Your doctor is most aware of your medical history and can best advise you. If it is a skin yeast "infection" you could try taking Acidophilus caplets, the yeast do not like it. You notice a lot more bruises than normal or bruises in unusual places. Bruises are getting larger with time. Good going, just have yourself a terrible rating to deter patients from going there. Also, bed bugs sometimes leave a string of tiny dot bites. Were you able to find out regarding the bruises.. Kyle, this used to happen to me and it lasted for some years. It caused me cancer, hypertension, a clot, & stroke. I woke up with a bruise the size of a silver dollar. Your doctor is most aware of your medical history and can best advise you. Even small changes in sight or hearing can cause you to fall. This allows them to provide you with the most accurate answers. Asking for a coworker friend. Are you a Marshfield Clinic Health System patient? Now, more than a week later the bruise goes from the injured area to the ankle. My mom is 65 years old an shes in a wheel chair since 1988 we was in a car accident anyways it's been about a year my mom has had these bruses they don't go away there spreading all over her body know there going on her face no 1can tell her what it is she has gone to 2 specialist an no one can tell her what it is my poor mom is starting to get depressed there big all over her body. Bruising | Health topics A to Z | CKS | NICE I have been diagnosed with Anemia in the past. Together, you and your doctor can determine whether your symptoms are concerning. I experienced something similar when we moved into a different house. I'm at a loss and would love to know if you found an answer. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide medical advice on this platform. HiI did a blood test yesterday and when I woke up this morning, the spot where I got stick is purple and blue. They can advise you best since they are most aware of your medical history and past conditions. bruising If you are concerned about your bruises, we suggest connecting with your doctor who is more familiar with your conditions and medical history. Please help. They have been there longer than 2 weeks.. I have two huge dark bruises on either of my legs in the exact place, however I have absolutely no recollection of hurting myself which Im sure I would considering there on both legs. Talk with your pediatric provider if any of the following occur: -Kirstie. Paper-thin skin often leads to bruising on the hands and forearms. Small red spots (petechiae) As well as medium-to-large bruises, you might notice rashes appearing on your skin. Hi, Pamela. They were itchy before a bruise appeared. I have an unexplained bruise about the size of a lemon on my outer thigh that aches. I have noticed painful bruising under my eyes on my cheekbones for the past 2wks. We recommend reaching out to your provider about the bruising. Accessed March 14, 2022. Unexplained bruise Hi Katrina my name is Eugenia i saw your comment i have the same problem unexplained bruises but doctors won't listen they say im fine but i dont feel well at all have all these symptoms and they are interfering with my life to pain from weak and dizziness bloating inflammation digestion ovarian cysts and infections of urine and candida that seems not to go away ,weight loss sorry bother you but maybe you can give me advice? Thanks for reaching out. If you eat wheat, make sure the product does not contain yeastalso avoid all aged cheeses, chocolate, citric acid (it is made with aspergillus mold), cream of tartar, malted barley flourand basically any product that is fermented because fermentation causes yeast to grow rampant. Tonight it was a painful bruise on a toe. Thank you, your suggestion worked for me. Adam. We suggest you reach out to him/her regarding your bruising concerns. We cannot provide medical advice on this platform. Hi, I have had 2 or 3 bruises on the inside if my arm for about a month. Anyway, I get this too in my thighs and it feels just like you say. We strongly recommend talking to your doctor about the bruising you are experiencing as soon as you can. I just noticed I have 3 round bruises on my stomach theyre in a perfect triangle with another spot appearing on the other side? Thanks for reaching out. Im rly curious bc my sister has the same thing on the front of her legs. In the entire valley there. I found a vitamin C called Lipospheric Vitamin C in packets. Cant hurt ;> good luck. Lumps or swellings. Hi today when the family were together for Thanksgiving, my 24 yr. daughter said she keeps getting unexplained bruising. I recommend either a hematologist or rheumatologist consult for this young patient. Thank you for reaching out. Hi did you find out what caused the bruise? About 3 or 4 months ago I noticed a round red patch on the back of my right lower leg, it's flat and it doesn't itch. As bruises (contusions) heal, they often turn colors, including purplish black, reddish blue, or yellowish green. However, we cannot provide medical advice on this platform. I have for about 2 months or more now had pain in my right from swelling around my inner ankle and strange little white bumps that sometimes itch along with sever bruising (not from an injury on the top of my foot. They test ur blood. (Also, I will not hold against u, anything u say). unexplained bruises If so, your parents or guardians can help you ask your doctor about your bruise through messaging on My Marshfield Clinic: Is there any medical conditions that would cause a bruise to leave a permanent mark on the skin once the bruise has cleared up or gone away? In the mean time, you might check out sites like WebMD for insight: Anti depressants are a cause of bruising, but thats an very unusual place. Peggy I shared your question with Candy: Hi Peggy, Rarity: Uncommon Top Symptoms: hand injury, hand pain from an injury, pain in one hand, swelling of one hand, palm bruise Im having the same type of problem with bruising. I was diagnosed with chronic idiopathic urticaria and the doctor is just assuming they appear due to the hives I get daily. Someone please help!! Any suggestions who be greatly appreciated. Unfortunately it's difficult for us to know why your bruises might have developed without knowing your current medications, medical history or conditions, and we cannot provide individualized medical advice on this forum. Hi I'm a teenage girl. If youve recently overdone it at t Should I be worried? It usually occurs on the hands and feet and may extend onto the arms and legs. Actually am pretty worriedthey were nasty looking bruises. I was sitting in my chair watching T.V. Hi, Noah. If you follow this regime, the unexplained bruising will stop. You should share your concerns with your doctor at your next primary care appointment. Kraut EH. Had some blood tests, an ultrasound and a chest x-ray, was told to see an gastroenterologist and schedule a colonoscopy , but couldnt get an appointment sooner than May, and meanwhile it all went away. Unfortunately, we cannot provide individualized medical advice on our blog. These characteristically blue bruises appear for no known reason, such as trauma to the finger. Here's what Candy could provide in response to, "What does a regular period have to do with random bruising?" Easy bruising sometimes indicates a serious underlying condition, such as a blood-clotting problem or a blood disease. No numbness is present, and this time my foot does hurt at the join of your pinky toe. Hi, Ashley. You should see your doctor but wanted you to know that you are not alone. I am a nutritionist and happened to see this blog when a friend was reading through the comments. Intense exercise can leave you with more than just sore muscles. I have not gone to a Dr. yet. If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can message your doctor via My Marshfield Clinic: Heres what he had to say: Bruising can be caused by any number of minor traumas. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide individualized medical advice on this forum. This is exactly what I have been experiencing. Our blog is for educational purposes only and not for treatment or diagnosis. What's the point in having the blog if you aren't giving people individual advice? Since they know your medical history, they can best advise you. Does anyone know what causes tiny bruise clusters on the inner forearm? bruises on stomach ,abdomen under the breast in underarm from months ,which initially in purple then tends to black color n increasing ! However, they come back without any reasoning. The most unusual feature is a pea-sized hard bump in middle of the bruise and lighter shade. Freakin out about it. Your provider might also check your blood platelet levels or do tests that measure the time it takes your blood to clot. Underside of arm and forearm and back of my hip. Are you a Marshfield Clinic patient? Hi! I noticed some yellow bruises on my left leg and foot but have not banged against anything that would have caused them. Review/update the 6 signs unexplained bruising may be worrisome. ??thanks. Later in the day I felt a sharp pain in my left knee, I didn't bump into anything. Have any answers? Bruises on your back, abdomen and upper thighs may be concerning because most people dont frequently bump those body parts. We suggest bringing these concerns to your doctor at your next appointment. Good morning, Tiffany. Another time I fell over and put my hands out to stop and it appeared on both my wrists.. The bruising is not dark purple, its radiant plum. He/she can best help you. Prescription and over-the-counter medications and nutrition supplements can make you bruise more easily. As always, we do suggest bringing this concern to your provider during your next appointment. I had 5 bruises on my left mid back. Fell and hit my wrist a year ago swelling and the pain went away after 1 1/2 months. Should i check it with a doctor? Maybe I stepped the wrong way. Yes, anemia can cause bruising. We recommend contacting your doctor about the bruising you are experiencing. All of these can play into where your bruises might be coming from and if you should be concerned. Since you cant offer medical advice, do you have experiences where an influx of people have complained about this and then replied with anything the medical community has diagnosed them with? Today I noticed another bruise upper chest area. Same type of bruises appear on legs and arms of my 21 year old daughter. Should I be concerned? Hi, i'm currently pregnant and got blood work done 8 days ago once the lady placed the needle in my arm she said it wasn't releasing blood she missed the vein and instead of pulling it out to try again she started to wiggle the needle left to right and finally said okay i found the vein but it is coming really slow its gonna take awhile after leaving i got a huge bruise on the top of my arm where she placed the needle it's at least 2 inches long and hasn't gotten better; it started off not that dark and as days go on its like dark purple almost as if blood in under my arm leaking and its black and green. Please go see a doctor about that, reoccurring bruises with no known cause could be of concern. did you ever figure out the cause of bruising ? They are most aware of your medical history and past conditions so they can best advise you. If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can reach out directly to your provider via My Marshfield Clinic: "Sometimes heavy periods can be a symptom of a bleeding disorder as well as unusual bruising. We suggest reaching out to your primary care provider as soon as you can. god bless u & ur health!, Thank you for reading Shine365. When I had a shower tonight, never noticed it in this morning . Hello, its been happening for as long as I can remember, sometimes in my sleep, unexplainable itching that wont go away and I cant stop scratching, only on my upper thighs and behind my knees. "Content produced on this website by Marshfield Clinic is only for educational purposes and should not be used for treatment or diagnosis of any medical conditions or in a case of medical emergency. My mother is 75 and her leg really hurt all of a sudden one day. They can help you understand next steps, as they'll be able to ask questions about your medications, medical history and current conditions. Your thoughts please? He also suffers from really bad head-aches. The condition seems to occur more often in middle-aged women than in any other age group. If the bruises continue and it's not related to anemia or vitamin deficiencies, I highly recommend & encourage you to see a Rheumatoid and hematology physicians. Thanks Jake, I have one on my forearm too. Thank you in advance! information submitted for this request. Small, pinhead-sized red spots on the skin (called petechiae) may be a sign of leukaemia. Hi! As people get older, the skin becomes thinner and loses some of the protective fatty layer that helps cushion blood vessels from injury. I was tested for leukemia and the results were negative. The raised area of a bump or bruise results from blood leaking from these injured blood vessels into the tissues as well as from the body's response to the injury. Hope you figure(d) it out . My stomach is hurting I have blood coming from my nose. But I'm not a doctor. Ashlyn- did you ever find out what that was? My legs get really hot and feel very heavy accompanied with extreme pain. It could be there for the rest of my life. WebAchenbach syndrome refers to sudden, unexplained bruising of one or more fingers. I am 5'11'' and weigh about 140 lbs. WebAchenbach syndrome refers to sudden, unexplained bruising of one or more fingers. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide individualized medical advice on this forum. Should I be concerned. Some medications and supplements associated with bruising include: Bring a list of your medications and how long youve been taking them if you plan to see a doctor about bruising. Bruises look like big purple spots with clear edges, and youre younger than 65. Gurnee EA, et al. In general and as mentioned in the story "Unexplained bruising usually appears on the arms and lower legs. Are you doing everything you can to stay healthy? We suggest you call your doctor or the lab where you received your blood work. Hi, Amy. My Dad has ring like bruises on his arms what are they? It's best to bring this concern to your doctor who knows you best. They pop up overnight and go away in a couple days. This means even a small bump causes the skin to bleed from underneath. I have the exact same issue. Went for blood test regards these bruising. I am hoping for your keen consideration and thank you. As a result, bleeding from damage to small blood vessels near the skin's surface might take longer than usual to stop. Do you think they're related? I only take a synthroid pill daily. Please Advise! To all of you who have concerns about unexplained bruisingit can be a sign of candida (yeast) overgrowth in your system or an underlying bacterial infectionboth will cause random bruising on the skin. They appear blue and very tender but then fade away within the end of the day. As far as I see, ALL this blog is telling people is to see a doc or telling people to be one of your patients, which I hope none took that offer seeing as your clinic doesn't actually care about people, they care about collecting that insurance. i got my first one when i was 14. see if it looks familiar and call the doctor to examine the area! We recommend you talk to your doctor about specific bruise-related questions. I have a large and small bruise appeared on my inner thigh do t how I got it I noticed it about 3 days ago and now a small One has appeared on my elbow But I havent knocked myself what could it be. Hi i just noticed 2 bruises on my tummy just like Joan, 2 Days ago, NO pain, NO discomfort, I am 61 years old. Thank you for reaching out. None of the bruises hurt but i havent been feeling well lately, and i know i couldnt have hit the back of my knee like that. Hi, I'm a 16yr old girl and I've had this ONE bruise in the middle, at the bottom of my ribs for weeks. Due to their knowledge of your medical history and past conditions, they can best advise you. -Kirstie, Hi Mady, Im experiencing the exact same thing at the moment. A blood clot is a clump of blood that has formed in deeper tissue or within a blood vessel and is rarely visible. In many instances, they are nothing to be of worry. See your health care provider if you: Another serious cause of bruising is domestic violence or abuse. My first thought is your laundry routine. Thank you for contacting us. Is this something random or should I be concerned? information highlighted below and resubmit the form. We understand it can be frustrating not to have an exact answer when you just dont feel well. Per the story, bruising easily usually isnt a serious problem, but Strey recommends calling your health care provider if any of these descriptions apply to your bruises. Also sole of the foot and heel affected. This gives your doctor the visualization he/she needs to better understand what's going on and answer your questions. Should I be worried. We recommend reaching out to your provider as soon as you can regarding your question. (which is what people want, if you all haven't gotten the hint). Rather be safe than sorry if it is a sign of something and you wait too long it could be too late. I'm clumsy so I didn't think much of it until recently - last month and then again this month I've woken up with a pattern of weird light purple bruises all over my right thigh and random rash/bruise on my crotch and hip. It's important you bring a list of all the medications you take. If so, you can message your doctor via My Marshfield Clinic:, If you don't have a My Marshfield Clinic account, you can find your doctors contact information here:, Im not one to get random bruises. If you are a Marshfield Clinic Health System patient, you or your parent/guardian can message your doctor on My Marshfield Clinic: Hi I have a bruse 4 inch above the knee it's raise some times only come up in the same place .gets sore . (My age is 49.). when my arm began to burn. We cannot provide medical advice on this platform, but we suggest reaching out to your primary care provider. Your email address will not be published. ", Best wishes, and thank you for reading Shine365. If I sit for longer periods at a time with a straight posture, I get a feeling like I put Icy Hot on it but just cold. It has always been like that. Hi, Emily. Vitamin C or K deficiency, bleeding disorders such as hemophilia or Von Willebrand disease, or cancer can cause bruising. Having atypical TN affecting my 2nd and 3rd branch, I'm used to feeling some pain under my right eye, but I've never had bilateral pain and I've NEVER had bruising. Hi! 26th ed. What could it be. Bruising on hands for no reason | HealthTap Online Doctor We cannot provide individualized medical advice on our blog and strongly suggest you contact your doctor anytime you become concerned with your health. Email me at justinjoe_l at hot mail I do suggest you contact your doctor if you're concerned or if your bruise shows any of these signs and symptoms: 1. The good news is that most bruises arent a big deal even if you cant explain them, saidShannon Jahn, aMarshfield Clinic Oncology/HematologyNurse Practitioner. -Kirstie, My 5 year old grandson got up this morning he has a straight line of bruises from his knee down to his foot , my daughter taking him to doctors this afternoon , what could it be , its a perfect straight line off about 10 bruises. If you are a Mayo Clinic patient, this could They are best able to answer your questions according to your medical history and current conditions. At any time you're concerned about how you're feeling or symptoms you're experiencing, we encourage you to talk to your provider. They are typically red in color at first, then blue or dark purple and finally, yellow or green after a few days as it is healing. I have been told I have amazing patience, but I'm thinking you have me beat! Sometimes only a slight bump results in a nasty bruise." You have systemic symptoms such as fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes or unintentional weight loss along with unexplained bruising. Your Notify me via email when there is a reply to my comment. At any time you become concerned with your health, your primary care provider is an excellent resource. Thank you for reading and reaching out, Dee. Cold and Hot Compresses Using intervals of ice and heat can help ease the pain of a bruise and get the healing 2. The size of a pencil eraser . It was weird that something so minor and didn't really hurt all that much would cause such bruising when I never bruised easily before, but it seemed to be the cause. We cannot provide individualized medical advice on this forum. It started clearing up from the onside out. Hi, Bailey. For the past 2 weeks I've been waking up with black and blue marks on my leg it gets bigger each time a new one appears. Hi, Hannah. What should I do? Should I be worried about this? I am a teenager and have a skinny foot long bruise on the side of my thigh along with a couple purple dots that feel like bruises on my knees. I know I didnt bump anything. I'm very lean, so stuff hurts my bones easily. He/she can best answer your question. unexplained bruises It's very important your coworker friend is truthful with her health care providers. They are blue and a bit yellow. Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Mayo Clinic School of Continuous Professional Development, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education, Assisted Walking and Mobility Options at Mayo Clinic Store, Balanced skincare Solutions from Mayo Clinic Store, Book: Mayo Clinic Family Health Book, 5th Edition, Newsletter: Mayo Clinic Health Letter Digital Edition, Book: Mayo Clinic 5 Steps to Controlling High Blood Pressure. I have a regular bruise on my elbow, and bruise on the back of my knee right on my muscle, a bruise on my right hand, and a bruise on the inside of my arm opposite from my elbow that looks like tiny pink purple smudged dots. She ended up going to the ER at night and they noticed bruising on her upper groin area. I have a bruise on the tip of my nose, noticed it We appreciate you reaching out. Id been running into every night when I was taking care of the baby but my sleep deprived mind didnt remember by morning what happened. I know for a fact I wasn't bumped or injured in anyway. They can best advise you due to their knowledge of your past medical conditions. I started sitting only on comfortable chairs with enough cushion or stood up if no other option, and bruising began going away and is now gone. I woke up the next morning and my left boob was bruised and it had no scratches or bumps its been a week now and the bruising has kind of went away but now it sometimes it hurts like it did that night any idea what it is or what happens? I don't want to bring cushions everywhere. Hi I'm concerned about a big bruise on my lower back it's about the size of a baseball . Thank you! If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can privately message your provider and ask about your back bruising via My Marshfield Clinic: Also, take 500 mg (one capsule) of cinnamon bark extract dailyonly the Solaray brand because it is cinnamon verum (ceylon cinnamon)do not take cassia cinnamon! Thank you! Thought My husband did it while im sleeping but he swore he didnt do ot now im very concern. What happened or may be happening? This is particularly true as we get older and our skin thins. You NEVER seek medical advice on social media. Hi since new year's eve, I have had bruising everywhere, my periods have stopped & I'm shaking all the time. thank you, they scheduled a scan for this week. A large red abdominal spot appears in the morning. And the Dr. could not see anything on the X-ray .He said it must be an inward bruise. I dont want my dr to think I'm crazy. When I got home there was a large reddish purple bruise, today it's almost black. I have a sudden bruise at the back of my thigh. A blood clot is a clump of blood that has formed in deeper tissue or within a blood vessel and is rarely visible. Easy bruising: Why does it happen? - Mayo Clinic Some people especially women are more prone to bruising than others. We cannot provide individualized medical advice on our blog. Well provide you with screening guidance, trustworthy and researched treatment information, healthy lifestyle advice and the latest approaches to cancer diagnosis and support. One reason to see a doctor about bruising is when your bruises get larger with time. Your doctor is most familiar with you and the best person to answer this question. They don't itch or hurt. He or she knows you best. I am not sexually active and except for the appearance, I would have never known I have this bruise? I wish you the best! So I have different shapes and coloured bruises all over my legs, one leg is worse than the other. "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "," "Mayo Clinic Healthy Living," and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. God luck & God Bless. Oh, for immediate relief, slather on some Sarna or Gold Bond lotion right before hitting the sheets, and that might be all you need. bruises thank you for that and there was not alot of information for her to respond to. What is is about fish oil or vitamin E that can cause this? If you are within the Marshfield Clinic service area and would like to view our list of providers, you can click here: They are down my legs and on my right arm and had a huge one come up on my right had today ..they are large and roundish ..i have barely got an apetite, Hi, Lynne. We cannot give individualized medical advice on our blog. Thanks. Please help. Hi Joan, It's best to call a nurse line or your doctor.
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