Fluttershy whimpered anxiously. We already apologized for our mistakes! However, it is not just her friends who had failed Twilight. Therefore I must inoculate both you and your husband using a special spell which will hinder the Nightmare Forces' ability to sense your emotions. Black Blade's loyalty to her has never failed to impress. The Twilight Time Lord, Adventurequest Worlds : Twilight the Hero. Applejack could only look at her with a face that bore a very clear expression of horror. Initially, Rarity was met with no answer. Then, there was an explosion; the spell was completed. Princess Celestia, Shining Armor, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow, AJ, clearly you are not worthy of the time of a pony like Twilight Sparkle, and by extension, you are not worthy of my time either. "She..she did what?" It is because of this that I understood why she was your student. "Come on in Cady. If the Princess had guessed correctly, this wouldn't be good news in the slightest. Alt. "On your hooves, quickly! For Twilight and Spike, it had felt like hours since they had left Canterlot for Ponyville, but in reality, it had only been a little over an hour and a half. It was apparent that the Changelings had taken them prisoner.". This was starting to sound strange. For all intents and purposes, this felt like an interrogation, and probably the most painful and harrowing encounter she had to deal with yet. The girls are sorry and they wish to apologise to Twilight personally!". "To Tartarus with the shield! Chrysalis's threat was met with laughter from the Guards, angering her greatly. The lieutenants of his army were made up of one of the three pony species, one for the Earth ponies, the pegasi and the unicorns. The train had now reached the midway point on its journey and yet, Twilight still did not feel at peace. Designed and coded by knighty & Xaquseg - 2011-2023, Privacy "You crash-landed, pretty hard too." Celestia did mention something about betraying somepony when she was crying in the former's embrace, but it was only after she put two and two together did she see the horrible picture that was painted in her mind. Stepping up on the pedestal, Shining braced himself as the personnel present in the room began to look up at him. Glaring into it, the flame produced a vision of Twilight in her library, reading through the lumps of friendship reports she and her former best friends had written over the months. His strict side came to the fore once more. For now it was just Twilight, huddled in a warm embrace with those she loved and held dear. Luna nodded firmly. I want the new army to be deadlier than before. Shining replied grimly. You see, before I became Nightmare Moon, I shared rule of Equestria with my dear sister. "Oh my Celestia, my poor Twiley!" Spike's request was greeted with a smile, but Cadance wisely remembered Twilight might not be too pleased to see him. "Oh little Twilight Sparkle, I cannot imagine how much it must hurt to have been betrayed and left for dead by those you held close to your heart, those you loved. Slowly, she walked into the kitchen, where Granny Smith and Big Mac were both waiting. Unable to compose herself any longer, the cowpony started sobbing. I understand what you are doing is for the good of our kingdom.". "What do you mean your Majesty?" Applejack barked angrily. "We all betrayed it. Worse still, she couldn't comprehend just how little she cared for Twilight, compared to the amount of love and attention she gives to her animal friends daily. "No, please!" Said Chrysalis, her men following the command. ", "I just came to see how you were after yesterday. Equestria Girls: Friendship is Magic Chapter 20: Date Night, a my "The next part is much worse, and it is dreadful to even contemplate. He was still her loyal assistant, and as such he would follow up on his role's job description, as well as the promise he made to himself to never leave her again, following his forgiveness by Twilight. When it all comes crashing down, the night will fall. The part that struck them the hardest was when he scornfully scolded Twilight and cut her off from his life, Twilight's friends leaving her to melt into a puddle of misery and Princess Celestia stabbing the final dagger into her heart by saying what she said. ", "Yeah..I guess." Fluttershy said before yawning mid-sentence. You have not only brought shame to our family Applejack, but you have brought shame on yourself and your Element. Cadance knew they had to do something and fast; the changelings and Chrysalis were still at large and if they don't get Twilight back as their best friend and the Element of Magic back in full swing, the Elements would remain inactive and Equestria would still be open to attack. Shining's actions had badly damaged their honor, something the family had proudly carried and improved from generation to generation. Tell me we didn't forsake innocent lives for a wedding". "Yes Dad." They will no doubt be complemented by cavalry and supported by archers from the castle's parapets. ", "Just a few scars" Replied Chrysalis. Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle had met alone up in Canterlot Tower for a private discussion. I just didn't think that what I did would hurt her so badly. Without Twilight to lead them, the Elements of Harmony would become useless, and Equestria as a whole would lose its greatest means of defense. "Lieutenant, I must inform the Princess of the attack on the settlement. How could you do such a thing?! "I did not commit the same sins you did!". "Yes Luna. "So, what's the plan?". You want to say sorry? Unfortunately, in this scenario, there was no "would've". They were all suffering equally as bad as she was, and thus they had to be there for each other and for Twilight especially. Only Rarity found the courage to say anything, but even she knew it would be feeble. The elephant in the room (Shining's betrayal of Twilight) seemed the obvious reason, but it was anypony's guess. "If it helps, none of us wanted Twilight to die. Twilight Sparkle grapples with her conflicted feelings when she finds out her brother, Shining Armor, is marrying Princess Celestia's niece, Princess Cadance. "Thank you for your gratitude Sir Light." You doing OK this morning? She wondered if she should stay with Twilight, just to watch over her, but she felt that perhaps it would be an invasion of her privacy, and anyway, Spike was there for her, so it was best she served only as a mediator between the two sides. "Is there anything we can do to make them realize we truly regret our mistakes?, I dont think so, I destroyed my familys honor because of my betrayal and our naivety. ", "You were thinking about what had happened, weren't you?". What you are about to hear is top secret, and absolutely nopony can know of it.". Despite being armed with weapons and armor, the Royal Guards were finding it tough fighting the vicious and determined Changelings. Youhad no right to berate her like that and that goes double for her friends and the Princess herself. Tone asked flatly. Will I let you out? The only question that lingered, however, was how long would that loyalty last? You can still be angry at Twilight's friends, Shining Armor and Celestia, but not too much. Surely one like yourself would have learned from their past mistakes. ", "Yeah Cadance, I'm fine. Said Shining, who stepped aside to allow Luna to comfort her distraught sister. All passengers, the next stop is Ponyville!". "Please don't leave me.", "Shh Sugarcube." Fer that, I will never forgive myself. To her, the Royal Guard were as naive as ever, but one should never underestimate their capabilities. I mean, I know Twilight was only looking out for us and she was worried for me but the way she barged in with no proof to back up her reasoning, I couldn't tell whether or not she was trying to destroy the wedding or shatter our friendship.. We cannot attack until he says to. They were nothing more than relics to her now, relics that celebrated a friendship she thoroughly enjoyed. She glanced behind her to see Twilight's treehouse/library encased once more in a dark magenta coloured bubble. The Mane 5 looked at each other glumly, before nodding to Cadance. "Attention!" Replied Shining sadly. Just please try to bring her around. Cadance headed back to the library to help Twilight and Spike cool off, Rainbow went back to her cloud house in Cloudsdale, the mission to repair the broken bond with Twilight stuck firmly in her mind. Not forgetting her strong sense of generosity, she decided to offer Cadance somewhere to sleep for the night. Suddenly, with authority Spike threw his hat on the ground, not caring in the slightest about whatever damage it suffered. "I am sure you do not need an explanation as to my sadness, Captain Armor. ", "No, it's OK. One of the guards said gruffly. A Canterlot Wedding: Aftermath Chapter 5: The Whole Truth - FanFiction How?". Spike barked firmly. And as for you, you walked out on her too! "Pleaseplease don't leave me" Whimpered Twilight, still suffering from the intense effects her memories were forcing upon her. The memories of that dreadful episode of her life were rushing back into her mind. The point here is that the girls are sorry for abandoning you and they want to make things right! Bracing himself, Snake Bite cued to Chrysalis he was ready to receive the intel. Boomed Chrysalis, who fired an ice spell at Aegis, freezing him solid. Stepping forward, she spoke with newfound determination. "Oh Spike, how could I not forgive you?" He was delighted Twilight was able to forgive him, but the question remained; would she be able to forgive the others? Twilight's head drooped sadly. Only the Creator knew how long they were going to be there, but that mattered little to Cadance. She will be painted matte white and Celestia themed. As Twilight and Cadence; the real Cadence; stop the 'wedding', Twilight turns into the new Nightmare Moon. "Y-yeah, sure." Have you forgotten just how much she believed in you? Chrysalis and the Changelings followed suit. "Attention everypony! "Proceed" Answered the Guard, who proceeded to open his door to the study. "Don't you get it?! Disguise yourselves and your men, and we will go hide somewhere nopony will find us. Shining Armor, in particular, was taking this harder than the others. The tale that Celestia was spinning before her was intriguing her more and more. "Shut up Spark!" "Surrender? "Very well. With another sniffle, Celestia recalled what she had sent Shining out to do. Cadance figured that Twilight would only answer personally to her; anypony else fell under Spike's jurisdiction. "You are in charge of the armory. She didn't know it at the time, but she was late for the meeting. Cadance arrived at Golden Oaks Library, the dark purple shield still encasing it. ", "Thank you Cadance. "The Elements chose us because we were supposed to be the physical representations of what they stood for. Luckily, Twilight's timely appearance, with Cadance in tow, blew her cover. Twitter, MLP: Friendship is Magic - 2023 Hasbro Inc. "I just wanted to check on you, make sure you were doing OK after yesterday. Now, I want the prisoners, all the prisoners, to be rehabilitated. Applejack, meanwhile, slowly trudged back to Sweet Apple Acres, saddened and dejected. Because of your foolishness, our dear Twilight will be lost. What I'm asking is if you know Twilight did something wrong as well?". "Oh honey! She was failing to find words to counter Spike's arguments. Furnishing the room was Celestia's wardrobe, a study where she kept endless amounts of correspondence, particularly from Twilight and her friends, a mirror as high as the tip of the alicorn's horn and a rather extravagant grandfather clock, designed using the wood from an oak tree to create a working celebration of the sun, which crowned the head of the clock. While I watched over my night, the ponies were asleep in their beds. Standing before Chrysalis was a tall and thick stone gate, which opened immediately to reveal an equally tall iron portcullis. She seemed lost in thought, but to be sure she was OK, Spike decided to get her attention. The reason was obvious; Twilight would be welcoming to everypony else but her former friends, her Big Brother Former Best Friend Forever and as of late, her former teacher. However, he was met with no answer as it turned out Celestia had fallen asleep. All you cared about that whole day was playing with the wedding cake decorations! The girls fell into an uneasy silence. Despite this, Cadance continued to console the distraught unicorn with all the love she had to give and more. "Do you understand now why Twilight is so upset girls? Celestia smiled responsively. Applejack couldn't help but notice the way they were looking at her. The former was pleased to see her, but also equally worried. "Of course Princess." It was my pride!that made me betray you Sugarcube. When it was cast, the shield was laced with traces of hatred and anger. That lesson was to never ignore the concerns of your friends, no matter how small. You had no choice but to banish me to the moon for 1000 years. Fortunately, this keg did not blow immediately, but it would soon. "Cadance, I need you to talk to Twilight, because she needs to know I am extremely sorry for what I have done. If it comes without heart or feeling, I promise you that she will never forgive neither you nor her friends and the Princess. "Twilight? #3056427 - safe, lemon hearts, lyra heartstrings, minuette, moondancer "Snake, this is Lieutenant Blade. Unfortunately, she still managed to surprise the pink alicorn. princess twilight ts - twilight sparkle rd - rainbow dash ry - rarity aj - applejack fs - fluttershy pp . Something like this from her sister was unheard of. One could even say Twilight loved Celestia just as equally as she loved her mother. The shamed former groom felt antsy about the whole ordeal; now he was beginning to wish he hadnt taken on the extra order from Celestia. You fools, don't you know who I am? It was as if time had stopped completely, the pain and trauma of the world melted by the warmth of Fluttershy's kindness. On the other hoof, I can imagine how glorious victory will be when we storm the gates of Canterlot, and it is all thanks to you that this is possible! He had knocked one of Chrysalis's Changelings out cold with a swift strike to the pony's temple using his leg armor. Those who gave themselves up were spared harvesting, but were taken prisoner. As for Shining, he felt it was best Celestia was informed of this development. Worse still, and we did not know this at the time either, but the impostor returned and sealed Twilight in the caves below the castle. "May we bring you anything Princess?" ", "No Rarity, I haven't forgotten, but let me ask you this. Then, when she tried confronting the fiend openly, like indignant fools we chose to abandon her. When they did enter, she wasted no time leaving the game before getting up off her beanie bag to face Shining, who had just walked in behind his vanguard. The finest spy in my intelligence corps.". The group was intimidated, but only a little. Luna was dismayed. Meanwhile, Rarity had managed to pull herself together. ", "And I failed the Element of Honesty because when we wrote that friendship report, we were supposed to have learned an important lesson. Whatever thunder Applejack was packing was quickly silenced. #3056427 - safe, lemon hearts, lyra heartstrings, minuette, moondancer, twilight sparkle, twinkleshine, pony, unicorn, canterlot six, female, initials, mare, unicorn twilight - Derpibooru Home Upload Forums Tags Rankings Filters Galleries Comments Commissions Channels Donate The spree of devastation seemed to fly by as the Changelings stormed the village, smashing into ponies homes before harvesting their love and setting the place on fire. ", "Canterlot nearly fell, because of the collective incompetence of myself, Captain Armor and the Element Bearers. "Your Majesty, may I present Snake Bite. It was fortunate enough that Cadance already had Twilight's trust, given that she had no part in the betrayal, but she still had to ensure the latter was convinced enough to let the Mane 5 be heard. Twilight was somewhere out there, hurt, alone, and for all he knew, lost. As for Spike, he was very much pushed to his limits here. "Indeed we are Princess." One of our garrisons was attacked and defeated by Chrysalis and the remnants of her army. "There was no way I could have known..I did everything I could!". As the days passed, and my hopes turned into bitterness, you ignored it for the limelight, leaving me to succumb to my demons. We will never-". Moments later, Princess Cadance, the bride, Twilight's former foalsitter and somepony with whom she was very close . Now ah' know it may seem pointless to be getting upset about trashed muffins, but the point ah'm making here is that the real Cadance would have loved what we did for the wedding. the Mane 5 could do little more than look at each other, speechless and shaken. The unicorn mare, bearing a mane almost similar to Twilight's, raced to the door to greet her son. Although taken aback, Shining settled into his role, doing his best to soothe the tormented alicorn. Celestia started tossing and turning, her hooves planting themselves against her temples. All of this was going down a pair of raging waterfalls that flowed down the mare's face. Shining's thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of Celestia throwing herself atop her bed, dispirited and miserable. asked Night with a hint of disappointment. "Twilight, it doesn't matter anymore. Turning to the girls, she decided to test them, in order to prepare them for what they were about to face. She glanced at the three commanders, before looking at General Skoula, whom she greeted with a nod. On why did she have to be punished like this? Youre all responsible for this and its only fair that a truly heartfelt apology is delivered if you want her and Spike to come around. Greater matters such as this always overruled the minor details, a fact Cadance did not forget. However, as enraging as that picture was, she was not here to condemn those responsible. It is with honest hearts that we apologize for abandoning you when you needed us most. Nothing could get past the stony hardness of her gaze, but the worst of all? Grinning evilly, Chrysalis held little care for such a plight. This was a very damning experience for them, but it was one they deserved for treating their best friend the way they did. "At ease." Surely they won't allow themselves to be defeated as easily as last time! It won't go away. Furthermore, she did also upset the bride, my niece. Nopony usually goes in there, and it would provide the perfect cover for us to carve out a plan while we wait for the moment to strike. I think the best thing to do right now is to leave them alone until they had time to take in what I told them. "Changelings! He remembered meeting a pony a few days after he had was cured. Pinkie's mouth was immediately sealed shut by the force of four hooves desperate to stop her from making things worse. In the last invasion, Chrysalis tried employing a policy wherein her troops would not kill, even those who fought against them. Meanwhile, Canterlot was buzzing with activity. "Shininghow could you? Do you understand the motive behind her rage? From her perch on the wall next to the gravity lift, she was awaiting any intruders from the red team to cross the mound in the middle, as well as either up the river or across the mound to the left. All you need to do is think of a Plan B, something that can make and have Twilight understand how sorry you really are. Tears began to flow from their eyes and everything, but most importantly, the last word had fallen to Twilight. It all started after we had arrived at Canterlot. To ask for her forgiveness and to get her to resume being your student, or simply to resume being your attack dog?". Having settled in, Chrysalis decided to pass on some fresh orders to her officers. Barked Chrysalis. She tried explaining to her friends, but they dismissed her concerns as mere wedding stress. "Your Majesty?" Just then, Spike stepped down the stairs. Sniffling her tears up her nostrils, Celestia turned to face Shining.