PETA put an eye-catching ad in Marylands largest newspaper,The Baltimore Sun, urging the public to demand that Johns Hopkins University experimenter Shreesh Mysore end hisillogical, immoral, and illegal experimentson sensitive and intelligent barn owls. Liquidations listed in Victoria for March, updated hourly PETA Owls are giving @JohnsHopkins President Ron Daniels a wake-up call These screeches were recorded inside a campus lab where owls are tormented in useless experiments!Take action to demand JHU President Ron Daniels end the cruel experiments NOW! Not so kind to canines was television host Greg Gutfelds use of a French bulldoga breathing-impaired breed deliberately bred to have airways so restricted that the dogs suffer from a host of painful health conditions. If experimentation on chimpanzees, who share close to 99% of their DNA with humans, was found ineffective, the chances are slim that JHUs experiments on owls will yield anything useful for humans. Happy Monday y'all! We also counter the governments argument that nonhuman animals dont enjoy these generally applicable legal rights, citing the fact that even corporations currently enjoy freedom from the exact type of constitutional harm at issue here. The rapid response to the COVID-19 virus proves this convincingly, as vaccines went quickly to human trials without slogging through years or even decades of pointless and deadly animal tests, resulting in the distribution of vaccines to millions worldwide in record time. Students saw a gruesome crime scene at the entrance to Johns Hopkins University (JHU) today, where caution tape surrounded an owl mascot who lay inside a chalk body outline. Funded by Johns Hopkins University and taxpayer money through the National Institutes of Health to the tune of more than $3.7 million, Mysore intends to use 50 to 60 barn owls in just the current set of painful experimentsincluding six birds simply for surgical practice for his staff. PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) - YouTube It took several minutes to free the owl with the homeowner's help. #JHU2022 Tell the university to stop tormenting owls now! In response to Daniels newly extended term as president of JHU, PETA fired off a letter to the editor of The Baltimore Sun calling for him to cease immediately all worthless and deadly experiments on animals.. They frequently use naked women on billboards or young girls in bikinis to promote themselves. nate on Twitter: "@hexeducation @TheFP sure. and someone could say "i Especially this one. In the brief filed today in U.S. district court in Washington, D.C., we reiterate that the 2002 Helms Amendment, which deprived these animals of AWA protections, is a clear case of unconstitutional congressional vindictiveness toward a particular group. We never considered the impact of these actions on the animals involved. The letter details how JHU experimenter Shreesh Mysore doesnt give tuppence (a British expression meaning couldnt care less) when it comes to the birds he mutilates and locks in a laboratory or the $1.9 million in public funds that his tests have squandered. The experimentswhich involve cutting into barn owls skulls, implanting electrodes in their brains, forcing the birds into plastic tubes or jackets so cramped that they cant move their wings, clamping their eyes open, and bombarding them with sounds and lights for up to 12 hourswill continue for the present, despite their worthlessness. and someone could say "i won't date pagans. Discover peta owl ad 's popular videos | TikTok Unlike humans, barn owls sensory systems are adapted to let them seek out moving targets in the dark. Owler Reports - PETA Blog Dr. Seuss' Tofu Scram and Vegan Sham Ham "PETA's ad blitz will let residents of Baltimore know how they can speak out against JHU's junk-science brain experiments on owls that aren't applicable to humans, squander taxpayer funds, and. Imagine letting companies that do this use your image to sell their evil. After PETA wrote to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources inquiring how Shreesh Mysore has been allowed to kill owls in his Johns Hopkins University laboratorygiven that state law prohibits permit holders like him from killing wildlifethe agency has revoked Mysore's current permit and issued a new one that forbids him from killing birds Now weve broken down the commercials during Super Bowl LVII according to whether they were good, bad, or ugly from animals perspective. A man, Tim Mclean, was publicly murdered and cannibalised in an extremely horrifying way and PETA tried to run a newspaper ad comparing that to animal consumption, very soon after his death. What if I asked YOU, "How many customer touch points does it take to get a person to turn into a customer?." Do you know the answer to this question? Please use this as motivation to TAKE ACTION to help stop this barbaric junk science. We never considered the impact of these actions on the animals involved. The experiments appear to violate Marylands cruelty-to-animals law and were conducted for years without the proper state permits. An ad recently released by PETA was playing through my earbuds. PETA kept the pressure on Johns Hopkins University (JHU) and its experimenter Shreesh Mysore with a captivatingproteston campus featuring an evil scientist drilling into the skull of a restrained owl. PETA is urging the National Institutes of Health to revoke all taxpayer funding for these horrific owl experiments that violated Maryland state law for years and is calling on the Maryland Department of Natural Resources to deny Mysore and JHU any future permits to possess owls for use in experiments. JHU experimenter Shreesh Mysore apparently has as much contempt for the law as he does for his animal victims. its ill-informed and invalidating but how they feel. The owls endure two to three invasive surgeries before Mysore uses them in experiments. Mysore claims that his experiments could help humans, but, unlike us, owls have well-developed auditory and visual systems that are specialized for target selection. PETAs 40-foot spider wound her web around Johns Hopkins Universitys campus to expose the web of lies that the school is spinning around deadly and wasteful tests on owls conducted by experimenter Shreesh Mysore, who broke state law by failing to get a mandatory permit to use owls in his laboratory. PETA on Twitter: "An "owl" just showed up at @JohnsHopkins with a does anybody wanna do like a group chat on Snapchat for all us night owls think it would be anybody else here a night owl with anxiety and depression. Documents obtained by PETA reveal that Johns Hopkins experimenter Shreesh Mysore cuts into the skulls of barn owls, inserts electrodes into their brains, forces them to look at screens for hours a day, and bombards them with noises and lightsand pretends that doing this will tell us something about attention-deficit disorder in humans. Mysores research has the potential to provide new and critical insights into a number of important medical conditions, including ADHD, autism, and schizophrenia, so that scientists can develop better interventions and treatments to help people in need.. Now we've broken down the commercials during Super Bowl LVII according to whether they were good, bad, or ugly from animals' perspective. The National Institutes of Healths (NIH) own analysis tool (Translation tab) indicates that JHUs owl experiments have a shockingly dismal 5% approximate potential to translate to human health, and PETA caught experimenter Shreesh Mysore admitting that attaching bolts to animals skulls in order to hold their heads in an unnaturally fixed position might cause him to misinterpret whats happening or misunderstand the results. 6. The evidence is stacked against it: Owls are not miniature humans and are poor surrogates. Read more about this significant development here. This petition is a wakeup call that the public will not stand by as owls are tormented for junk science. LIVE. In response to Daniels newly extended term as president of JHU, PETA fired off a, Concerned students at the University of CaliforniaDavis sent a. sent by PETAto that schools chair of neuroscience, urging the cancellation of a talk by Johns Hopkins University owl tormentor Shreesh Mysore. PETA activists are circling Johns Hopkins University during their graduation to spread the message about JHUs violent and worthless experiments on owls.Let the owls leave campus too! In aletterto the universitys president, PETA proposed a better solution for employeesandanimalscut wasteful and cruel experiments on animals, starting with Mysores deadly tests on barn owls, If @JohnsHopkins needs to save money, it should cut the owl torture lab not employee benefits. PETA demonstrated outside JHUs graduation ceremony to pressure the university to end these cruel experiments, which dont advance human health. SUPPORT.PETA.ORG Feds Use Your Tax Money to Torture Owls at Johns HopkinsIt Needs to Stop Owls at Johns Hopkins Lab: You Won't Be Able to Unhear Their - YouTube (JHU) and its efforts to represent animals in court will continue despite a Washington, D.C., federal courts dismissal yesterday of PETAs first-of-its-kind lawsuit for lack of standing. The court dismissed the constitutional lawsuit, not on its merits but on technical grounds, deciding that nonhuman animals are not considered persons and opining that PETA and others therefore do not have next friend standinga decision that PETA says appeases trade groups that benefit from the exploitation of animals but is out of touch with current knowledge ofwhoother animals are. No companies found . PETAs campaign againstdeadly brain experiments at Johns Hopkins University. One monkey DIED after a lab worker slammed a cage door on them. PETA also placed an eye-catchingad last week inThe Washington Times calling on the National Eye Institute to stop funding the tests. For some experiments, owls are restrained for up to12 hours while electrodes are inserted into their brains, causing significant damage to their brain tissue. Police deploy stingers and arrest one following Fairfield Waters Night The new documents confirm that MD DNR has revoked that permit because it was inconsistent with state lawin other words, ILLEGALand has issued him a new one stipulating that he cant kill birds. Kramer asserts in his letters that Mysore is not exempt from Maryland law and should refund the taxpayer money he spent on illegal activities, be barred from receiving future federal funding for these experiments on owls, and have his current MD DNR permit revoked if hes continuing to kill owls in his tests after that agency explicitly barred him from doing so on May 12, 2022. to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way. Speaking as part of a symposium about animal-free testing methods held at JHU, PETA Vice President of Laboratory Investigations Dr. Alka Chandnahighlightedthe various human-relevant, non-animal methods available to replace crude animal tests like Mysores brain experiments on owls. Documents obtained by PETA reveal that Johns Hopkins experimenter Shreesh Mysore cuts into the skulls of barn owls, inserts electrodes into their brains, forces them to look at screens for hours a day, and bombards them with noises and lightsand pretends that doing this will tell us something about attention-deficit disorder in humans. @johnshopkins animal labs need to be shut down IMMEDIATELY before others die. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources has, that the notorious experimenter repeatedly broke state law for years by failing to obtain the legally required permits to possess barn owls for invasive brain tests. Donald Trump's Sons Defend Safari Killing Spree In Zimbabwe (PHOTOS) PETA sent a letter to States Attorney for Baltimore City Marilyn Mosby, urging her office to investigate experimenter Shreesh Mysores invasive experiments on barn owls at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) for apparent violations of Marylands cruelty-to-animals law. PETA supporters mourned the victims of the torturous experiments on owls conducted by Johns Hopkins University experimenter Shreesh Mysore in a somber vigil at the residence of the schools president, Ronald J. Daniels. However, it appears that MD DNR has now colluded with or bowed to pressure from JHU to circumvent the law by issuing the school a separate new permit that allows for business as usual. August 4 is International Owl Awareness Day, and PETA has launched a new ad blitz to raise awareness of the plight of the owls tormented in laboratories at Johns Hopkins University (JHU).