Fun Fact: You can gauge how industrialized a nation is by the percentage of their insults that involve barnyard animals. They tend to have hairy the eyebrows that often meet and appear as one. Ng is a very common Asian surname that is considered goofy and is used derogatorily. Reference to the popular black hair style of afro's. Origins can be traced to the Ottowa Indians calling the English, "Yang-gees," which morphed into "Yankees" by the British who then took that home after the French and Indian war in 1763. The most common being that the Italian people supposedly have an abnormally oily dermis and epidermis. The term is most widely used in the UK where circumcision among non-Jews or non-Muslims is more rare, but in the United States, where it is more common, it can be considered insulting to many non-Jewish males as well. Common Arab name, plural is Fadii (Fa-Die). Note: The word "shiptar" is most likely derived from the name of the Albanian language - "Shqiptar". Comes from 'Jambo Kenya' in the Kenya National Anthem. Usually in reference to a poor, older black man. Immigrants who come to America by boats or ships (or rafts). Refers to the fact that like the insect, they too have been migrating out of Mexico into Texas. Native Mexicans. The idea is that they are carrying many children packed tightly inside. Rat Bastard (1998) - IMDb Centuars. Used by themselves and the Dutch. Since then, paradoxically, the term was embraced and has become so popular as to transcend outside its indigenous sub-culture into mainstream. The Irish-Americans called black people "Nagurs" because they could not pronounce the word "Nigger" with their accent. French WW2 term. Reference to when blacks were counted as half a human for voting purposes. Insulting, apparently. Most likely comes from the old Black slave character Jim in the book _Tom Sawyer_. Differing origins. American-Born Chinese. Refers to the abundance of Reindeer and silent J's found in this part of the world. Reference to their over-indulgence in the game of Hockey. "Molecko Jecko" was a character in a comedy who used to come to America just to buy a lifetime supply of milkshakes. British Born Chinese. Referring to "Boogie Woogie" form of jazz? Same as nigger in the United States. ", Rafting across the Atlantic to the illegally enter the US. Racist Jokes. The slur is used by any non-Cajun, Black and White alike. Urban Dictionary: Basturd Portuguese in San Diego worked principally as tuna fishermen. Originally used to describe soldiers, but now used for anyone Scottish. Combination form of Spic and Picaninny. It means "umbrella", only related with the alike pronunciation, nevertheless derogatory. b. nausea at 20 weeks pregnant. More specifically applies to Scandinavian aboriginals (Saami), but most popular towards Norwegians. The chiquita bananas have the black woman on the sticker. A small portion of the United States is known as the Jell-O Belt which covers Utah, Southeast Idaho, and small bits of Nevada, California, and Wyoming. Condensed form of Yard Ape. Jul . The actor who did the voice was also Black. Israelis call black ethiopians kushi and blacks period. Although they move to the sunshine state, they stay indoors thus retaing their white color. is rat bastard a slur - Specifically refers to French descendents from Quebec. The United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima during WW2. Not really a heinous threat, but sounds that way. Comparison to the blackened smokestacks of the manufacturing plants. Black children. A large number of Native Americans, particularly those living in northwest Canada/Alaska, are said to be addicted to inhalants. They are called priggers because they resemble America's Black population, living in ghettos of poverty and violence with the highest crime rate in Canada. The adults were called "porch monkeys," and the children were "yard apes.". Reference from Smurfs cartoon. 5 Popular Phrases With Shockingly Racist Meanings - Bustle Assumes that "Isaac" and all of its other incarnations are common names among Jews. Most like originates from (or at least made popular by) the comic book The Green Lantern, who had a mechanic Tom "Pieface" Kalmaku. "Bazi" is a Bavarian/Southern German term for a loveable crook. Technically this should only apply to Koreans, but the Vietnam War made it most popular when applied towards the Vietnamese. Indicates that these women like Petrolium because them men they date are black like petrolium. Was used as a nickname for unstable, mead-swilling Lithuanians. Combination if Tee-pee living and tom-tom usage. Many illegal immigrants take manual labor jobs. "Tonk" is the sound that is made when the illegals are hit over the head with the large flashlights/batons that the US border patrolmen carry. Used by Native Americans as derogatory for other Native Americans who are red on the outside but white on the inside. Thick meaning stupid, Mick as an abbreviation of Michael, a common Irish Christian name. Unknown origins, possibly "goo-goo," from the Tagalog language (a major language spoken in the Philippines). Shortened, dink just means "crazy". Comes from Glaswegians. Describes White Ranchers that have sex with Sheep. Because minimum wage only applies to U.S. citizens. A word used by militant Muslims in reference to purging the world of infidels. Rat Bastards | STAKING LIVE (@RatSolBastards) | Twitter A person of hispanic lineage, hopefully Mexican, that is from Texas. #2 would require it be spelled cane-eater, if you prefer. An old french man who steals the buttons off of women's clothing and then hides the buttons under his foreskin. (raddishes are white inside and red outside). Used by many Estonian and Russian immigrants in Finland. "Holland" originally comes from the words "Hollow Land" because it's so flat, Dutch for "Cheese head". A shillelagh is a staff commonly use by the Irish, Small Irish Dick. I'm not telling you to completely stop as myself does not know much on the subject but I just want to make sure people know what they're saying. Term used to describe when an Asian drinks and turns really red. The slur roughly translates to: "you, damn it" or "you, fucking", Probably from "guanaca," which is non-derogatory Central American slang for a Salvadoran + "caca," which means what it means in the US, Means "stepped-on piece of shit" because they are called zerotes, The Sami (Saami/Smi) are known for wearing patchwork clothing, which is what 'lap' means. Because the government gives them food, housing, money and protects them from "hate". Quebec is the only place in North America where Pepsi has traditionally outsold Coke. Mexican term for white Americans. Armenian gangsters call themselves "Rabiz". Also an Indian trying to act black. Asians Jokes Black Jokes Hispanic Jokes. The urban slang attached to these neighborhoods relies on vermin for its slurs: "ghetto rat," "hood rat," and "ratter." Used in the movies Apocalypse Now and Platoon to refer to the North Vietnamese. It is also a popular Bulgarian rap-group. Because they constantly wear the clothing line Nauitica, yet very, very few own a boat. Reference to Yao Ming, a professional basketball player of Chinese origin. Although sometimes, a racist will use a (racist slur) + (unpopular animal) as a compound insult. "Tago Nang Tago" It's a filipino thats an illegal alien. Now, I said "almost" because the only website that I found that does say it is came from . From shinu plus shimau. During the post-Civil War reconstruction era, businessmen from the North moved to the South with their possessions in bags made out of cheap carpets. is rat bastard a slur - Wazzock - Someone so dumb they can only do manual labor (from Yorkshire) Airy-fairy - Not strong, weak. May be a corruption of the French slang for "feces". Means nigger. Pal is a name of rich, land owning Indians. not to be yelled or shouted. Both are "full of shit.". Jell-O is also the state snack of Utah. It means "raw meat eater." Refers to US troops' inability to distinguish between friend and foe on the battlefield. It's an Estonian surname. Find 31 ways to say BASTARD, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. usaccess fingerprinting / half alive what's wrong lyrics / is rat bastard a slur. All white people come from Europe, they claim to be American, but they are not, they are pilgrims. Spanish word meaning monkey. A spin-off of The Andy Griffith Show. Hatians in New Orleans, practice alot of voodoo. Used mainly by darker-skinned Blacks to lighter-skinned Blacks. Often referred to Hispanics that drive Honda Civics. Used as an insult by city dwellers on indigenous, small town inhabitants or vulgar people even from the big city. He called an older black man "Jim" and the guy flipped out and roared, "Who are you callin' Jim?" It's used so often that people just link it with feelings of anger. Slur was used to invent the term (brand name) ". Specifically Afghani's & Iraqi's. There is a high circumcision rate in the United States. A white that tries to act black (white & black mix = gray). Memories David Guetta Ronnie From Jersey Shore, Used commonly among young white boys as undercover means of saying "nigger". Scheiss-Ami = Shit American, obviously derogatory. Black Southern speech. Blacks used to work the plows before the Civil War. Hairy Jews. The moderators then used a word-filter, replacing every instance of Wapanese with Weeaboo which was a fabricated term originally coined by Nicholas Gurewitch in his Perry Bible Fellowship comic strip. Coincidentally also the word for "White" in Cambodian culture or Khmer language. This actually means "Czech" in the Czech language. The Christian Bible includes the "New Testament" whereas the Jewish Bible does not. "In the NFL they got a bunch of old white men owning teams and they got that slave mentality," James said kicking off the conversation. The Asian mob based out of Macao is called the Triad. Slang used primarily by the British. Would not be suprised if used for black people as well, but definately more commonly used towards other whites. We think the likely answer to this clue is ELIDE. Just like the word cojones, coo is a word that has lost its literal meaning. Afrikaaner word for blacks, very derogatory. Another take on frozen Wetback. One of the words used by the Swedes for Norwegians. Name given to Koreans by the Whites who visit the country. Many people from Cuba attempt to sneak into the United States via rafts and boats. Many Midwesterners live in "Tornado Alley," which is known for having a disproportionate number of tornados every year. Before that, one of the most famous films out of India was the "Apu Trilogy.". Asian tourists are known to take a lot of photographs. Corruption of "French" or "Franks". A derogatory term employed by Balkan Slavs (Croats, Serbs, Montenegrins and Macedonians) when referring to Albanians. King Herod was an Edomite and before Rome was known as Rome, it was known as the city of Edom. From Afro hair style and Bro for brother. Known as a slur for drunk, unemployed, Irish men. Known to have a hard time handling their liquor. When you sqeeze it it seems as if it would bounce back at release. A whale turd. They work in large hotels and "hold the door" to let white folks in. White people with an unhealthly obsession with niggers, derived from necrophiliac. In Spanish, champion means mushroom. Subset of Native American indicating person who was at Wounded Knee incident in South Dakota in the '70s; Member of A.I.M. Common southern name Reference to any big dumb white guy. difference between general purpose and special purpose processor . Black/Chinese Mix. A recessive gene cause the lower jaw to protrude outward more than the upper. Possibly because of the grease they sometimes put in their hair or because of the types of food they make. Refers to Canadians who cross the border to shop for big blocks of inexpensive American Cheese. Indian who tries to be black, or is darker in skin. Japanese women who only date non-Japanese. The light color blacks in South Louisiana, mainly around New Orleans (Creoles), skin is the color of a brown paper bag. Bindu is a Sanskrit word meaning drop. Stereotypical thought of blacks using voodoo. Used in the TV show Married With Children where a gas attendant was an Indian. a mix of Bosnian and chefur used derogatory in Slovenia, typically hard uneducated workers from Bosnia and Hercegovina. For example, Miss Cleo: psychic advisor and tarot card reader. Derived from Tagalog "puti," meaning "white". they think they have everything and are more advanced than every other country. is rat bastard a slur. Facial description -- referring to the eyes. Animal like, originates in ancient India, when some slaves were imported from Africa. "I'm gonna go down to 7-11 tomorrow morning, to pick up a four-footer." Corresponds with the letters J-E-W on a telephone. From Yaphet Kotto's Character in the Bond film "Live and Let Die.". Used by lifeguards, because they're always rescuing blacks; they sink like rocks. PolitiFact | Fact-checking claim on Amy Coney Barrett and a racial slur It's actually the correct pronunciation of the word "Hmong", mountain-dwelling people inhabiting southeastern China and the northern parts of Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand. rat bastard: yellow-bellied: a cool quiet room with no bastards in it: ethnic slur: The Green Eye of the Yellow God: gook: mayor: story: Those Poor Bastards: Comics titles and characters: The Big Fat Kill: Elijah Wood: close call: Hypnosis: powerful: The Rock: major: ugly never call an ulsterman a paddy it doesnt go well Aiwha-bait: Used by clone troopers to refer to Kaminoans. Black males who behave like whites or talk very proper. Therefore making them Jersey-dwellers. I recently have been reading a book where the main character is called A bastard who is characterized by devious and base intentions. Pronounced "Doosss". As stipulated by their religion, believers in Islam pray in the direction of Mecca 5 times per day. Refers to Canadian people and the assumption that they consume lots of maple syrup. You dirty bastard! That's fine by me. German/Irish person. Is the term 'rat' considered a racial slur? - Quora Many of them originally hailed from the Pontus region of Turkey. Also shovel-face. Short for Septic, see Septic, Septic Tank. White people who try to act like they're Indian. Despite its negative history, the word is regularly used by various races. From what I know, it's mostly used in New England in the USA; but what it stands for is " W hite A nglo S axon P rotestant". Hey, um, rat is a racial slur in Asia, but this is still super cool :) Users who have contributed to this file. For that reason all the new Asians who are around you in e.g the work force, school. Sed quis, Copyright Sports Nutrition di Fabrizio Paoletti - P.IVA 04784710487 - Tutti i diritti riservati. Kangaroos (and old queen Molly B II loved kangaroos). Short for Hispanic. Stems from the word "partner". Stayed behind for 500 years. 'Nazi Firewood' to be more specific. Possibly of Creole origin meaning something similar to "foe. How to use bastard in a sentence. See J. Edgar Hoover's use. Words uttered when a gun is pointed at Blacks in old South Africa. Applies towards Blacks or Mexicans. Used by darker-colored Blacks to refer to Blacks with a very light complexion. Character from "Family Matters" TV show. Might also be acronym of SPanish, Indian, and Colored, coming from the mixed breeds that resulted from the union of Spanish colonists, Indian natives, and Black (colored) slaves. A white prisoner calls a black prisoner a Big Dummy Nigger. Abreviation of South Africa (commonly used in Britain). The name of a mixture of french fries, cheese, and gravy. Irish/Italian, Mick and Wop, play on common Irish last names. Hindi/Punjabi slang meaning "our guy," and referring to a male of their own race. Originally meaning people whose ancestors came from different parts of Catalonia, and later Spanish-speaking people that migrated into Catalonia. Means "Innkeeper" or "Motel Owner". Black women. Refers to Jews who complain about low-paying jobs. Refers to Jews being loud, pesty and foreign (as the geese are in Massachusetts), and having big noses, Catholic Jews. Believed to be contraction of Yiddish/German schwatrz (black) and boogie. spic A. n. a. It is used by Brazilians most often when depicting Brazilian athletes playing abroad. Refers to John Rocker's comments about New York and how it would be something that a stupid ass redneck would say, Refers to the Rebels in the American Civil War, AKA Southerners, Inuit (Eskimo) word for any non-Inuit. Slur A slur is defined generally as any "insulting or disparaging remark or innuendo" ("slur"). Thai/Black. This was an explination as to why troops were ordered to kill Indian children. However, its use parallels that of the word "nigger" in the United States. Refers to the Neanderthals living in caves; used by rappers. Refers to unusual names given to many black men; actually, a material used by Du Pont for large mailing envelopes. Children of parents who crossed the border illegally; A reference to their adulthood. The Greeks invented democracy and some say homosexuality, Greeks in general love lamb, but also it makes reference to Greek women's hairy sideburns. Used more commonly than the outdated "Gringo", Ghouls are said to be pale skinned like a dead person. The world's first artificial satellite sent into space. Used by locals similar to how blacks use "nigger.". Represents a woman, while not of the African race, sleeps with those who are.