The cdg gots lots of girls sicarias actually some of this girls command little cells of gunmen.anyway play with fire and you cnn get burned. But it soon became clear that Marks case was different. It's like the condemned man being led to the electric chair, what goes through his mind as he's taking those steps? Constanzo began shooting. Hardcover. Crazy shit man. "I've kept coming back to this story for several days already; I cannot forget her haunting, smiling face and then the contrast to the photo of her flesh thrown there staining the asphalt.She's got a delicious looking midrif. There, they flashed fake badges and told him he was under arrest for public drunkeness. Their victims were snatched off the streets. Police unhearthing bodies at rancho Santa Elena. They crossed the border and arrived at their car with Kilroy still out of sight. The Reynosa faction killed this girl in retaliation for the ass kicking that lost metros gave them here recently. A caretaker on the property said he recognized Kilroy from a photograph police showed him. bodies were found at the cult site, 98 is attacking mata. When classes let out on March 10, 1989, Kilroy and three friends traveled to. you are exactly right bro,they believe every word from all the corridos and some! Sin modestia , soy un hombre, Escucho tus palabras.Ingls es mi primera. Sara Aldrete, Elio Hernandez, and Serafn Hernandez were convicted of multiple murders and given prison sentences of over 60 years each. Aldrete was not the type anyone would suspect of belonging to a murderous cult. The car, with Ayala and his officers behind it, drove to a ranch in Santa Elena, just south of Matamoros. Jim Kilroy. No,there are many factions of CDG the big 2 being Metros and Ciclones..Metros jefe El Gafe. Send us a tip using our anonymous form. Please let us know if you're having issues with commenting. FOR A FEW PESOS IDIOTS, Whats up with the 65 guy ? You do not set the conditions at the recruiting depot, she enjoyed the perks like the tv every day she had it, but millionaires would not understand any of it--The fact is poor people keep putting the dead, be it criminals, police or ayotzinapos, never the higher ups--those that get to be millionaire capos, they are not safe either, ask the guadalajara cartel, osiel, el guero palmas, the carrillos, the AFO's, "los setas", the zambadas, el chapo, Kiki plancarte, etc etc etc..they just get fat, then sent packing to watch plasma TV in prison, if at allwithout millions Look at the room in the background worked as a sicaria and could not even afford a flat screen tv. [1] His cult members nicknamed him The Godfather (El Padrino). Inside The Life Of America's Most Notorious Serial Killer, What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch. If the imbecile comment does not make clear that SHE made a mistakeThere would be no confession, I mean confusion.--now go attack other members of the axis of evil Hey every cartel member should get a tatoo so when ever they get dismembered it won't be so hard for there family to identify them lol.. That's what they get when there in cartels what do they expect. He was taken back to the ranch, possibly tortured and sodomized, then slain by Costanzo with a machete chop to the back of his head, according to New York's Daily News. She gave birth to Adolfo at the age of 15 and eventually had three children, by different fathers. Copyright 2023 Penske Business Media, LLC. It was a video of her and some guys fileting the skin, then wearing it as a mask, and kicking around the guys head.. could be wuera.. what ever happend to her? plans and enthusiasm Authorities on both sides of the Rio Grande suspected foul play, but the police were short on leads. Elio emerged as the gangs new leader and turned to Constanzo for supernatural help and guidance. The source indicated that the yet unidentified man was dumped behind a hotel in the outskirts of Matamoros. By now, if cutting people's heads off was going to scare the gangs people off it would have happened, now it's just dumb. Grupos armados se enfrentan en Matamoros, noreste de Mxico Otra "marignal" que nacio en le basurero y murio en le basurero. But she was grooming him for something much darker than telling fortunes. Police forced members of the Hernandez gang to help dig up the bodies of their victims. RMBAEF6C - Spain, Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO, St. James statue, Matamoros killing Saracens. Mexican policeallegedly refused to continue the investigation until a healer known as a curandero came and purified the site to cast out any evil spirits, according to Texas Monthly. A que mi flaca! He was taken by his abductors to a ranch where he was tortured and sodomized for hours before being murdered in a human sacrifice ritual. The graves containing the mutilated remains of 15 people. Meanwhile, Marks parents, James and Helen Kilroy, flew to Brownsville to lead the search. In another of the photos, the dismembered body of a man is shown with various body parts thrown on the ground. While these idiots are out doing the dirty work risking their lives for a miserable $400.00 a month. As for what happened to Kilroy after that, the old man didnt know. There Mark left the group to talk to a woman that he knew. While these are most often sourced from animals, followers of PaloMayombehave been blamed for grave robberies, including the theft of bones and body parts at three South Florida cemeteries in 2018, according to theMiami Herald. Propaganda says they get paid X amount in pesos every month, and "steaks"Why all of them maruchaneros only eat maruchan?Clearly propaganda is one thing, reality another ETERNAL HELL FOR WHAT? [2] Many of his clients were rich drug dealers and hitmen who enjoyed the violence of Constanzo's "magical" displays. When the cartel rejected his offer to become a business partner and the protector of their drug trafficking, seven family members disappeared. Show me where the body is, Ayala commanded. The dismembered remains of three persons were found in coolers, one identified as Joselyn Alejandra Nio, a sicaria operating in Rio Bravo. El Soldado Perdido. Ayala put the Hernandez brothers to work digging up graves, and even requisitioned a neighbors backhoe to aid in the dig. Beer gets recycled all the time, what do you think TECATE is?Tecate addicts are the worst beer drinkers in the whole world She thinks she is a bad ass working for the cartel. Former Brownsville, TX, deputy sheriff George Gavito recounts the 23 grisly "palo mayombe" human-sacrifice torture-sex killings perpetrated by the gang led by Adolfo Constanzo in Matamoros, Mexico which ended in April, 1989 and are basis for the Zev Berman feature film Borderland (2007). **WARNING GRAPHIC** Cartel Chronicles: Gory Executions - Breitbart Constanzo, a drug dealer, serial killer and con man. Abel Lima "El Sodomita de Iztapalapa" (alleged suspect for the kidnappings in the mid-90s). Twelve human bodies were found at the cult site, including the body of Adolfo Constanzo and Martin Quintana dead in closet. In 1988, Constanzo moved to Rancho Santa Elena, a small house in the desert, which became known as The Devil's Ranch a temple for human sacrifice. Matamoros is a popular place for teenagers to visit because of lenient laws on alcohol and nightclubs. After U.S.-Mexico authorities expanded their anti-drug operations on April 11, police arrested 20-year-old drug dealer Serafin Hernandez Garcia for marijuana possession. On May 6, 1989, Constanzo spotted a police car outside the building, picked up a machine gun,and began firing. Once they get these kids hooked on dope they'll do what ever their told and all the while their so-called bosses pockets are filling with money. Constanzo, in a state of paranoia, began burning all his cash on the stove and flinging wads of cash and coins out to the street below. WHY? I heard him say something like Didnt I just see you somewhere? or Where did I last see you? The line outside wasnt too bad, says Huddleston, but it was pretty crowded. The boys drank and danced until about 2:30 a.m., then headed back to their hotel. Lolteddy bear..but I does look like something sinister. Constanzo began to believe that his magic, much of which he took from Palo Mayombe, was responsible for the success of the cartels and demanded to become a full business partner with one of the most powerful families he knew, the Calzadas. Anybody that gets shocked by this anymore is living under a rock. Hey, I'm going to kill you !! Ella me quiere,,se una buena nina..It's good to get knowledgable people on here specially from Nosa or Mata, Duele, mucho, pero aaay que rico, solamente un hombre muy hombre se atreveria, o se aventaria, hasta sin paracaidasAtentamente: el mil mascaras, 4.46Lo siento por ser un pendejo.A todos nos duele mi ruka.,im sorry ok.. Rituals often include animal sacrifice and the use of human bones however, human sacrifice is strictly forbidden. That's weird . check out the shape of it. She looks like alfalfa from spankys our some of you Feos are lonely AND hard up..and micropenis?