But you won't find evidence of their existence in paw prints in the snow or a deer carcass in a tree. WMUR NH Chronicle Mountain Lions in NH Part I and Part II. Do they travel. Sam what's the incentive for the government to deny allegedly. The supervisor that hired me in the game division in October of 1978 passed on to me this whole big folder of mountain lion information and sightings going back probably a couple decades. Let's talk to Bob in Laconia Bob. N.H. Let's talk to Mike in Webster. Mountain lions when they show up they leave evidence. NHPR is nonprofit and independent. I found a second scat scent both to him. Peter Biello: Yeah some of what she was saying sounds like it would require getting pretty close or at least having a nice zoom lens right Sam like. Pat humans people leave deer carcasses up in trees. So so in 2011 a mountain lion was killed in a car accident in Connecticut a car hit a mountain lion and killed it. So Pat you field a lot of calls about people seeing or reportedly seeing mountain lions. Now Bobcat is a completely different species. And here we're talking about in this situation we're talking about it migrated from the West. Infinite Scroll Enabled. I mean that so many of them are false sightings we. But you won't find evidence of their existence in paw prints in the snow or a deer carcass in a tree. Its impossible to say, but I think the odds are pretty good that some of these sightings are legit. But I do think that it's appropriate that a fishing game agency would recognize verifiable proof if they could. So if you were to ask me has a mountain lion ever passed through New Hampshire and been spotted by somebody who wasnt able to get hard evidence? Id personally be willing to say "probably, yes.". Well let me ask maybe Pat and Rick about this. Listeners we'd love to hear some of your thoughts on this. Patrick Tate: So I just got to throw a little interesting side note in this. I noticed it had a really big sweeping tail that kind of curled up behind it and all but still at that point because everyone says there's no mountain lions here. Right. And so a mountain lion is actually quite large right. Mountain Lion in New Hampshire? - Bowsite.com Peter Biello: Yeah. Fear for others and those two polarizing opinions on the situation is what I believe brings out mystique and Sam you know I take kind of a long view on this. So let's let's go to the phones. Peter Biello: Give us a call 1 800 8 9 2 6 4 7 7 you can also send us an email exchange at an HP morgue. I really really enjoyed listening to this program so thank you all very much. Patrick Tate: And there's one other way to model that is the same animal. It was in the spring flash kind of early summer and my wife looked at you look at the size of an adult bear and we were up in arms. Mountain Lions in NH - Facebook Reviewing the evidence, the U.S. Mountain Lions | Wildlife | New Hampshire Fish and Game Department So so it is possible in Maine to still to to to have one but you have to be sort of professional handler as it were. I've collected scat samples I've got several in my collection. Peter Biello: Well hey Rob. They lived perhaps elsewhere in New England and they were just passing through and happened to have an encounter of some sort. Nicholas Handy can be reached at 924-7172 ext. For instance, Floridas wildlife officials have a similar ghost cat: the black panther. I mean no doubt a seen Bobcat seen his stuff. Peter Biello: From New Hampshire Public Radio I'm Peter Biello in for Lark Knoy and this is the exchange. If you missed part of today's program listen to the exchange. Residents Report Mountain Lion Sighting By Elysia Rodriguez Published August 11, 2015 A southern New Hampshire neighborhood believes a mountain lion is roaming the woods near their homes. I hope she's listening and she had spoke to a lot of different people ended up having a couple of sightings of her alone without sort of by accident. I'm sorry go ahead you're on the air. Right. OK. Do cougars live in New England? He shifted gears in 2016 and began producing Outside/In, a podcast and radio show about the natural world and how we use it. His work has won him several awards, including two regional Edward R. Murrow awards, one national Murrow, and the Overseas Press Club of America's award for best environmental reporting in any medium. Mike thanks for your call. It was really muscular looking cat I mean is that like a side angle to me. Peter Biello: I did mention four feet nose to tail would be kind of small for a mountain lion. Patrick Tate: Well I've never seen an Easter cougar so I can't say when I've handled these 10 cougars and whatnot. M from Tree Hill author series presenting Diane lay back. So here we have you know a very qualified biologist who who found a print took a plaster cast found a scat send it to a university. Mountain Lions in New Hampshire-Fact or Fiction - YouTube And I think this is a really interesting story for a couple of reasons one is that it proves what Pat was saying which that basically from New York state where its traces was really picked up on a game camera around Lake George all the way down to Connecticut there was numerous. Hunting is legal, but closely regulated by the state. Sam Evans-Brown: So I just had two thoughts which is that we hear a lot of these stories and all of us here have heard these stories. County road and all of a sudden a big cat jumps out of the woods over a stone wall stood in the middle of the dirt road as I rode towards it. Thanks for your call. Id like to hazard the explanation that we really, really want to see a mountain lion. Enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, and then try again. The great thing about pictures isn't the animal itself it's the background. So nowadays we think of this in the Northeast as crazy stuff that people have a mountain lion as a pet. We'll also hear your stories if you have them again. It's completely possible that it may have spent time in New Hampshire and went undetected but had it stayed in the area ultimately it would have been detected over time. Deer Bear Moose Wolves Fisher Mountain Lions. Which brings us to the next question, what are the odds that some of these reported sightings (which, when I posted about this on twitter, I immediately started to get as well) are actually people seeing a mountain lion? So for our scientists to do the lumping and whatnot. Information that weed family automotive dot com sunny for today high temperatures low to mid 80s clear tonight overnight lows in the 50s tomorrow sunny highs in the upper 80s. Peter Biello: This is NHK PR Good morning and HP are summer car raffle is back and now's the time to get your early bird tickets. Love hearing these stories. And those are not the same things. Its closest living relative is the cheetah. And because you know things flow downhill and I was pushed to go investigate it more and met with the individual two or three times and there was a bunch of inconsistencies about the photograph. But are there mountain lions living in New Hampshire? Pat ruse and he was sampling doing DNA samples from cats in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. She was having a garden party on her back porch and everybody in the party saw this mountain lion across the field down below the porch. People have asked me about the genetics of eastern mountain lion. And it came out we could see it had and we could see its long swooping tail. Right. The species that once inhabited the Northeast, known as the eastern mountain lion, is now extinct. So one thing I'll add we're talking about natural dispensers but talking with the conservation officer in the 1980s they recall going to a residence telling a person you can live here but your mountain lion can't. So. So what counts as verifiable evidence? Really appreciate it. They're the generalists that made it through both the arrival of the Clovis people with their with their spears and then the Europeans with their guns. He said matter of fact I do. Monday, December 5th: Mountain Lions in New Hampshire? And so I just wanted to share my share my experience with you guys and it was pretty awesome to see if you get to see one albeit it was in the brush. So I know it's another unconfirmed report but you string enough of these together. Caller: Yeah I hadn't experienced blastoff fall so this was around September and I was driving from Webster into Concord on Horse Hill Road and anybody in the area would know I was right near the Red Barn and all of a sudden this animal jumps out of the woods and it bounded across the road in about two two giant leaps and stopped in the field just on the other side. And now that everyone and their mother has a remote camera in their back yard its just so, so unlikely that there are resident, breeding mountain lions in New England that are living invisibly among us, he says, Its become Big Foot.. Is there something particularly hospitable about New Hampshire Forests that make them want to come here. Because I mean as we've heard in the past 10 minutes like there's there's some disagreement or at least some some vagueness about what an actual mountain lion should appear like in the wild assuming we can even get close enough. So Marty can you see what I'm getting at is the public sees different names and thinks that they're different animals but it's all the same animal. Peter Biello: Well yeah. And there's there's no evidence of that cat's movement in that entire you know 12 hundred miles stretch of its journey. There are mountain lion in Massachusetts. It's unfortunate that that kind of thing happens as often as it does. So one thing I'll add. Residents believe cougars still roam New Hampshire's forests - AP NEWS Sam Evans-Brown: And second the evidence required is is you know pretty pretty tough to gather. By, March 2023 Fund Drive Rules and Regulations, Persons with disabilities who need assistance accessing NHPR's FCC public files, please contact us at publicfile@nhpr.org. nh.gov | privacy policy | accessibility policy Residents believe cougars still roam New Hampshire's forests. As wildlife biologists, wed be fascinated to say 'look look what was found in our state.'. Sort of dropped onto the SD card of a camera he'd set up out in the wild. The term is because mascots notwithstanding right that they're referred to with a lot of different terms and sometimes they can be confused with a lot of different terms. So I just brought up the bobcat thing because the location is fascinating to me that that that location we have Bobcats existing but that location we have a mountain lion report because it's a developed area and which brings me back to earlier what I had said it's a bouncing ball. Peter Biello: They make great mascots at least. We send out DNA samples to the U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station. So that's the specimen that you find going long distances. They just end up in these places. Just. Anyways after three weeks I finally found the image on line on a field and stream photo contest and the explanation in the end was the person that set the camera out with another individual and they believed that someone who knew of the camera location saw the similarities put the can't picture on their SD card so it looked like that camera recorded the image that is. Peter Biello: Rick I believe you did mention that that they do leave carcasses up in the tree from time to time but are there any other species known in New Hampshire to do this on a regular basis. We'll hear from her periodically through the show. Here she is talking about how to identify a mountain lion. When you talk about a bobcat Bobcat maybe 80 90 pounds and then a mountain lion could be between 130 and 180 pounds. I've seen him in the woods and that was not a bobcat but I was looking at. Russ, from Sandwich (and Bedford) asks: In Sandwich New Hampshire, everybody has a story about seeing a mountain lion. JavaScript must be enabled for some features to display properly. There was a lot of DNA evidence. Windham Life and Times - November 15, 2019 It's you know I recognized their report and. Do you get a lot of these these these things that end up being hoaxes. They sent he sent his scent those two samples with his to Wyoming an unfortunate Fish and Game Commission there did not get a positive read on it but send it back to Central Michigan University where they did a nuclear micro satellite DNA analysis and found no significant difference between that scat and other scats that were tested from the Rocky Mountain region. So we're fixated on natural but there's other possibilities. Share. She is renowned for tracking. Patrick Tate: Yeah yeah. Sam Evans-Brown: Well first I want to sort of explain why what the theory is but then also throw a bit of cold water on it because I don't think there's much much logic behind it but essentially is that if fish and game were to acknowledge that there was a population of Mount lions in the state there's a chance that something like a listing under the federal Endangered Species Act might happen and then there'd be you know some they'd have to put a plan in place to protect the species there'd be you know restrictions put on development. Let us know your story and share your photos. So do they. Sam Evans-Brown: Certainly that is a thing I've heard but again you have to think of the incentives involved here. So that that's more or less I think why I'm here and why I got into this in nineteen ninety nine I found a what appeared to be a print of a mountain lion and that was in the Osprey mountains and I thought well OK that's that's a print. Peter Biello: Well Karl Jarvis a former reporter for The King's son Nile thank you very much for for calling in and sharing your perspective and to his point Patrick T. I mean yes we haven't met the scientific burden of proof here in New Hampshire as far as physical evidence is is concerned but is there room at Fish and Game For A kind of an informal nod to all of the people who have somehow convinced themselves and possibly some others that yeah there may be occasional sightings here. Peter Biello: And Carl before you continue I think Patrick Tate just give me a second. Fish and Wildlife Service decided all of the cougars, pumas, and mountain lions in the country are actually the same species, and that species hasnt had a breeding population anywhere near the Northeast for at least 70 years. We'd be inundated with scouts in the past when newspaper articles have been written about DNA and scouts. Over a period of a year and a half, this Mountain Lion left DNA evidence in at least four states. Support for an age PR comes from you our listeners. Sam Evans-Brown: What he would have stopped as well I think is way way that the reason that mountain lion kept moving is because he wasn't finding anybody. 235 or nhandy@ledgertranscript.com. They were able to do all that by genetics. On a dirt road. So it's six months of a large large predatory animal that moves great distances on the landscape that is not known if it went northeast west Salt and how many circles it did. Well Is DNA the most reliable means we have of identifying whether or not what we saw is actually a mountain lion. So so they're just a very resilient species and they're pretty they're pretty neat. The tail leave is a giveaway but not everybody gets to see the tail. Despite numerous reports, the NH Fish and Game Department continues to have no physical evidence of mountain lion presence in the state. Me Im willing to believe its possible that there are some out there. Every other Friday on Morning Edition NHPRs Sam Evans-Brown tracks down answers to questions about the environment and outdoors for our listeners in a segment we call Ask Sam.. By, March 2023 Fund Drive Rules and Regulations, Persons with disabilities who need assistance accessing NHPR's FCC public files, please contact us at publicfile@nhpr.org. Rick van de Poll: Yes. So the U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station has a database on mountain lion and they can identify. There were several sightings in CT over the last few months. And a lot of people around the county airport have seen a lot of pilots coming in said they saw huge. They are the same thing. Phone number 1 800. Peter Biello: So Rick seems like you agree that the tail is a big giveaway whether or not it's a mountain lion Absolutely. The states never denied mountain lions are here, and theyve never admitted mountain lions are here. Patrick Tate: So I agree with what Sam said in part that their ability to go undetected for amount of time but ultimately it was detected. And trying to figure out the little pieces to identify him so I bring up the names the differences but the appearances can be confusing for some. Almost all species disperse greater distances than females. Mountain Lions in New Hampshire-Fact or Fiction. While State Denies Mtn Lions are in NH, Numerous Sightings Say So maybe a good pet for you but not for your neighbor if you just stop by unannounced. Today, their range stretches from the Yukon Territory in Canada along the western coast of the United States, all the way to the Southern Andes in Chile. Rick van de Poll: Rick your thoughts. Many people in New Hampshire have claimed to have seen mountain lions. I'm Peter Biello. There's these animals aren't coming with a map saying oh I want to go here. No evidence and other states where Mountain lights have turned up. Or years or so. Sam Evans-Brown: Well this might be a good moment to talk about hoaxes. Patrick Tate: I would say well when social media first started they picked up the hoaxes became much more prevalent in the last four or five years hoaxes have died down completely. OK. Rick van de Poll: Rick and I would add that if a mountain lion male takes up residence and successfully finds a female as pets there's gonna be a lot more evidence there will be like deer carcasses up in trees and territorial marking and claw marks and tracks and it you know dispersal is gonna be very tough to see or observed but residential parrots a totally different story. A 140-pound male mountain lion was hit by a car and killed in 2011 in Milford, Connecticut. I live pretty much on the town line of Greenfield just a couple of miles down in the Greenfield. Tell us your story. Patrick Tate: It's wow interesting that you brought this up because I've had people report I saw cardamom. Patrick Tate: Same here in New Hampshire too. We've met Fish and Game's BURDEN OF PROOF. Patrick Tate: Exactly I was gonna bring that up juvenile male of. I have one that's more elaborate than that. Pat what do you think the mystique of the mountain lion. NH Wildlife News and Info | NH Wildlife For over 38 years the Saddleback Mountain Lions have offered people a chance to give back to their community. They don't know the direction they're going. If it's just in the middle of a greenfield you can't prove anything. Despite numerous reports, the NH Fish and Game Department continues to have no physical evidence of mountain lion presence in the state. Well I can't tell you what you saw. Michael Brindley is our program manager our producers our Jessica Hunt and Christina Phillips and our theme music was composed by Bob Lord. Patrick Tate: Okay. Part II. GAP MOUNTAIN LIONS CLUB Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire (USA) District 44-N . And it was unmistakable. It was some sort of a Lion Mountain Lion animal. If youd like to submit a question (or send a mountain line photo) you can record it as a voice memo on your smart phone and send it tooustidein@nhpr.org, OR call our hotline, 1-844-GO-OTTER (1-844-466-8837) and leave a message. Contact the Wildlife Division at (603) 271-2461 or wildlife@wildlife.nh.gov to request an observation report form. Peter Biello: So let's say Rick that it was confirmed that there that there are mountain lines here in New Hampshire. Here it is. Are there mountain lions in New Hampshire? : r/newhampshire - reddit I've actually had to walk in on one or two now and look at what was going on and figured out what was going on. Peter Biello: There have been several alleged sightings of mountain lions in New Hampshire recently. Patrick Tate: While a juvenile not a juvenile I guess if you want nodes to the base of the tail for juvenile that wouldn't be small at all. In my New Hampshire career I have written several, and seen at least 20, stories along the lines of "local person thinks they saw a mountain lion but there's no actual evidence aside from. Thank you. Theres a project called the Cougar Network that tracks verified sightings, and they are all around us: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, New York and New Brunswick have all had verified sightings over the past 20 years or so. We'd love to have you in the queue. We want answers. Sam Evans-Brown: So Tim so this cat's been been referenced a couple of times I think we should talk about it specifically lay the whole story out for folks who haven't heard the story because it's actually I think really indicative of a lot of stuff for talking about. Peter Biello: When did you allegedly see a mountain lion. And that's this morning at 10:00 here on NH PR. They create these scrapes where theyre communicating with each other with scent. Yes. Ive received pictures of dogs at odd angles, says Tate. However, dispersing western mountain lions have left evidence as close as Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York. Residents believe cougars still roam New Hampshire's forests So. Incredible sighting and I called him the fish and game and they immediately sent me to a website to look at all the bobcat pictures. That's too big for Bobcat. Peter Biello: What about the idea of tourism like us leaving aside the fact that it is not on the Endangered Species Act is it. Want to report a Mountain Lion sighting in New Hampshire? We're going to talk a little bit more about habitat first but then we'll get into sightings. Do you want to see real, living mountain lions that do exist in New Hampshire. www.wildlife.state.nh.us, Buy or Renew Your Saltwater Fishing License, Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve. Long before NASA was asked to put a man on the moon one engineer had already figured out how to get there. On Oct. 10, he gave a slide talk called "Wild Cats of New Hampshire," which included the bobcat and the lynx. Squam Lake: Home of mountain lions - Concord Monitor Select image for larger view. The Eastern mountain lion is extinct in the eastern United States and Canada, but in 2011, a . And I just said I saw I saw they from behind the shoulder all the way past the long tail. The best documentation we have in New Hampshire suggests there hasnt been a mountain lion killed by a hunter in this state since 1885. But if people are still seeing mountain lions, why is the state and federal government seeking to COVER IT UP!?
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