The screenshot posted to their Telegram channel showed that Bing, Cortana, and other projects had been compromised in the attack. While some of the data that may have been accessed seem trivial, if SOCRadar is correct in what was exposed, it could include some sensitive information about the infrastructure and network configuration of potential customers, Erich Kron, security awareness advocate at security awareness training company KnowBe4 Inc., told SiliconANGLE. The exposed information allegedly included over 335,000 emails, 133,000 projects, and 548,000 users. In total, SOCRadar claims it was able to link this sensitive information to more than 65,000 entities from 111 countries stored in files dated from 2017 to August 2022. Please provide a valid email address to continue. SOCRadar executives stated that the company does not keep any of the data it comes across and has since deleted any data that its tool may have accessed. Microsoft data leak, customer data affected (Oct. 2022) Apples security trumps Microsoft and Twitters, say feds, LastPass reveals how it got hacked and its not good news, A beginners guide to Tor: How to navigate the underground internet. Senior Product Marketing Manager, Microsoft, Featured image for SEC cyber risk management rulea security and compliance opportunity, SEC cyber risk management rulea security and compliance opportunity, Featured image for 4 things to look for in a multicloud data protection solution, 4 things to look for in a multicloud data protection solution, Featured image for How businesses are gaining integrated data protection with Microsoft Purview, How businesses are gaining integrated data protection with Microsoft Purview, Azure Active Directory part of Microsoft Entra, Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management, Microsoft Defender Cloud Security Posture Mgmt, Microsoft Defender External Attack Surface Management, Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management, Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance, Microsoft Purview Data Lifecycle Management, Microsoft Security Services for Enterprise, Microsoft Security Services for Incident Response, Microsoft Security Services for Modernization, Cyberattacks Against Health Plans, Business Associates Increase, Despite Decades of Hacking Attacks, Companies Leave Vast Amounts of Sensitive Data Unprotected, Allianz Risk Barometer 2022:Cyber perils outrank Covid-19 and broken supply chains as top global business risk, Fines for breaches of EU privacy law spike sevenfold to $1.2 billion, as Big Tech bears the brunt. 85. In November 2016, word of pervasive spam messages coming from Microsoft Skype accounts broke. Microsoft leaked 2.4TB of data belonging to sensitive customer. Critics ", Furthermore, Redmond said that SOCRadar's decision to collect the data and make it searchable using a dedicated search portal "is not in the best interest of ensuring customer privacy or security and potentially exposing them to unnecessary risk. Learn how Rabobank, Fannie Mae, and Ernst & Young maximized their existing Microsoft 365 subscriptions to gain integrated data loss prevention and information protection. However, the failure of the two-factor authentication system places at least some of the blame on the tech giant. The leaked data does not belong to us, so we keep no data at all. The flaws in Cosmos DB created a functional loophole, enabling any user to access a slew of databases and download, alter, or delete information contained therein. SOCRadar VP of Research Ensa Seker told the publication that no data was shared with anyone through the use of BlueBleed, and all the data that it had collected has since been deleted. whatsapp no. The data included information such as email addresses and phone numbers all the more reason to keep sensitive details from public profiles. The Allianz Risk Barometer is an annual report that identifies the top risks for companies over the next 12 months. January 18, 2022. 2 Risk-based access policies, Microsoft Learn. Read the executive summary Read the report Insights every organization needs to defend themselves Our technologies connect billions of customers around the world. Another was because of insufficient detail to consumers in a privacy policy about data processing practices. Once within the system, attackers could also view, alter, or remove data, create new user accounts, and more. If you're looking for more privacy while browsing, Tor is a good way to do that, as it is software that allows users to browse the web anonymously. At the end of the day, the problem doesn't seem to be in the platform itself, but in the way people use ut. Loading. On October 19th, security firm SOCRadar identified over 2.4 terabytes of exposed data on a misconfigured Microsoft endpoint. It confirms that it was notified by SOCRadar security researchers of a misconfigured Microsoft endpoint on Sept. 24, 2022. For the 2022 report, Allianz gathered insights from 2,650 risk management experts from 89 countries and territories. "This misconfiguration resulted in the potential for unauthenticated access to some business transaction data corresponding to interactions between Microsoft and prospective customers, such as the planning or potential implementation and provisioning of Microsoft services," the companyrevealed. Since dozens of organizations including American Airlines, Ford Motor Co., and the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority were involved, the nature of the exposed data varied. Attackers typically install a backdoor that allows the attacker . 'Xbox will exist' if Activision Blizzard deal falls through, says Microsoft's Phil Spencer, A London musician recorded with Muse and Phil Collins, now he's co-producing with ChatGPT, Windows Central Podcast #301: Windows 11, Xbox, Bing. $1.12M Average savings of containing a data breach in 200 days or less Key cost factors Ransomware attacks grew and destructive attacks got costlier However, it would have been nice to see more transparency from Microsoft about the severity of the breach and how many people may have been impacted, especially in light of the data that SOCRadar was able to collect. In 2021, the effects of ransomware and data breaches were felt by all of us. The threat intel company added that, from its analysis, the leaked data "includes Proof-of-Execution (PoE) and Statement of Work (SoW) documents, user information, product orders/offers, project details, PII (Personally Identifiable Information) data, and documents that may reveal intellectual property. Average Total Data Breach Cost Increase By 2.6%. Microsoft (MSFT) has confirmed it was breached by the hacker group Lapsus$, adding to the cyber gang's growing list of victims. 2Cyberattacks Against Health Plans, Business Associates Increase, Jill McKeon, HealthITSecurity xtelligent Healthcare Media. Upon being notified of the misconfiguration, the endpoint was secured. They also can diminish the trust of those who become the victims of identity theft, credit card fraud, or other malicious activities as a result of those breaches. Microsofts investigation found no indication that accounts or systems were compromised but potentially affected customers were notified. Not really. We must strive to be vigilant to ensure that we are doing all we can to . Shortening the time it takes to identify and contain a data breach to 200 days or less can save money. Windows Central is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Since sensitive data is everywhere, we recommend looking for a multicloud, multi-platform solution that enables you to leverage automation. MWC 2023 moves beyond consumer and deep into enterprise tech, Carrier equipment maker Ericsson lets go 8,500 employees, Apple reportedly planning second-generation mixed reality headset for 2025, Report: Justice Department plans lawsuit to block Adobe's $20B Figma acquisition, Galaxy Digital finalizes $44M acquisition of crypto self-custody platform GK8, Meta releases LLaMA to democratize access to large language AI models, INFRA - BY MARIA DEUTSCHER . A cybercriminal gang, Lapsus$, managed to breach some of the largest tech companies in the world - including Samsung, Ubisoft, and most recently, Microsoft Bing. January 17, 2022. The only way to ensure that your sensitive data is stored properly is with a thorough data discovery process. In February 2022, News Corp admitted server breaches way back to February 2020. The tech giant said it quickly addressed the issue and notified impacted customers. The Cost of a Data Breach in 2022 | CSA Microsoft, one of the world's largest technology companies, suffered a serious security breach in March 2022. Overall, Flame was highly targeted, limiting its spread. SOCRadar described it as "one of the most significant B2B leaks". March 16, 2022. In recent years under the leadership of CEO Satya Nadella, Microsoft made data security and privacy practices central pillars of of its operations, so it is refreshing to see the company take swift action to correcting the security flaw. Due to the security incident, the Costa Rican government established a new Cyber Security Council to better protect citizens' data in the future. Almost 2,000 data breaches reported for the first half of 2022 The Worst Hacks and Breaches of 2022 So Far | WIRED They were researching the system and discovered various vulnerabilities relating to Cosmos DB, the Azure database service. March 3, 2022: Laboratory Bako Diagnostics (BakoDX) confirmed that the company experienced a data breach resulting in the personal and healthcare information of certain consumers being compromised. Whether the first six months of 2022 have felt interminable or fleetingor bothmassive hacks, data breaches, digital scams, and ransomware attacks continued apace throughout the first half of . Microsoft had been aware of the problem months prior, well before the hacks occurred. Security incident management overview - Microsoft Service Assurance Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, The messages were being sent through compromised accounts, including users that signed up for Microsofts two-factor authentication. Duncan Riley. Microsoft confirms breach after hackers publish source code - TechCrunch Senator Markey calls on Elon Musk to reinstate Twitter's accessibility team. The screenshot was taken within Azure DevOps, a collaboration software created by Microsoft, and indicated that Bing, Cortana, and other projects had been compromised in the breach. In 2020, Equifax was made to pay further settlements relating to the breach: $7.75 million (plus $2 million in legal fees) to financial institutions in the US plus $18.2 million and $19.5 million . SolarWinds is a major software company based in Tulsa, Okla., which provides system management tools for network and infrastructure monitoring, and other technical services to hundreds of thousands of organizations around the world. Look for data classification technology solutions that allow auto-labeling, auto-classification, and enforcement of classification across an organization. New York CNN Business . Per SOCRadar's analysis, these files contain customer emails, SOW documents, product offers,POC (Proof of Concept) works, partner ecosystem details, invoices, project details, customer product price list,POE documents, product orders, signed customer documents, internal comments for customers, sales strategies, and customer asset documents. Attackers gained access to the SolarWinds system, giving them the ability to use software build features. The most common Slack issues and how to fix them, ChatGPT: how to use the viral AI chatbot that everyones talking about, 5 Windows 11 settings to change right now, Cybercrime spiked in 2022 and this year could be worse, New Windows 11 update adds ChatGPT-powered Bing AI to the taskbar. 3 How to create and assign app protection policies, Microsoft Learn. Leveraging security products that enable auto-labeling of sensitive data across an enterprise is one method, among several that help overcome these data challenges. While Microsoft refrained from providing any additional details regarding this data leak, SOCRadar revealed in a blog post published today that the data was stored on misconfigured Azure Blob Storage. He was imprisoned from April 2014 until July 2015. The first few months of 2022 did not hold back. The victim was reportedly one of only four employees at the company that had access to a shared folder that provided the keys to customer vaults. The breach . Additionally, they breached certain developer systems, including those operated by Zombie Studios, a company behind the Apache helicopter simulator used by the U.S. military. The cost of a data breach in 2022 was $4.35M - a 12.7% increase compared to 2020, when the cost was $3.86M. The business transaction data included names, email addresses, email content, company name, and phone numbers, and may have included attached files relating to business between a customer and Microsoft or an authorized Microsoft partner. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). Written by for RTTNews ->. Back in December, the company shared a statement confirming . Mainly, this is because the resulting hacks werent all administered by a single group for one purpose. The misconfiguration resulted in the potential for unauthenticated access to some business transaction data corresponding to interactions between Microsoft and prospective customers, such as the planning or potential implementation and provision of Microsoft services. In 2021, the number of data breaches climbed 68 percent to 1,862 (the highest in 17 years) with an average cost of USD4.24 million each.1 About 45 million people were impacted by healthcare data breaches alonetriple the number impacted just three years earlier.2. In it, they asserted that no customer data had been compromised; per Microsofts description, only a single account was hijacked, and the companys security team was able to stop the attack before Lapsus$ could infiltrate any deeper into their organization. Microsoft Data Breaches History & Full Timeline Up To 2023 Successfully managing the lifecycle of data requires that you keep data for the right amount of time. Eduard Kovacs March 23, 2022 Microsoft and Okta have both confirmed suffering data breaches after a cybercrime group announced targeting them, but the companies claim impact is limited. Microsoft confirms it was breached by hacker group - CNN Once the hackers could access customer networks, they could use customer systems to launch new attacks. Subscribe to the SecurityWeek Email Briefing to stay informed on the latest threats, trends, and technology, along with insightful columns from industry experts. For the 2022 report, Allianz gathered insights from 2,650 risk management experts from 89 countries and territories. Dr. Alex Wolf, Graduating medical student(PHD), hacker Joe who helped me in changing my grade and repaired my credit score with better score, pls reach out to him if you need An hacking service on DIGITALDAWGPOUNDHACKERGROUP@GMAIL.COM Microsoft uses the following classifications: Identifying data at scale is a major challenge, as is enforcing a process so employees manually mark documents as sensitive. Humans are the weakest link. Learn four must-haves for multicloud data protection, including how an integrated solution provides greater scalability and protection across your multicloud and hybrid environment. Five insights you might have missed from the Dell-DXC livestream event, Interview: Here's how AWS aims to build new bridges for telcos into the cloud-native world, Dell addresses enterprise interest in a simpler consolidated security model, The AI computing boom: OctoML targets machine learning workload deployment, Automation is moving at a breakneck pace: Heres how that trend is being leveraged in enterprise IT, DIVE INTO DAVE VELLANTES BREAKING ANALYSIS SERIES, Dave Vellante's Breaking Analysis: The complete collection, MWC 2023 highlights telco transformation and the future of business, Digging into Google's point of view on confidential computing, Cloud players sound a cautious tone for 2023.