Tim Boyd was born and raised in Ohio, graduated from Case Western Reserve University with a degree in computer engineering, and worked in the defense industry in Northern Virginia for over 20 years. Your only job is to love the truth every day. Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez. Lie in bath 20 to 30 minutes. : Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez and His Fight for a New Treatment for Cancer by Mary Swander. (Gonzalez was familiar with Pottenger's work in that field.) One of the pillars of the late Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez's nutritional enzyme protocol is the concept that One Diet Does Not Fit All.In fact, The Gonzalez Protocol utilizes seven basic diets ranging from more vegetarian to more carnivore - and combinations in between of various animal protein, vegetables, and fruits including 99 different diet variations for gluten-free . One of the pillars of the late Dr. Nicholas Gonzalezs nutritional enzyme protocol is the concept that One Diet Does Not Fit All. helps vegetarian and balanced type patients mobilize toxins out of the skins during times of intense toxicity. There is research going back to the earlier part of the century that indicated that coffee enemas stimulate more efficient liver function and gallbladder emptying, and we believe that is the primary therapeutic benefit. Price Foundation. Many patients, in fact, fall asleep while doing the enemas. A teacher at the University of Edinburgh, Beard proposed that the digestive function and pancreatic enzymes represent the bodys main defense against cancer. The most common forms have an average survival time from diagnosis of less than one year. It is common to see our patients with previously diagnosed cancer to be on no more than a few supplements! According to Gonzalez, maintaining a balanced autonomic system is crucial to health and the success of treatment. Kelly Brogan MD Celebrates the Life of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez [1] August 11, 2022 at 3:23 pm! Gonzalez does not claim to be the first to come up with this conception of cancer. Price Foundation members. NJG: The only side effects I have noticed in 12 years of treating cancer patients with high dose porcine-based pancreatic enzyme therapy are intestinal gas, occasional bloating, and occasional indigestion. For cancer patients, long experience has taught us that it is not enough to load patients with enzymes; the question of autonomic imbalance must also be addressed. Someone who is sympathetic-dominant needs a very different diet than someone who is parasympathetic-dominant. Metabolic typing was not the brainchild of Dr. Gonzalez, although he was the physician most responsible for putting the concept on the map. Currently they are enrolling 72 to 90 patients, half of who will receive chemotherapy with the drug gemcitabine, and half of whom will be treated with the nutritional treatment program. Gonzalez/Isaacs Protocol - Cancer Compass an Alternate Route M.D. 3900 Paramount Parkway, Morrisville, NC, 27560 PDF his own pancreatic enzymes. Now for the first time, everyone can figure out what diet is best for them, based on their Gonzalez Metabolic Type. Dr. Gonzalez was a strong advocate of food as fuel. He felt strongly that by eating the right foods and taking the right supplements, the body can achieve autonomic balance. As Dr. Gonzalez explains in his other book, Dr. Gonzalez was also a firm believer in using a method called, As long as we put the right fuel into our bodies by eating the right food for our metabolic type, the autonomic system will be in balance, both branches and the associated organs and glands will function efficiently, the body will work beautifully, and our health will be ideal,, Dr. William Kelley and the Birth of Metabolic Typing, Metabolic typing was not the brainchild of Dr. Gonzalez, although he was the physician most responsible for putting the concept on the map. Saul Green, Ph.D. April 20, 2000. He is featured in Suzanne Sumers book on cancer and on the TV program 20/20. He was a clinical genius, an activist, and a visionary that changed the course of medicine for all those willing to let go of the old paradigm. He further proposed that pancreatic enzymes would most likely be useful as a cancer treatment. I truly wished Id met him years ago. Treatments based on this idea started with Dr. John Beard in the early twentieth century. It also showed in the results of his cancer treatment where he had significantly higher success rates than his mainstream competition. Dr. Gonzalez opened a private medical practice in 1987 in New York and treated patients for nearly 30 years. Mary Beth is a digital marketing executive with decades of experience in the advertising industry. Whether you are on a healing journey with Breast Cancer, want to prevent cancer, or are healing from another disease, learning about your metabolic type can be life-changing. The coffee enemas seem to enhance this processing of toxic metabolic waste. If you are looking for a Gonzalez-trained doctor, reach out HERE to get more information. When Mary Swanderapproached me about writing his biographyI agreed to have her write it because I knew she could tell his story in a way that would be much easier to digest for the masses, Mary Beth said during our interview. At 35 years old he had always had 20/20 vision. Many of Dr. Gonzalezs patients survived over twenty years and unless I missed something, all thirty-six cases survived at least four years. The enzymes we use are made especially for my patients in New Zealand. He found mammography to be of no value. Simple. Are there any training to learn this protocol? Utilizing them is absolutely vital for slowing down Breast Cancer metastasis. NJG: The attitude is changing; for example, I have sent you a very supportive article about my work that appeared in the magazineInTouch,a news style magazine that is sent to more than 90,000 orthodox physicians, including all oncologists in this country. A number of things can interfere with treatment, some surprising, some not so much. Required fields are marked *. The intricacies of metabolic typing can be confusing, especially since there have been several other natural health practitioners over the years who have used it as the basis for their own programs besides Dr. Gonzalez. Mary Beth is a digital marketing executive with decades of experience in the advertising industry. By Nicholas J. Gonzalez The body should be dry, and the brush should be passed over the skin in a clean sweeping motionnot back and forth. Nicholas J. Gonzalez MD explains how many nutritional experts propose a single "ideal" diet for everyone, though each of these experts may recommend a diet at odds with the others. Swander is the former Poet Laureate of Iowa and artistic director of Swander Woman Productions. However, these cells can quickly grow out of control should the pancreas fail to manufacture or release adequate amounts of proteolytic enzymes. The sympathetic nervous system stimulates the adrenals and thyroids, while the parasympathetic nervous system stimulates the liver, the pancreas and digestive tract. helpful for toxic headaches and goopy toxic symptoms, muscle aches and pains, and water retention in ankles and other parts of the body. Please enter your e-mail address. }); Where should we send the free digital download? During times of intense toxicity, the vinegar bath can be done daily. He studied Dr. Take a deeper dive with our full online course of the 7 Essentials System. Cancer is a scary thing. All kinds. We discussed his work, continuing his legacy through The Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation and a new, exciting autobiography about his life. Generally, sympathetic dominants tend to be more acid; parasympathetic dominants tend to be too alkaline, while balanced people are somewhere in the middle. What's Your Metabolic Type? Take the Gonzalez Metabolic Type Test If you have been reading my blogs for a while, then you know that I am a big fan of this method and have used it for years myself! Interview with Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez Get Chapter 1 of "Stop Fighting Cancer & Start Treating the Cause" FREE! Patients in the trial came from all over the country, and because our approach is still alternative, patients were not allowed to continue the treatment when hospitalized. The mustard soak can be repeated two to three times each day, and during periods of intense toxicity. First, patients almost universally report a relaxing effect, not the stimulation you find with coffee taken orally. All it takes is the right diet, lifestyle, and supplement protocol. The body should be dry, and the brush should be passed over the skin in a clean sweeping motionnot back and forth. In 1911, Beard published a monograph of his work, entitled The Enzyme Therapy of Cancer. During our long working relationship, I was always one of the first to read Nick's drafts, after he had done numerous rewrites himself. He did not just take young and otherwise strong patients. He particularly recommended the chiropractic approach developed by Dr. Roy Sweat, who came up with a unique way of adjusting without actually touching the patient. Although not commonly recognized today, orthodox medical literature featured these methods in medical literature and nursing manuals for most of the twentieth century. The wonderful thing about this type of therapy is that, not only does it WORK but also it has neither side affects nor contraindications. Dr. Gonzalez was also a firm believer in using a method called metabolic typing for finding ways of eating that are best for each person. Where To Download Aging Of The Autonomic Nervous System Read Pdf Free The Gonzalez Protocol is based on three pillars: Dr. Gonzalez was one of my instructors in the Fellowship program through the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. Help stop a bad vaccine bill in the California Legislature! A high-meat diet stimulates the sympathetic system and tones down parasympathetic activity. Cancer patients are rarely told that adding natural, alternative therapies to their care can greatly mitigate their adverse reactions, improve the quality of their life, and give them their life back! Dr Kevin Conners. We discussed his work, continuing his legacy through The Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation and a new, exciting autobiography about his life. Here, in this final installment in the series, I want to offer my perspective on why the ketogenic diet . My caring assistants and coaches are here to answer your questions and help you choose a program that best fits your goals. If you ever heard Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez speak, you couldnt help but notice that his mind worked several levels above the average IQ. Nicholas Gonzalez Treatment for Cancer | Quackwatch Dr Nicholas Gonzalez - treating cancer with a metabolic protocol For more information on Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, and his work with digestive enzymes for treatment of cancer, visit: Your email address will not be published. Dr. Gonzalez had nothing good to say about the American Cancer Society (ACS), with its well-documented ties to the pharmaceutical and chemical industries. This means that cancer happens because of imbalance at the mitochondria level. By the time he was done with his research, he was convinced that it worked. Be sure to get the basics about coffee enemas, Whether you are on a healing journey with Breast Cancer, want to prevent cancer, or are healing from another disease, learning about your metabolic type can be life-changing. As he points out, the mainstay diet of one of the healthiest groups of peoplethe Eskimois one of the highest in saturated fat. We have not had the resources to support basic science research, but with appropriate funding we do not believe it would difficult to set up animal models to explore the molecular action of the enzymes against cancer cells. Ratings based on results of the 2023 ConsumerLab.com Survey of Supplement Users. Even Weston A. Certainly not an eating program advocated by major health agencies. It indicates that, just like many other chronic diseases such as diabetes and autoimmune conditions, cancer can be managed and, in many cases, reversed. Dr. Gonzalez studied Dr. Kelleys concepts thoroughly during the 1980s when he was just starting out in oncology. This comes not only from the alternative community, but from mainstream medicine as well. Whereas the typical medical doctor today is little more than a drug dispenser, taking input from the patient and prescribing drugsin a process that cant take much more than ten minutes, on average, because the doctor must see many patients each day to assure financial survivalDr. In a nutshell, however, metabolic typing can be summed up with the following points: #1 The style through which your body both produces and processed energy determines your metabolic type; #2 To determine this style, a person is assessed based on two things: the pH of their body (the ideal being mildly alkaline (7.46)) and how fast they burn fuel; #3 Another major factor that determines a persons metabolic type is fundamental homeostatic controls, or FHCs. As long as we put the right fuel into our bodies by eating the right food for our metabolic type, the autonomic system will be in balance, both branches and the associated organs and glands will function efficiently, the body will work beautifully, and our health will be ideal, says Dr. Gonzalez. Mustard foot soak helpful for toxic headaches and goopy toxic symptoms, muscle aches and pains, and water retention in ankles and other parts of the body. In a nutshell, Dr. Gonzalez promoted the concept that cancer is really a metabolic disease. Christopher Lee Mertz - Physician Assistant, Morrisville NC The Best Psychiatrists in Morrisville, NC | US News In a basin of warm water, add one tablespoon of dry mustard and one tablespoon of cayenne pepper. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 415-793-4575. Weight Loss - Apex WeightLossMd There was no one-size-fits-all treatment. Other nutrients, particularly calcium, phosphorous and zinc, stimulate the sympathetic system but weaken the parasympathetic system. What matters is that many not all, by any meansof my patients are alive when they should be dead. See other contact addresses. (984) 960-1200. Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez treated cancer patients with a cancer diet therapy that included pancreatic enzymes and a host of natural compounds and vitamins as part of a total alternative cancer protocol - the Gonzalez Protocol. This system consists of the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches and ultimately controls all aspects of our physiology, including immune function, cardiovascular activity, endocrine function and the entire action of our digestive system. Though I do NOT advocate all of Dr. Gonzalez's work, the enzyme portion of his therapy derived from Dr. Kelley's work is one that we readily incorporate, involving strict diet based on Sympathetic or Parasympathetic dominance, high-dose enzymes, and regular coffee enemas. So, whatever other effect a vegetarian diet has, in terms of autonomic nervous system function, such a diet will reduce sympathetic activity and stimulate the parasympathetic system. In fact, it was less than ten because he didnt use an assembly line approach. Skin brushing stimulates and cleanses the lymphatic system and detoxifies the skin. Sit in a comfortable chair and soak you feet in the basin for 20 to 30 minutes. A key component of the Gonzalez program includes coffee enemas. Parasympathetics are quite different. During the first two decades of this century, a number of physicians, both in Europe and in the United States, used injectable pancreatic enzymes to treat advanced human cancer, often times (depending on the quality of the product) with great success. Price, William Kelley, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez and Dr. Joseph Mercola. They can pass into the small intestine and be absorbed through the intestinal mucosa and enter into the blood stream. A lot of Dr. Gonzalezs research and work with clients culminated in the release of four books during his lifetime. Im a chiropractor here in San Francisco, and also board certified in addiction medicine. He expanded on Dr. Kelleys work extensively to discover a total of 10 different diet types as well as 99 different diet variations. Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D., is a practicing physician in New York City who specializes in treating cancer with a treatment originated by Dr. Kelley, D.D.S. This title is different than the others because it is about Dr. Gonzalez the person and his lifes journey. After Beards death in 1923, enzyme therapy was largely forgotten except for its use by some alternative practitioners. Parasympathetic cancers include leukemia, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, melanoma, sarcoma and Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia. Replace a few parts, tighten a few screws, change the fluids, maybe remove some of the more troublesome spare parts and youre good to go, right? Read the guide on any device, online and off. The self-test costs $100 (U.S. funds) and should take about 30 minutes. Those of his patients who were optimistic and didnt second-guess or question the protocol consistently did the best. Please log in again. The study has been completed and was published inNutrition and Cancer, June, 1999;33(2). Without that understanding, the war against alternative medicine is incomprehensible. Gonzalez once asked Kelley what percentage of disease is biochemical-nutritional, psychological and spiritual. NJG: Pancreatic cancer patients are notoriously medically unstable, and some patients in the study were so weak they had difficulty complying fully at times, although many of the patients did comply well. It was an absolute delight to touch base with Mary Beth Gonzalez the other day. Such patients do extremely well with a diet based on animal products with minimal to moderate amounts of plant based foods, the particular design of the diet again depending on the individual patients metabolic make-up. Eskimos eat a high protein diet consisting of close to 80% saturated fat and generally eat no fruits or vegetables. They are told to take pancreatic enzymes with meals and in between meals around the clock. In fact, The Gonzalez Protocol utilizes seven basic diets ranging from more vegetarian to more carnivore and combinations in between of various animal protein, vegetables, and fruits including 99 different diet variations for gluten-free, diabetic and dairy-free. PDF Foreword to Nutrition and the Autonomic Nervous System by Nicholas J The answer was 100 percent biochemical-nutritional in every single patient. After an impish pause, Kelley continued, Its also 100 percent psychological and 100 percent spiritual in every single patient. In keeping with this view, Dr. Gonzalez did not shy away from addressing the psychological and spiritual issues of his patients. Others followed up, and a dentist named Dr. William Kelley rediscovered Beards work in the 1960s. Each patient receives individualized diet recommendations from Dr. Gonzalez, and all are required to eat organic foods and to avoid all synthetic and refined foods including white flour products and sugar. The Merck Manual advocated it in all the additions from 1897 through 1977, but then dropped it due to lack of space. He divided it into the orthosympathetic and the parasympathetic. But what about otherwise healthy foods that may cause inflammation and stress in one person yet not another? , Your email address will not be published. Maybe in a few rare and fortunate cases but in general no. Can Pancreatic Enzymes Fight Cancer - Life Extension That caught my interest and moments later was inspired to search here for a possible review. KH: Why did you choose a vegetable-based diet, low in red meat and poultry, with a little fish and occasional dairy products? A comment[1] at Sallys blog[2] mentioned Dr. 2023 Consumer Satisfaction, Rated #1 Catalog/Internet Merchant. John Etcheverry, D.C. Dr Nicholas Gonzalez was a classically trained, Ivy-League educated Immunologist working at Sloan Kettering in NYC when he learned about the pioneering work of Dr John Beard and Dr William Donald Kelley (who cured his own pancreatic cancer with a special nutritional diet and supplements). On behalf of them and all real humans who care more about that than about the money to be made, I say: Thank you, Dr. Gonzalez. Eskimos lack enzymes needed to digest complex carbohydratesan aspect of their unique make-up. I am Gonzalez the quack, the fraud, the doctor who lies to cancer patients, steals their money and kills them. In this Brand New 3rd Edition Dr. Kevin Conners adds almost DOUBLE the content with all new insights and practical tips on how to understand your bodys ability to heal and get back to a state of health. I prepared for presentation 25 cases with poor prognosis or terminal illness who had either enjoyed long-term survival or tumor regression while following my program.