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ATTR: function(a, b, c) { (" " + e.replace(P, " ") + " ").indexOf(c) > -1 : "|=" === b ? }), Birth Chart Calculator - Cafe Astrology Shop function yb(a, b) { font-size: 15px; n = [], } var c, d = 1, 60% { e : f.pageYOffset) : a[d] = e) PSEUDO: function(a) { (a.type || a.href || ~a.tabIndex) }), ia(function(a) { void 0 !== c.ready ? c[O.expando] && (c[O.expando] = void 0) c = Ka.length; The calm development of the ego and the virile impulse clash and slow down each other. } }) : Pa(a, b, d) : void 0 }) style: function(a, b, c, d) { This means that astrology is only a tool that will tell you whenyou should accelerate and when to stop. z-index: 10001 }, a, b, arguments.length > 1) duration: a, return a[1] = a[1].toLowerCase(), "nth" === a[1].slice(0, 3) ? var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i = 0; ga : ha) : this.type = a, b && n.extend(this, b), this.timeStamp = a && a.timeStamp ||, void(this[n.expando] = !0)) : new n.Event(a, b) return 1 === f && (g = e, e = function(a) { if (! }, Ra.propHooks.scrollTop = Ra.propHooks.scrollLeft = { box-shadow: none !important; n.makeArray(a) : this } var b = a[this.expando]; 13 signs horoscope, sidereal charts, ophiuchus in horoscope, planets in 13. order now. for (d in e[d] ? return 1 === d && 0 === e ? get: function() { color: #fff; return void 0 !== c ? for (var c, d = 0, e = this.length, f = [], g = w.test(a) || "string" != typeof a ? Sun Transits: Through The Houses: How long do they Last? siblings: function(a) { }, n.fn.extend({ n(this).wrapInner(, b)) 40% { } transform: rotate(0) -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both; return j.fireWith(this, arguments), this if (!a[e](b, c, d)) return !1; j = null == c; if (e || a) { c : []) : f = c && n.isPlainObject(c) ? 20% { }); height: a You are here to be an individual, but also to show compassion ( the moon, cancer, aquarius) to your fellow human. -o-animation-duration: 1s; }) @media (min-width:1000px) and (max-width: 1028px) closest: function(a, b) { Neptune Retrograde : What does it mean when Neptune is in retrograde? while (q = a[o++]) }), return h > -1 && (d = n.trim(a.slice(h)), a = a.slice(0, h)), n.isFunction(b) ? m = "2.2.4", By name, they belong to one sign but may also have the traits of another. n.fx.start() : n.timers.pop() }), n.each(["height", "width"], function(a, b) { }, }, return c || "input" !== a.nodeName.toLowerCase() ? .av-monthwrap { $ = { } border-radius: 3px; letterSpacing: "0", learned to manage ones fate. } }, n.extend({ while (g--) d = e[g], (d.selected = n.inArray(n.valHooks.option.get(d), f) > -1) && (c = !0); !a.parentNode widows: !0, } : function(a, b) { queue: j.opts.queue } sb = {}, return new Ra.prototype.init(a, b, c, d, e) } while (k--)(l = j[k]) && (r[n[k]] = ! swing: function(a) { } [null, a, null] : B.exec(a), !e || !e[1] && b) return !b || b.jquery ? }, e = fa.getText = function(a) { b && this.empty().append(a) N.remove(a, [b + "queue", c]) ( unknown time ) Birth city: ( Enter coordinates manually ) Extended settings: House system, Aspects, Orbs. transition: all .3s ease; margin-bottom: 4px; d = 0, e = n(this), f = a.match(G) || []; } setup: function() { 100% { jsonp: "callback", left: 0; Leo Moon Transit: What does the moon entering Leo mean? h = 1, .nl-error::before { }, return o.appendChild(a).id = u, !n.getElementsByName || !n.getElementsByName(u).length return !0 fontWeight: "400" var d; }, }), i var b = a.replace(ba, ca); } This includes the time of birth, the date, day, month, and year of birth, as well as the place of birth. a && n.isFunction(a.promise) ? } } c.apply(this, f || [a.responseText, b, a]) for (var b = Sa || Wa(), c = Math.max(0, j.startTime + j.duration - b), d = c / j.duration || 0, f = 1 - d, g = 0, i = j.tweens.length; i > g; g++) j.tweens[g].run(f); pointer-events: auto !important; while (m = ++n && m && m[p] || (t = n = 0) || o.pop()) margin-top: 4px; line-height: 19px; }, "**") :, a || "**", c) To make a natal or birth chart, one must first have correct information about the birth details. var t = function(a) { return && !n(this).is(":disabled") && Fb.test(this.nodeName) && !Eb.test(a) && (this.checked || !X.test(a)) z-index: 99 text-align: center; } return e.done(arguments).fail(arguments), this (c = b, b = void 0) : b && "object" == typeof b && (e = "POST"), g.length > 0 && n.ajax({ orphans: !0, #tawkchat-container iframe:first-child { is: function(a) { } } _ = /[+~]/, hasData: function(a) { try { } text-align: center; contents: function(a) { nodeName: function(a, b) { 13 Signs Zodiac according to Walter Berg's, Vasilis Kanatas, Chimenti, IAU, and multiple midpoints combination of those. } each: function(a, b) { guid: 1, if (c) }, If birth time is unknown, check this box.*. }), display: inline-block; .modal.fade .modal-dialog1 { return n().off(a), g.apply(this, arguments) anim: j, function Wa() { return V.test(a || "") || fa.error("unsupported lang: " + a), a = a.replace(ba, ca).toLowerCase(), z(-1, y) color: #fff; n.fn[a] = function(d) { opacity: 1; Free Natal Birth Chart Calculator by Date of Birth. return x Birthday Astrology Calculator: Calculate Your Natal Rising Sign add: function(a, b) { }, fa.contains = function(a, b) { return ua(this, arguments, function(a) { if ("string" == typeof a.textContent) return a.textContent; O = new M, } What happens in the last quarter moon transit? 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}); return a.setTimeout(function() { } return n.nodeName(, "a") This handy free birth charts calculator will let you know where your sun, moon, ascendant is aswell as calculating where the main planets are, Neptune, mercury, venus, mars, Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter. .homenl-pop.modal-dialog { var c = n(this).val(); return this === ia() && this.blur ? while (f = b[g++]) d.indexOf(" " + f + " ") < 0 && (d += f + " "); return a = b || a, "none" === n.css(a, "display") || !n.contains(a.ownerDocument, a) 0 : j.length; var b = a.nodeName.toLowerCase(); else if ("*" !== i && i !== f) { if (c = p ? for (l in m.headers) x.setRequestHeader(l, m.headers[l]); Sa = void 0 bindType: b, .modal-content { cursor: auto !important; initGTM(); a ? return { c = b.appendChild(d.createElement("option")); ").sort(), o && (l = n.event.special[o] || {}, o = (e ? line-height: 1.3 var Aa = /^margin/, }), c.getElementsByClassName = Z.test(n.getElementsByClassName), c.getById = ia(function(a) { if (h = i = e = e || d, 3 !== e.nodeType && 8 !== e.nodeType && !ib.test(q + n.event.triggered) && (q.indexOf(".") get: function(a, b) { -o-animation-name: swing; margin: 10px removeAttr: function(a) { q = b.parentNode, } : a + "" for (d in b) }), n.each({ option: [1, ""], }, var d = n.extend(new n.Event, c, { Ophiuchus represents the courage and perseverance of fighting against death and people under the Ophiuchus sign can hardly be defeated. -webkit-transform: translate(0, -25%); (e = c, d = c = void 0) : null == e && ("string" == typeof c ? 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