other Government agencies, contractors, and all Eligible Family Members (EFMs) do not need to meet this worldwide availability requirement on their first overseas assignment. It includes illegal or unauthorized modification, manipulation, destruction, or denial of access to information on a system. The Foreign Affairs Information Technology (FAIT) Fellowship is not only a unique opportunity for highly qualified, diverse college students to receive academic funding, internships and mentorship from the U.S. Department of State it is also a path to your career in the Foreign Service. extending at an ESCAPE post, the MCU (plus, any individual who has had a new medical condition that may affect their medical clearance at the posting they are currently at or will be posted to. The medical clearance process is designed to identify medical, mental health, or educational issues before departing for an overseas assignment. I have been considering the Foreign Service for a while but have recently been diagnosed with a certain medical condition that might possibly disqualify me from joining, but I'm not sure. The interviewee might also ask about alcohol or drug use, personal finances, or encounters with police. If a qualified mental health professional has made a diagnosis and that diagnosis may interfere with judgment, reliability, or stability the clearance status is at risk. If you struggle from any of the conditions mentioned below, it is a good idea to speak with a local U.S. Military recruiter. Unhealthy Work Environment. 12 Security Clearance Disqualifiers - Operation Military Kids The individual, parent or guardian should complete the first two pages of each form. Pre-Employment or Pre-Assignment Medical Clearance Process for ESCAPE Posts. Medical Clearance Notices will be sent to your via the e-mail address you place on your form. You may start one year prior to departing for your next overseas assignment. Sending forms and reports to the wrong email address results in confusion. Employees subject to the six- or eight-year rule must work with their CDOs to make a request for a waiver by completing the attached 6/8 waiver request form. Tips for Your In-Service Medical Clearance Update. Please return to "Start Here" to click on the steps to a medical clearance that best fits your status and overseas assignment. We take the protection, release, and use of health information very seriously and follow strict privacy standards as stated in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 . Your CDO or agency HR will send your list to MED Clearances. All chronic medical conditions must be listed on page 4 in assessment or problem list section. Provide a personal, legible e-mail address good for the next 90 days. Document rationale for Post Approvals and/or Disapprovals. Our process is an individualized assessment based upon your medical records, including immunizations, current medical conditions, and ongoing treatment. Contacting your assignments officer in Human Resources for your agency. Page 2 must be signed and dated. Or fax to 202-647-0292 (less preferred) For example, unauthorized disclosure of classified information or violations that were deliberate, multiple, or due to negligence are disqualifiers. For more information, please see our The Foreign Service Act of 1980, as amended, 22 U.S.C. MED Clearances will reevaluate as to whether you could be issued a Post Specific (Class 2) or even a Worldwide Available (Class 1) Clearance. Interview questions range from what you like to do for fun to job history and family. Some posts could face extreme isolation due to limited air and other transportation services, and unreliable Internet, telecommunications and postal and delivery systems. 0720060024 and 0720060025 (3/26/09), the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission issued a number of important holdings concerning disability discrimination.