Serbian Yugoslavia is now able to core Silistria, if it is able to core Bulgaria. Fixed Jabal Shammar crashing the game, if re-puppeted to the Ottomans during the War in the Desert. Fixed Switzerland keeping its Swiss Neutrality national spirit after joining a faction. Fixed Yunnan being able to join the Zhilis faction. Removed the PatAuts potentially couping Totalist Chile. Fixed the Extensive Conscription law not triggering the Demobilisation mission after a war. Fixed Paraguay not being able to attack Brazil. Unfortunately, as we've noted before, this hotfix \will* break saves. All countries in the region now have head of state and general rosters. Updated the party names in German puppet splinters. The Entente declaring war on the Third Internationale, before the latter is at war with Germany, now causes a World Tension spike. Australasian factory-building focuses have been given easier triggers. Fixed Centroamerica being formable if all nations in Central America are independent, but on a non-Centroamerican faction. Australasia now starts with a claim on Papua. Boosted the effects of some of the national spirits for NatPop Two Sicilies. It can be accessed using the ~ key. Added a description for PSAs decision to join the Co-Prosperity Sphere. Fixed Lithuania being couped by its own allies. Fixed Chile not losing the Chilean-Argentinian War idea after their coup detat. Start game, load savegame and save as new file, exit game. Fixed Siams Conditional Surrender's AI not following their faction leader. Fixed SQI not losing the revolutionary fervour idea. Fixed Serbia's collapse ending other countries' puppets. Release events for Slovakia will now take into account the status of Southern Slovakia and Transcarpathia. Donauadriabund Poland will no longer give Cernauti and Suceava to a hostile Romania. Italy and Two Sicilies can now join Austrias sphere even once they merge with the Reichspakt during WK2 (they will leave the faction with Austria when it leaves). Fixed the Left Kuomintang trying to declare war on Fengtian, while still at war with Qing. Fixed Wuxis victory points not resetting after the League of Eight Provinces dies. Fixed hundreds of text spellings and inconsistencies. Fixed a NatPop Australasia event firing for non-right-wing governments. Fixed puppet republic Denmark keeping monarchist national spirits, and vice versa. Germany no longer starts off with Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen as an air advisor automatically. Austria now sends volunteers to Lombardy and Venice when they are at war with the SRI. Slight buffed Manchu Qings Young China Party, and slightly debuffed the Zongshe. Added new equipment art for Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and White Ruthenia. The coring decisions for the American Civil War will now appear on the map rather than in the decisions menu. The Baku Conference will now give Germany resource rights in Azerbaijan. News event settings have also been moved to a button. Fixed Socialist Bulgaria causing a war between the Belgrade Pact and the Third Internationale. Completing the Constitution of the Baltic Federation now gives a small flavor event for new elections. Anqing, Fengtian and Nanjing will no longer accept a National Protection Alliance ultimatum under normal circumstances. Added ownership checks to Rigas reintegration foci. Fixed the League of Eight Provinces selectable missions missing AI factors. The Kingdom of Two Sicilies should now beeline their attack SRI national focus, if the latter is at war with the Italian Republic. Added a potential annexation option of giving Dobrudzha to Romania, while keeping Silistria. Added an event where Wilhelm von Preuen (Wilhelm III) may now be made a Field Marshal, shortly after the onset of the Second Weltkrieg. Added a Second in Command for the Ma Clique. Removed a lot of RNG from the Russo-Ottoman deal. Hearts of Iron 4 country tags - a list of all HOI4 country tags Austro-Hungarian design companies are now state-based, with access to the company dependent on owning their respective states. Fixed Alfredo Campos' description using someone elses. Sichuan now keeps a basic mountaineer template regardless of the outcome of the civil war. Rebalanced some of the Russian economic national spirits, and removed all consumer goods debuffs from their Head of State and minister traits. For the Ottomans, states that are turned into vilayets later don't get upgraded by shifting power to the provincial assemblies. Stopped the Mexican AI from declaring war on Central American countries they dont border. Fixed countries not getting annexation missions if in wars with civil war participants. Added a fifth research slot for the Netherlands. Fixed participants in the American Civil War not getting the decision to core Hawaii. Tweaked Canadas starting division templates. Fixed Russia annexing an isolated Transcarpathia. Germany no longer cedes the Suez Canal automatically when they decide to resist Egyptian demands. Fixed Tuva not being transferred to RUS/SOV when the latter is released. The Left Kuomintangs Low Popular Support national spirit will now affect their compliance gain. Transamur will be given the correct states in their peace deals. Refactored the AI weights for restarting the Indian civil war. Chinese army reform is now represented by national spirits. Giving Germany a Haitian naval base will now give them docking rights. Germany can now access a second armour tech bonus. Fixed USA rejoining the Legation Cities council despite never leaving in the first place. Polish republicans and socialists now can integrate new territory more easily compared to the monarchists and nationalists. Johan Laidoner is now removed from Estonia when Isamaalit fails its coup. Added crossings for Istria-Dalmatia and Tanganyika-Zanzibar. Clarified the Mittelafrikan / Portuguese Bush War Outcome game rule. Others will have a higher chance to accept, if substantially weaker than the NPA. Assyria no longer joins the Entente before winning their starting war. Greece will now always be kicked from the Entente, if they claim the lands of German allies. Fixed Siam's Second in Commands not being moved after the civil war ends. Slightly increased the likelihood of the Dominion of India peacefully reuniting with the Bharatiya Commune. Fixed PatAut Lianguangs National Protection Army national foci not bypassing if they are already in a faction. Fixed being able to choose Status Quo in the Austrian secret deal path. Tweaked fall of Gibraltar event to only fire when it happens outside the SCW. Liberia is no longer blocked from releasing its neighbours. Added new traits available to Operatives. Fixed the Italian Republic causing the Belgrade Pact to merge with the Moscow Accord, before the Second Weltkrieg. Fixed Fengtian not being able to integrate its allies. Fixed puppets of the same overlord being able to attack each other. The ingame descriptions for Syndicalism and Totalism have been rewritten to more accurately represent both ideologies. Overhauled the Serbian AIs handling of the IMRO. Japans Fading Sun mission will now only fire when all of the prerequisites for offering peace are complete. Fixed Shanxi being able to purge Feng Yuxiang in 1936. Fixed a German division spawning in the wrong province. Increased Polands German influence gained by completing the Allies in Berlin national focus. As always, let us know what you think as you play! Its time for another hotfix! AuthDem Argentina coup now properly gives AuthDem popularity. Fixed the missing portrait for NatPop Persia. Fixed independent JBS being re-puppeted to OTT. Fixed Palawan in the Philippines being a desert. Fixed Austrian build slots not taking ownership into account. Yunnans Zhu Peide is now promoted to Field Marshal when he secures power. Fixed Russia demanding Armenia without controlling Georgia. Fixed the Dutch East Indies / Insulindia peace deal firing multiple times. For Transamur, Kolchak can now decide not to expand the navy. Fixed Adelbert staying around even if couped. Added proper ship name lists for Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ireland, Lithuania, Portugal, South Africa. Fixed the repeating SAU-OMA white peaces. Fixed the Fourth of July event firing multiple times. Fixed a bug with the release of German Somaliland. Fixed the South Africa / Entente peace mission firing after the initial war. Added several leader descriptions to the Union of Britain. Fixed Cuba not actually sending volunteers to the US. We owe a massive thanks to Dayshine, among others, who have been working on CWTools. Fixed the Romanov puppet event firing for Tsar Wrangel. Fixed Lingering Communard Resistance not being removed from National France correctly. The Kaiserreich Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Improved the Deploy New Tank Prototypes national focus for Ukraine - now it provides free armour variant for NSB owners, as well as free armoured template. Slightly improved the modifier given by Canadas Professional Army national spirit. Fixed countries not showing up as puppets in the Chinese alignment chart. Abyssinia/Ethiopia is now always called Ethiopia. Bulgaria can no longer attack Greece immediately after accepting peace with them. Fixed von Gring staying around after the Mittelafrikan collapse. Why do this? Fixed the Lianguang game rule for choosing Chen Minghsu vs Chen Lianbo. Poland can no longer core Transcarpathia. Lithuania is no longer able to buy tanks from its enemies. Rebalanced Russian victory points to make European Russia worth more and Siberia noticeably less. Fixed the Bulgarian event about Vazovs return firing multiple times. Fixed missing Military Background spy trait text. The Central Asian tags no longer guarantee each other. Fixed the French Caribbean being given back to the West Indies Federation by the French Republic. Germany will no longer give Asian or Eastern European territories to a Russian puppet. Decreased the amount of Tripolitanian troops. Fixed a potential crash in Shanxis Fate of the Generals event. Added a game rule where Persia can be boosted separately to the Cairo Pact. Fixed Hunan spawning fighter planes with no attack. Fixed the Chinese Unification Conference game rule not working. All Italian war and diplomacy focuses have been transferred to decisions. General buffs to Argentina so that they lose against Chile and Patagonia a bit less. and "Rozkwitay Pki Biaych R (The White Roses Buds Were Blossoming)" for Poland. The Ottoman Empire's text now accounts for them potentially losing Constantinople. Fixed several bugged guarantee-related interactions between Centroamerica, Costa Rica and Mexico. Opinion modifiers are now automatically added to newly-spawned countries. How to Change Ideology in HOI4 | Fixed the Fate of Brest decision resulting in it going to a White Ruthenia that it doesnt border. Added Market Liberal popularity as a potential prerequisite for the Ottoman Reform the Conscription System national focus. The Adrian helmet has been removed from the Brazilian unit counters. Updated the modules file with the latest vanilla values. Fixed the Netherlands potentially claiming the whole world. Fixed the Second Congress of the Left Kuomintang breaking if Puyi isnt the leader of the Qing Government. Fixed the Ottomans declaring on Bulgaria for Thrace, even if the game rule was set otherwise. Fixed a crash bug caused by a bad Bulgarian event picture at the start of the Balkan War. This is also potentially available to Ukraine. Fixed RadSoc Liangguang not getting sufficient research slots. Fixed Mongolia attacking Fengtian too early. Bulgarias Damyan Velchev is now killed when Zveno monarchists take over. Fixed a broken tooltip in the Ottoman national focus to embargo the Internationale. The Garner-Wagner Bill passing or failing is now an event choice, instead of being random. Slightly tweaked the process involved to form Scandinavia. Improved the AIs political power rationing and espionage tactics. Fixed puppet Japan attempting to annex Asian lands as if it was independent. Fixed a Latvian collectivisation event giving an effect for authoritarian Latvia. If you expel the Belgians from Mittelafrika, Katanga can't then go the Belgian path. The French Republic will now always support the Kingdom of Spain in the Spanish Civil War. Fixed Peron not going back to Argentina if it's puppeted. Reduced the stability gain from Bulgarias Patriarchate national spirit. Fixed the Guominjun taking over the Qing dynasty. Fixed Bulgaria being unable to integrate its periphery states, after regaining them from a victorious Belgrade Pact. Targets of FNGs war decisions should now receive only one notification of war. Fixed Gandhis Bharatiya Commune not coring an owned Madras or Goa. Added Li Jiayu as a general for MarLib/SocCon Sichuan. Liberia no longer takes Dahomey from Mittelafrika. Added Mahanimit (Great Vision), "Mahachai (Grand Victory)", "Sansoen Phra Barami (Glorify His Prestige)", "Floor Fuengfah (Bougainvillea Dance Floor)", "Dao Lom Dearn (Moonlit Night)", "Fahk Rak (Entrusting My Love)" for Siam. HOI4 cheats - set ruling party. Carlist Spain and CNT-FAI now start with cores on all of Spain. Fixed Centroamerica being able to attack Panama despite not being a neighbour. Fixed the Ottomans joining a faction while already leading one. Fixed the syndicalist Serbian uprising missing a leader. Added on map areas to the Ottoman decisions. Chinese Warlords can now use a few selected design companies from other tags if they have cores in those states. New flags for Cameroon, syndicalist Dahomey, East Africa and Nigeria. Fixed Shkuro not being promoted if the Don-Kuban Union is puppeted. Fixed the Canadian annexation event using the wrong effect. Fixed German East Asia losing its generals upon capitulation instead of annexation. Removed Italian cores on Dalmatia and Kotor. Brazil - army tree fully overhauled and redesigned, naval tree effects adjusted and layout rearranged. Fixed the starting flags for Hungary and Illyria. Updates to Bulgarias ai factors - should hopefully make their path selection abit better distributed, especially when it comes to the democratic (and subsequent Fatherland front) paths. Tweaked the effect of the Three Principles national spirit for Tibet. Decreased the duration of several League of Eight Provinces national foci and made the tree more dynamic. The Namibia strategic region is now renamed to Kalahari, and includes Bechuanaland. Implemented militia units from vanilla HOI4 into the American Civil War. Added victory points for Maribor and Bregenz in Austria. Tsarist Russia will now always be Expansionist. Transamur can no longer elect the military when a full Japanese puppet. Updated Argentinas foreign policy national focuses to account for puppets. Added Harold Eric Barrowclough as a general for New Zealand. Added new news events about the results of Polands elections. Fengtian can no longer integrate Anqing outside of the latter's mechanics. Fixed marriage event for Portugal and Brazil firing when the bride is dead, Fixed Brazilian resource focuses bypassing due to revolts, Fixed a weird frontline issue around the great lakes, Fixed issues with Brazil-WIF peace conferences. Radical Socialist Argentina no longer joins the Reichspakt or Entente. Fixed Manchu Qing not being able to invite allies to its faction. New National Focus icons for Poland, Scandinavia, Sweden, Qing and Uruguay. Italian resource decisions are now tied to their respective national foci. Improved the AI focus factors for Socialist South Africa. Overhauled the Indian portraits and rosters. The British and French each have focuses to initiate returning their colonies that they occupy to each other once the mainlands are reclaimed. Rebalanced starting party popularity in Argentina. Fixed Paraguay committing ritual suicide by attacking an Argentina that has peacefully unified. Reduced Wallonia's focus times to 56 days. Fixed Brazil losing cores on its revolts. If the Bolivian NatPops take over after the Syndicalists are elected, their first national focus is unlocked to allow their focus tree to be completed. Fengitan will now receive the option to cut industrial soy during the Great Drought sooner. The USA and Germany stability debuffs were changed to accommodate this. Fixed LKMT not getting its claims or being able to integrate Hunan and Lianguang. Chad now starts with resistance and a low compliance, as intended. The Legation Cities now have another leadership crisis if Germany falls and they have chosen Ambassador Bodenheimer as their High Commissioner. Fixed the USA being able to choose foreign policy before deciding on keeping Mac or not. Decreased the number of starting factories for the Kingdom of Two Sicilies. Decreased the timer for Lithuanias The Fraying Front mission from 200 days to 120 days. Fengtian's railway construction decisions are now tied to the "Develop the Three Northeast Provinces" national focus. is it . Clarified the tooltip in Mittelafrikas railway construction national focuses. Fixed the mismatched triggers for identifying Chinese allies. Fixed Verdinaso Flanders being unable to access the Revise the Treaty national focus. Libya now starts on Limited Conscription. Reduced the Commune of Frances resistance target from the Communard Spirit national spirit. Added checks so Sweden and Finland's foci don't build factories in wastelands. Removed the Indian fortification national foci, and slightly tweaked several others. Fixed a parent trait being missing for Brazilian general Cndido Rondon. Fixed Sardinias "Global Navy" national spirit not providing production boost to capital and screen ships. Updated the German Siemens national focus icon. Improved the AI logic for most countries in preparing for war, while completing several national focuses or decisions which lead to war declaration. Fixed New Englands Norwich University national focus adding the wrong commander as the Armour Military High Command. Refactored the Patagonian events about the Russian exiles to properly cover all scenarios. Added additional options for releasing puppets of the Basque Country and Catalonia. It can still create a faction with the Bharatiya Commune, or join one if it already exists. Romania will now do their path to war national focuses sooner. Fixed Yang Yuting not being purged if Fengtian is hostile to Japan. Fixed Persia declaring war against Russia when it will almost certainly lose. Fixed Hans Vogel's death event not firing for Germany. Fixed Manchuria promoting Guan Xiangying to a leader when they dont have him. Fixed the government getting the incorrect generic political support decisions for their respective ideology. Decreased the severity of the Substance Abuser trait for commanders. Added a jet-based Airforce officer spirit. We hope you enjoy it all the same! Fixed Petrograd terrain GFX being misplaced. Added Fu Shuangying as a general for Fengtian, and a puppet PatAut and NatPop leader for Manchuria. Germany now loses claims and cores on Belgian lands ceded via the Treaty of Arlon. There is a segment (somewhere near the names of the ideologies in one of the other csv's (name eludes me currently)) for the U00-99 countries which is a duplicate of the worldnames.csv section for them. Added new national focus icons from vanilla Ethiopia. Added a flavour event for Japan about Kitei Son and Nan Shoryu in the 1936 Olympics. Fixed Scotlands Willie Gallacher using Tom Manns portrait. Fix democratic/coup AI Argentina being blocked off the economical tree, if coup happens before "Five Year Plan" focus is taken. Fixed LKMT not being able to form the East Asian Nationalist League if already a faction leader, and not being able to negotiate with its allies. Heres another hotfix! Added a strategic region for the Persian Gulf. The provinces around Nancy have been redrawn for less easy encirclements. Fixed puppet Afghanistan peacing out with the Dominion of India. The Question of Alexandretta event now only appears if Alexandretta is not controlled by Turkey. Norways Quisling can no longer attack Denmark if the former is the Reichspakt. Fixed Hejaz, Jabal Shammar and Saudi Arabia from being able to claim Lebanon and Sinai. Fixed countries not increasing their manpower laws at all if at peace. Legation Cities voting events can now be disabled for non-voters by setting the world news setting to No news. Increased the population gain in a Xinjiang national spirit. Added a couple of sanity checks to the Coto Brus event chain. Fixed Siam not puppeting Vietnam when releasing it without Saigon. Fixed Tibet not peacing out with the Ma Clique. The Pacific States can no longer use their legacy decision to reunite with New England, if the latter is a faction leader. Brazil should now receive events about American refugees earlier in the war, Bolivian companies are now available to the PBC, Syndie Peru should now leave the Buenos Aires-Lima Pact, Touched up state ambitions and potential claims in South America, should lead to more consistent peace conferences. Fixed Serbias Konspiracija being referred to as Fringe Nationalists. Added a news event for the 1936 Dublin Olympics. Industry technologies values in KR are now in line with the vanilla ones, i.e. Adjusted the leader descriptions for Argentinas Alvear, Carls and Ramirez. Germany in Exile now is the same country as Mittelafrika, rather than taking over from it and replacing it entirely. Added a lvl 1 bunker to Wuchang, as the city was somewhat fortified, Siam will now convert its king's guard to ceremonial guard unit if gone republic, and vice-versa.