VA Rating for Arthritis Rate particular condition as urine leakage, frequency, or obstructed voiding. Added March 10, 1976; criterion February 3, 1988; removed November 7, 1996. You may also be eligible for secondary service connection if you cant prove a direct link. 8004 Paralysis agitans(Parkinsons Disease). In those cases, use the pre-bronchodilator values for rating purposes. The central nervous system consists of the brain, the spinal cord, and thecranialnerves. 7811 Tuberculosis luposa (lupus vulgaris), active or inactive: 7813 Dermatophytosis (ringworm: Of body, tinea corporis; of head, tinea capitis; of feet, tinea pedis; of beard area, tinea barbae; of nails, tinea unguium (onychomycosis); of inguinal area (jock itch), tinea cruris; tinea versicolor). The table titled Evaluation of Cognitive Impairment and Other Residuals of TBI Not Otherwise Classified contains 10 important facets of TBI related to cognitive impairment and subjective symptoms. For example, if there are two disabilities, the degree of one disability will be read in the left column and the degree of the other in the top row, whichever is appropriate. 4.115a Ratings of the genitourinary system - dysfunctions. 29, 1994, as amended at 59 FR 46339, Sept. 8, 1994; 86 FR 54086, Sept. 30, 2021], [60 FR 19855, Apr. Marginal employment may also be held to exist, on a facts found basis (includes but is not limited to employment in a protected environment such as a family business or sheltered workshop), when earned annual income exceeds the poverty threshold. Heres the brutal truth about VA disability claims: CFR Title 38, Part 4, the Schedule for Rating Disabilities. Criterion March 1, 1989; evaluation August 30, 1996; title, criterion, note August 11, 2019. 6305 Lymphatic filariasis, to include elephantiasis: 6310 Syphilis, and other treponema infections: 6312 Nontuberculosis mycobacterium infection: Marked mental changes, moist dermatitis, inability to retain adequate nourishment, exhaustion, and cachexia, With all of the symptoms listed below, plus mental symptoms and impaired bodily vigor, With stomatitis, diarrhea, and symmetrical dermatitis, With stomatitis, or achlorhydria, or diarrhea, Confirmed diagnosis with nonspecific symptoms such as: decreased appetite, weight loss, abdominal discomfort, weakness, inability to concentrate and irritability, With congestive heart failure, anasarca, or Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, With cardiomegaly, or; with peripheral neuropathy with footdrop or atrophy of thigh or calf muscles, With peripheral neuropathy with absent knee or ankle jerks and loss of sensation, or; with symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, anorexia, dizziness, heaviness and stiffness of legs, headache or sleep disturbance. 8530 Ilio-inguinal nerve, paralysis. Evaluate post-surgical residuals under the General Rating Formula. Group IV Function: Stabilization of shoulder. 7330 Intestine, fistula of, persistent, or after attempt at operative closure: 7331 Peritonitis, tuberculous, active or inactive: 7332 Rectum and anus, impairment of sphincter control: Extensive leakage and fairly frequent involuntary bowel movements, Occasional involuntary bowel movements, necessitating wearing of pad, Constant slight, or occasional moderate leakage, Great reduction of lumen, or extensive leakage, Moderate reduction of lumen, or moderate constant leakage, Moderate, persistent or frequently recurring, Mild with constant slight or occasional moderate leakage. Example of computation of concentric contraction under the schedule with abnormal findings taken from Figure 1. 9312 Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimers disease. (b) When the puretone threshold is 30 decibels or less at 1000 Hertz, and 70 decibels or more at 2000 Hertz, the rating specialist will determine the Roman numeral designation for hearing impairment from either Table VI or Table VIa, whichever results in the higher numeral. Note (2): This section is for evaluating Raynaud's syndrome (secondary Raynaud's phenomenon or secondary Raynaud's). Each ear will be evaluated separately. What is the Respiratory System for VA rating purposes? Criterion March 1, 1963; title, criteria February 7, 2021. Estimate your 2023 VA Rating & Compensation for FREE! Its based on the level of mobility limitation caused by bursitis. The graduated ratings for nonpulmonary tuberculosis will not be combined with residuals of nonpulmonary tuberculosis unless the graduated rating and the rating for residual disability cover separate functional losses, e.g., graduated ratings for tuberculosis of the kidney and residuals of tuberculosis of the spine. See 3.102 of this chapter. The combined value for the three disabilities will be found in the space where the column and row intersect, and if there are only three disabilities will be converted to the nearest degree divisible by 10, adjusting final 5's upward. If there are 2 or more joints affected, each rating shall be combined in accordance with. Added September 9, 1975; criterion October 23, 1995; criterion December 9, 2018. Thereafter, use the General Rating Formula. (b) Notwithstanding that hospital admission was for disability not connected with service, if during such hospitalization, hospital treatment for a service-connected disability is instituted and continued for a period in excess of 21 days, the increase to a total rating will be granted from the first day of such treatment. 7718 Essential thrombocythemia and primary myelofibrosis. (b) It is the established policy of the Department of Veterans Affairs that all veterans who are unable to secure and follow a substantially gainful occupation by reason of service-connected disabilities shall be rated totally disabled. When present, those occurring during or immediately after eating and known as the dumping syndrome are characterized by gastrointestinal complaints and generalized symptoms simulating hypoglycemia; those occurring from 1 to 3 hours after eating usually present definite manifestations of hypoglycemia. We explain where you can find your military records in this article. (g) Meritorious claims of veterans who are discharged from the hospital with less than the required number of days but need post-hospital care and a prolonged period of convalescence will be referred to the Director, Compensation Service, under 3.321(b)(1) of this chapter. Not all of these brain functions may be affected in a given individual with cognitive impairment, and some functions may be affected more severely than others. Cognitive impairment is defined as decreased memory, concentration, attention, and executive functions of the brain. Consistently disoriented to two or more of the four aspects (person, time, place, situation) of orientation. The VA rates Back Pain under CFR Title 38, Part 4, Schedule for Rating Disabilities, General Rating Formula for Diseases and Injuries of 5011 Decompression illness: Rate manifestations under the appropriate diagnostic code within the affected body system, such as arthritis for musculoskeletal residuals; auditory system for vestibular residuals; respiratory system for pulmonary barotrauma residuals; and neurologic system for cerebrovascular accident residuals. 6317 Rickettsial, ehrlichia, and anaplasma infections: 6320 Parasitic diseases otherwise not specified: 6325 Hyperinfection syndrome or disseminated strongyloidiasis: 6329 Hemorrhagic fevers, including dengue, yellow fever, and others: 6331 Coxiella burnetii infection (Q fever): 6350 Lupus erythematosus, systemic (disseminated): Not to be combined with ratings under DC 7809 Acute, with frequent exacerbations, producing severe impairment of health, Exacerbations lasting a week or more, 2 or 3 times per year, Exacerbations once or twice a year or symptomatic during the past 2 years, AIDS with recurrent opportunistic infections (see Note 3) or with secondary diseases afflicting multiple body systems; HIV-related illness with debility and progressive weight loss, Refractory constitutional symptoms, diarrhea, and pathological weight loss; or minimum rating following development of AIDS-related opportunistic infection or neoplasm, Recurrent constitutional symptoms, intermittent diarrhea, and use of approved medication(s); or minimum rating with T4 cell count less than 200, Following development of HIV-related constitutional symptoms; T4 cell count between 200 and 500; use of approved medication(s); or with evidence of depression or memory loss with employment limitations, Asymptomatic, following initial diagnosis of HIV infection, with or without lymphadenopathy or decreased T4 cell count. The cardiovascular system includes the heart, blood vessels, and blood. 2023 VA Disability Conditions List by Body System (The Ultimate If you have a disability rating awarded by the VA for a Added March 10, 1976; removed February 3, 1988. (5) multiple disabilities incurred as a prisoner of war. This is commonly rated from 10% to 40%. Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia). (iii) Objective findings. (c) For VA rating purposes, the cardinal signs and symptoms of muscle disability are loss of power, weakness, lowered threshold of fatigue, fatigue-pain, impairment of coordination and uncertainty of movement. L. 90-493 apply, the former evaluations are retained in this section. (d) On these total ratings Department of Veterans Affairs regulations governing effective dates for increased benefits will control. Schedule of ratings - gynecological conditions and disorders of the breast. Choroidopathy, including uveitis, iritis, cyclitis, or choroiditis. (ii) When pulmonary hypertension (documented by an echocardiogram or cardiac catheterization), cor pulmonale, or right ventricular hypertrophy has been diagnosed. When evaluating any claim involving muscle injuries resulting in loss of use of any extremity or loss of use of both buttocks (diagnostic code 5317, Muscle Group XVII), refer to 3.350 of this chapter to determine whether the veteran may be entitled to special monthly compensation. [41 FR 34258, Aug. 13, 1976, as amended at 59 FR 2527, Jan. 18, 1994]. You still have options. Ratings for inactive nonpulmonary tuberculosis initially entitled after August 19, 1968. Complete; all shoulder and elbow movements lost or severely affected, hand and wrist movements not affected, Complete; adduction, abduction and rotation of arm, flexion of elbow, and extension of wrist lost or severely affected, Complete; all intrinsic muscles of hand, and some or all of flexors of wrist and fingers, paralyzed (substantial loss of use of hand), Complete; drop of hand and fingers, wrist and fingers perpetually flexed, the thumb adducted falling within the line of the outer border of the index finger; can not extend hand at wrist, extend proximal phalanges of fingers, extend thumb, or make lateral movement of wrist; supination of hand, extension and flexion of elbow weakened, the loss of synergic motion of extensors impairs the hand grip seriously; total paralysis of the triceps occurs only as the greatest rarity, Complete; the hand inclined to the ulnar side, the index and middle fingers more extended than normally, considerable atrophy of the muscles of the thenar eminence, the thumb in the plane of the hand (ape hand); pronation incomplete and defective, absence of flexion of index finger and feeble flexion of middle finger, cannot make a fist, index and middle fingers remain extended; cannot flex distal phalanx of thumb, defective opposition and abduction of the thumb, at right angles to palm; flexion of wrist weakened; pain with trophic disturbances, Complete; the griffin claw deformity, due to flexor contraction of ring and little fingers, atrophy very marked in dorsal interspace and thenar and hypothenar eminences; loss of extension of ring and little fingers cannot spread the fingers (or reverse), cannot adduct the thumb; flexion of wrist weakened, Complete; weakness but not loss of flexion of elbow and supination of forearm, Complete; abduction of arm is impossible, outward rotation is weakened; muscles supplied are deltoid and teres minor, Complete; inability to raise arm above shoulder level, winged scapula deformity, Complete; the foot dangles and drops, no active movement possible of muscles below the knee, flexion of knee weakened or (very rarely) lost, Complete; foot drop and slight droop of first phalanges of all toes, cannot dorsiflex the foot, extension (dorsal flexion) of proximal phalanges of toes lost; abduction of foot lost, adduction weakened; anesthesia covers entire dorsum of foot and toes, Complete; plantar flexion lost, frank adduction of foot impossible, flexion and separation of toes abolished; no muscle in sole can move; in lesions of the nerve high in popliteal fossa, plantar flexion of foot is lost, Complete; paralysis of all muscles of sole of foot, frequently with painful paralysis of a causalgic nature; toes cannot be flexed; adduction is weakened; plantar flexion is impaired, Complete; paralysis of quadriceps extensor muscles, 8540 Soft-tissue sarcoma (of neurogenic origin).
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