"Anything. In the past few decades, this activity has developed because of rising international trade, increased migration, globalization, the recognition of linguistic minorities, and the expansion of the mass media and technology. However, our English teacher was a belligerent person who claimed to know the 'mind of the writer' and claimed to have know him . Finally, idioms cannot be syntactically modified. When comparing the grammatical categories and forms of English and other languages are identify the following differences: Absence of conforming form, partial correspondence, differences in character and use urge translators to make necessary grammatical transformations while translating some piece. But it is necessary to convey some very specific details from the original socio-cultural reality in order to remind the target audience that the source text is written in another culture. In this case, the provided solutions are not the explanation of the sense of phraseologisms that, in the compilers intentions, should serve to translate them into the other language. The examples for this type of translation difficulties could be seen from the first page of the novel where the author uses all the meanings of the word hell such as: This word is one of the first words that is used with a lot of meanings and that is one of the type of translation difficulties in The Catcher in the Rye. Some have argued that Salinger's tale of the human condition is fascinating and enlightening, yet incredibly depressing. As the source of the book's title, this symbol merits close inspection. Holden responds with this image, which reveals his fantasy of idealistic childhood and of his role as the protector of innocence. Such situations made the translators task and work tremendously difficult because they had to find ways of compensating the loss caused by the inability of recreating a similar effect in the TT because Romanian has a system in which words are written the same way they are read as opposed to English which has a different system. To respect, whenever possible, all the syntax and lexical repetitions, shoot the bull = telling lies, small talk. Question: Why Does Holden Attack Stradlater - Livelaptopspec The Catcher in the Rye Jeopardy Template essay, The Catcher in the Rye and The Outsider novels hold, Catcher in the Rye Essay Argumentative Essay, Belonging Essay 'Romulus My Father', 'the Lost Thing' and 'the Catcher in the Rye', Write "Anyway, that's what I wrote Stradlater's composition about. Idiom more than any other feature of language demands that the translator be not only accurate but highly sensitive to the rhetorical nuances of the language. Why is it ironical that Stradlater would ask Holden to write his It exist a thin line between seriousness and humour. Use of short sentences and AND clauses that link short sentences: That isnt too far from this crumby place. He also recounts that the night Allie died, he slept in the garage and broke all the windows with his bare hands. The Catcher in the Rye. The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, Sixth Edition, Oxford University Press 2007; http://dictionary.oed.com/cgi/entry/50034626?single=1&query_type=word&queryword=catharsis&first=1&max_to_show=10. Examples Of Dialectical Journal For The Catcher In The Rye It is an implicit comparison of two unlike objects. To present the main features of the Modernist Period; To point out all the aspects that influenced the writer J. D. Salinger to write the prominent work The Catcher in the Rye. In the preparatory phase of a translation, cognition, in the form of self-consciousness and self-confidence, plays a very important role, inasmuch as this period implies conscious mental activities, where translating problems are detected and analyzed, and information and knowledge are accumulated. The symbols I have chosen display Holden Caufields emotions, actions, and way of life. It completely unsettles him, and leaves him feeling confused and unsure. There are various types of idioms, some more easily recognizable than others. Its impossible. But it is what we aim at. Nevertheless the translators have tried to compensate this loss through distinctive methods. His calls to Jane Gallagher are aborted for a similar reason: to protect his precious and fragile sense of individuality. What did Holden write Stradlater's composition about? All mentioned above features about translation difficulties single out that it can be concluded: there are three main types of translation difficulties: grammatical, lexical and stylistical difficulties in translation. From the investigated material was defined that: A translation difficulty is a problem that could be met in the process of translation because a translation is the same text in a different language. in Davis 317), The Catcher in the Rye has been banned continually from schools, libraries, and bookstores due to its profanity, sexual subject matter, and rejection of some traditional American ideals. Read more about relationships, intimacy, and sexuality as a motif. Whatever the difficulty in the translation process, procedures must aim at the essence of the message and faithfulness to the meaning of the source language text being transferred to the target language text. But lying to others is also a kind of phoniness, a type of deception that indicates insensitivity, callousness, or even cruelty. The real thing, with the curtain of language somehow made transparent. The characters can only become happy if they isolate themselves from this society. The mitt is representative of a "loss of innocence". The conclusion is that although such cases of suppression or censure of the ST are not desirable or should never happen, in reality they do exist (and this chapter has offered some examples in point), but the fact that more and more people take interest in such situations may indicate that they may stop occurring in the future. There are three symbols unparticular that are used most regularly in the novel. At this work, Salinger uses the technique of the interior monologue; this procedure reinforces the little stream of consciousness of Holden (we can appreciate his way of thinking). False friends (or faux amis) are pairs of words in two languages or dialects (or letters in two alphabets) that look or sound similar, but differ in meaning. We often deal with paraphrasing when trying to explain or define things. In some places, the repetitions become even language errors, revealing Holdens natural, informal style: and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap. for a customized plan. We could think that The Catcher in the Rye is next to the classical humour (for example, two Mark Twai`s works: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The quote also shows his viepoint on all adults. Learn which of the following circumstances usually comes before a period of economic contraction? Does Mr. Antolini really make a pass at Holden? When he calls him a moron, Stradlater warns him to be quiet, but he only . This chapter will point out the activity of one of the main representative of the 20th century J.D.Salinser and critics about one of the well-known writing of this writer The Catcher in the Rye. Its a fine book, with interesting racial perspectives and the conflict is about cultural differences. Occasional meanings, suddenly originated in the context are not always arbitrary it is based into the semantic structure of the word. The conclusion is that generally they have been successfully rendered and they have usually followed the ST.. Read more about the setting of The Catcher in the Rye. After a dry and unappetizing steak dinner in the dining hall, Holden gets into a snowball fight with some of the other Pencey boys. This may be intended to explain why he doesn't write about his adventures and. Another example was Salingers use of imitation of spoken English in written. Inter-language translation means substituting verbal signs of one language by verbal signs of another language, or switching from one language code to another one. Essay. How Holden Mature In Catcher In The Rye - 731 Words | Cram J. D. Salinger and The Catcher in the Rye Background. Holden also hates the fact that Ackley comes into his room and picks up things that belong to him and his roommate, Ward Stradlater. To this I can also add the already discussed idea that even native speakers can get more meanings from a ST and its translation than by simply reading the ST in original. In short, must take into account all the above mentioned elements while translating the text. Holden is very afraid of growing up and is also afraid of the unknown. The way a language chooses to express, or not express, various meanings cannot be predicted and only occasionally matches the way another language chooses to express the same meanings. Need urgent help with your paper? It is probably significant that Holden sells his typewriter to Frederick Woodruff before leaving Pencey. Enjoy eNotes ad-free and cancel anytime. This type contain two subtypes and one of these subtypes is Interjections and Exclamatory words which are words that that we use when we express our feelings strongly and which may be said to exist in language as conventional symbols of human emotions. It is probably significant that Holden sells his typewriter to Frederick Woodruff before leaving Pencey. New York: Harper & Row, 1989. http://www.bellmore-merrick.k12.ny.us/catcher.html; http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/catcher/facts.html. J. D. Salinger used in his writing a lot of interjections that easily presented the feelings that feel the characters of the novel. They represent the simple, idealistic, manageable vision of life that Holden wishes he could live. Its possible that Salingers character in this case, Holden- is expressed in his own works: some literary critics insist that the author is very controversial, and his novels are not simple. Through the use of lucky symbols their life is changed to what will make them happy. I didnt mind the idea so much, but I didnt feel like being lectured (J.D.Salinger:14)through this stylistic device the author wanted to point out to the reader that Holden wasnt a boy who like to read a lot of and showed the he didnt like to study. While the young protagonists of Salinger's stories (such as Holden Caulfield) have made him a longtime favorite of high school and university audiences, establishing Salinger as "the spokesman for the goals and values for a generation of youth during the 1950's" (qtd. Holden's decision to write about a baseball glove, a subject Stradlater considers unacceptable, leads to their fight, which is one of the factors leading to all the subsequent events in the novel: "All of a sudden, I decided what I'd really do, I'd get the hell out of Pencey--right that same night and all. The author used this kind of interjection in order to describe Holdens surprise to the question given by the old Spenser Oh, well its long story (J. D. Salinger: 29) J. D. Salinger used this interjection in order to demonstrate that Holden didnt know the story. Stradlater is a "Yearbook" kind of handsome guy. Holden realizes that society has become bad, and wants no part in this terrible life. But he refuses to acknowledge this fear, expressing it only in a few instancesfor example, when he talks about sex and admits that [s]ex is something I just don't understand. Nothing. It often used in stylistic purposes and therefore a translator runs into two obstacles: he should avoid and at the same time not to break the norms of translation. One of the most important translation difficulties is grammatical translation difficulties which is the hardest one in the identification and in the same time which change the structure and the meaning of the words from the source text into target text. The only thing that would be different would be you. It does not follow that a person proposing an explanation has any sympathy for the views or actions being explained. This ungrammatical usage emphasizes the disillusionment Holden feels because almost no one sees the world like he does-he constantly has to reassure him that others would do the same thing or feel the same way. It is characteristic to English language the availability of words with wide spread meaning. One of those little English jobs that can do around hundred miles an hour. When Holden's roommate, Ward Stradlater, requested him to write his Englishcomposition for him, he didn't specify a subject. Wed love to have you back! In conclusion, there are countless symbols in The Catcher in the Rye. The author used the next kind of epithets grand people (J. D. Salinger: 8) which is a simple epithet because is used by an adjective and a noun. In Chapter 22, just before he reveals his fantasy of the catcher in the rye, Holden explains that adults are inevitably phonies, and, what's worse, they can't see their own phoniness. Holden insults him some more, and Stradlater finally leaves the room. Of course, Holden will not really shoot people in this hat, but it remains a symbol of his scorn for convention. The main task of a translator is to remember and take into account all the difficulties of translation and render the authors thought as accurate as possible using different literal devices employed originally by the author., Analysis of the translation into Romanian of J. D. Salingers The Catcher in the Rye, which represents my major contribution to this research paper it was focused on presenting the Romanian versions of Salingers novel in order to find the main translation difficulties translation as well as its impact on Romanian readership. Peculiar use of set expressions (clichs, proverbs. The Romanian version faithfully and accurately kept and rendered Salingers use of intonational stress and italicized words, which represents an important case of gain. Holden then asks Stradlater who the girl he was dating was. These differences are related to peculiar features of separate words or word groups. In English, gradation is based on rhythmical sequence; in Romanian, this device is logic-centered: the word, most important logically, is positioned in the end of the sequence. Slang is often to be found in areas of the lexicon that refer to things considered taboo. What does this reveal about Holden? One of those little English jobs that can do around two hundred miles an hour. Translation must take into account a number of constraints, including context, the rules of grammar of the two languages, their writing conventions, and their idioms. Very often these grammatical changes are mixed so that they have lexical-grammatical character. It is clear inthe early chapters, that Holden does not have any real friendsat Pency Prep. J. D. Salinger used the simple epithet pretty lousy (J. And sometimes some mistakes (losses), as well as some gains, are more visible by comparing two or more translations of the same ST. Ionescus translation may have been considered too far-fetched and direct, but this can be explained as the translators desire to make the main character more authentic and closer to the typical Romanian teenager. The word kid is one of the numerous words which is used in the context with all his meanings such as Ackley kid? The ducks represented how he would feel, being happy. Romanian translation used either obsolete or dialectal / regional words and expressions (or both) through out the novel and this can point out an obvious difference of language use between generations. All stylistic devices are multi functional. One group of polysemes are those in which a word meaning an activity, perhaps derived from a verb, acquires the meanings of those engaged in the activity, or perhaps the results of the activity, or the time or place in which the activity occurs or has occurred. In the following analyses will be given some examples of slangs from the novel with the help of direct quotations. This leads to the interpretation that using the same linguistic pattern denotes a more faithful translation. He ran a tired hand through his hair.The word tired logically is linked with he, syntactically with hand. One should adopt a very cautious attitude toward these words or expressions so as to avoid interference and/or language misuse. None of their constituents may be substituted with words of similar meaning. Our search for who we are is fuelled by our innate desire to achieve a sense of acceptance and belonging. First, they dont contain all phraseologisms, then because every day new ones are formed, and lastly because dictionaries have a limited length and cannot contain all. Most translation theorists agree that translation is understood as a transfer process from a foreign languageor a second languageto the mother tongue. Ask and answer questions. 52) The red hunting hat is inseparable from the image of Holden Caufield, with good reason. How Does Carl Change In A Bridge To Wiseman - 623 Words | Bartleby Through this hyperbole the author wanted to point out to the reader what could do one little English job through this stylistic device the author intensify the functions of a little English job.. In English language such unexpected word combinations are formed very easily. a. Holden tore the composition he had written for Stradlater because he was supposed to write about a room or a house instead he had written it about his brothers left handed baseball mitt. It is as if the mitt fills a void in Holden or gives him comfort when the hole becomes unbearable. Why is Holden obsessed with the ducks at the Central Park Lagoon? In addition, the ducks prove that some vanishings are only temporary. Some topics of The Catcher in the Rye were taboos (like drugs, sex or prostitution). All these meanings of this word could be seen in the third chapter in the example dirty hell in English that is translated into Romanian as ngrozitor de murdare that point out that the author used not only the main meaning of the word in his novel but and the secondary meanings of the word. A translation should always include the tasks and the qualities (or even the standards) a translation should perform. ; his preference for the first person narrative; his attitudes towards sex, war, phony world, materialism and false values; his constant references to music and songs, to the movie industry, to movie stars and to famous movies; his penchant for constantly making references in his literary creations to writers, to literary works and classic characters; his preference for creating stories around the brother-sister relationship, but also around the idea of family and the relationships between family members; his love for children and the innocence they stand for; his multitude of representative names and characters and his preference for dialogue and replies; his tendency to use real and historical data or to introduce in his fiction real. Stradlater spends a lot of time at the gym and in front of the mirror, working on his appearance. of The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. He doesn't say yes directly because he doesn't want to write it for him. Lexical peculiarities comprise the following difficulties: difference in the semantic volume of a word because a word exists in a close connection with the lexical-semantic system of a given language. Metaphor is transference of some quality from one object to another. An idiom or fixed expression may have a similar counterpart in the target language, but its context of use may be different; the two expressions may have different connotations, for instance, or they may not be pragmatically transferable. Join the dicussion. Drugs, used so as to be inconspicuous, but euphemistic. The reader is intrigued by the dramatic aspect of the quarrel with Stradlater and hardly realizes that he is being cunningly conditioned to believe that Holden is capable of writing "The Catcher in the Rye," a book full of subtle observations about people and about life in general.