However the fresh powder is very fine and drifting heavily in the strong SW wind, and I had 2-3 inches in places in the upper Peak Trail. Hiking Trails. Even when the gate is closed there are nine legal parking spaces below the locked gate (which still require an Adventure Pass or equivalent to be displayed). Community Volunteer Day at Camp Redwing 04-23-23 PCT Mile 181.8 (9070 ft): 9-10 inches (total 11-12 inches), Long Valley (8600 ft): 8 inches (8-9 inches), Saddle Junction/approx. San Bernardino County authorities have rescued at least six other hikers since Jan. 1. Such unseasonably warm temperatures mean that snow melt will be rapid everywhere while in many areas freeze/thaw cycles will result in icy trails in the early mornings above about 7000 ft. By late morning snow conditions will become poor for hiking (soft, slippery, and even slushy) especially in sun-exposed areas. Only five of these require cutting, and I was able to remove three by hand earlier in February. Be prepared for ice and deep snow, bring crampons and /or snow shoes and above all do not hike past your limits. PM me if you are interested. The USFS gate at Humber Park remains closed. San Jacinto Peak (10810 ft): 22-24 inches (includes 6 inches added on 5th January), Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 15 inches (5 inches snow plus unknown quantity of rain on 5th), Annies Junction/PCT Mile 180.8 (9070 ft): 17 inches (5 inches snow plus unknown quantity of rain on 5th), Long Valley (8600 ft): 8 inches (2 inches on 5th), Saddle Junction/PCT Mile 179 (8070 ft): 10 inches (2 inches snow plus unknown quantity of rain on 5th), Devils Slide trailhead at Humber Park (6550 ft): 3-5 inches (1 inch snow plus >1.0 inch rain on 5th). The advice above should be used with this in mind, and if in any doubt carry the necessary traction devices that you will be most comfortable using. Details of snow depths measured at various locations on the trail system are given at the foot of this posting. The high country was above the weather most of the night, and added an inch of fresh snow at most, however there were 2.25 inches in Idyllwild, and also roughly the same fresh snow depth at Humber Park and Saddle Junction. Although not required, many hikers will find spikes useful especially for descending. No fresh snow fell overnight, with storm totals of about nine inches at San Jacinto Peak and 0.5 inch in Idyllwild unchanged. 805-579-1116 A few trees were cut by chainsaw at the far (Hidden Divide) end of the Forest Service section recently, presumably by a CCC or State Park crew. Many locations below 9000 ft had actually experienced a net loss of snow depth, as the (relatively) warm rain had melted and compacted the pre-existing snow, and so little new snow fell subsequently. South Ridge Road (5S11) is currently closed to vehicle traffic but is rapidly clearing [checked Saturday 17th] of snow. Bring extra food, flashlight, and warm clothes. Add : Our Price: $15.95 . Forecasts are currently indicating about 30-40 inches of snow for the highest peaks of the San Jacinto mountains (>10,000 ft) between 21st and 25th February, and about 18-30 inches for Idyllwild (5000-6000 ft elevations). These can be obtained from any of the ranger stations or from many of the local merchants. 8. All seasonal and ephemeral streams were running strongly, and the current water conditions are the best for four years, since the great Valentines Day flood event of 2019. There is a very well-traveled track through increasingly patchy thin icy snow from Saddle Junction to Tahquitz Peak. Nevertheless Seven Pines remains a genuine wilderness trail unlike the relatively wide, bare, and obvious routes of, for example, Devils Slide or Marion Mountain trails. With at least two further snowfalls expected in the next few days, and strong winds in the high country expected for the next week causing substantial daily drifting of snow, much of the trail system will remain largely obscured by light to moderate snow until the second week of January. That said, it has just started gently snowing in both locations, so storm totals may increase slightly over the next couple of hours. If you have found this Report useful, please consider using this link to the Donate page. This will likely continue to be the case for several weeks, given fresh snowfall expected. Currently spikes at a minimum, and ideally crampons, with an ice axe (and knowledge of how to use it), are strongly recommended. . Even if its warm and sunny at lower elevations, its cold and icy in the wilderness. Banff World Tour Films 2023; Ranger Talks; FAQ; Wilderness Permits. Above seasonal temperatures will continue until Sunday 27th November. The route largely follows the established trail, but hikers coming from Long Valley over the weekend either did not find or follow my broken trail from last week, so in sections the route is unusual. Amrhein said searchers had seen "not a thing, not a thing." San Bernardino 9 Peaks Traverse. Add : Sale Price: $8.88 . Marion Mountain Trail has a very well-defined track to follow. Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 45 inches (30 inches snow in latest storms) but heavily drifted here, Annies Junction/PCT Mile 180.8 (9070 ft): 45-48 inches (about 30-32 inches snow in latest storms), Long Valley (8600 ft): 24 inches (16 inches in latest storms), Saddle Junction/PCT Mile 179 (8070 ft): 21 inches (13 inches snow in latest storms), Devils Slide trailhead at Humber Park (6550 ft): 5-6 inches (all from latest storms, four inches of snow on top of ice). These icy slopes are notoriously treacherous. Zelle, Venmo, and PayPal are all options. website belongs to an official government organization in the It remains well above freezing there, currently at 41F. The trail is largely clear of snow from Highway 243 to Strawberry Junction, and with about 60% snow cover from there up to 8600 ft. Marion Mountain Trail [updated 22nd December] has a well-defined but lumpy posthole track throughout. Note that snow depth itself is rarely indicative of the difficulty (or otherwise) of hiking a particular track or trail. I kept those on for the rest of the ascent, and almost all of the descent, finally removing them most of the way down Devils Slide Trail. Three numbers are given: the first number is the current average total snow depth at that location, followed in brackets by the new snow accumulation from the storm on 29th-30th January, and finally in parentheses by the maximum depth where known so far this winter, generally on 18th January following the major storm sequence on 14th-17th January 2023. Altitudes are approximate. It warmed last night to just above freezing below 6000 ft, with a mixture of rain and sleet falling on top of the prior snow, turning it increasingly to wet slush at mid elevations (we measured about 0.25 inch rain in Idyllwild). Prior to that Idyllwild (at 5550 ft) had received 1.04 inches of rain, with a little hail and sleet mixed in. Sign Up; A well-traveled snowshoe track is in place up to Strawberry Junction. For the foreseeable future hikers should be prepared for temperatures below freezing in the high country, and well below freezing when considering wind chill effects (see below for my recent weather observations from San Jacinto Peak). Summer months are the most popular for hikers. This trail has had limited hiker traffic since November 2018, largely because Dark Canyon Road has only been open for a few months since the Great Valentines Day flood of 2019. Although I made a concerted effort to put in a track as faithful to the trail routes as conditions permitted, wild winds and spindrift powder on all the exposed slopes rendered that fairly pointless. As last week, I was able to ascend barebooting to about 9200 ft before putting on crampons. I was surprised to find that no one had made it through on the Wellman Trail over the weekend, so I postholed somewhat over my snowshoe tracks from 15th until Wellman Divide. San . Once it stopped snowing, the mountain was shrouded in thick foggy cloud, such that visibility was as low as 100 feet on the exposed slopes of the Peak Trail. On the mornings of both Wednesday 1st February and Monday 30th January I ascended San Jacinto Peak via the east side (Devils Slide, Wellman, Peak, and East Ridge trails), descending the same way. Thank you so much for your support. Momyer trailhead is now open. Minor storm overnight on 27th-28th December. There are no significant changes to snow/ice conditions, and advice below basically spikes recommended throughout the high country remains valid. Otherwise, reliable posthole tracks are in place from Saddle Junctions through to San Jacinto Peak via Wellman Divide, but parts will become obscured by any additional light snowfall and/or especially by drifting snow from strong winds. Relatively little snow is therefore expected throughout the mid elevations including Idyllwild. UPDATE Thursday 29th December: I have uploaded a video from my hike to San Jacinto Peak this morning (available here on YouTube) where I enjoyed a minor snow storm. It climbs just fast enough to avoid being frustrating on the ascent, but is gentle enough so as to not be pounding on the descent. connected to the .gov website. Time: ~10 hours. Details of snow depths measured at various locations on the trail system are given at the foot of this posting. They are not however required, depending upon your comfort level hiking on shallow variable snow, potentially mixed with slushy and icy patches, and on the quality of your footwear (tread grip, in particular). Although my original track accurately followed the trail above Little Round Valley, there are now a fair number of alternate shortcut tracks across this slope, so cautious navigation is advised. SNOW DEPTHS measured on 15th February 2023 are as follows. Share sensitive information only Long Valley at 8600 ft on the east slope received only about two inches of fresh snow. On the morning of Friday 6th January, getting an Alpine start, I broke trail the entire way from Humber Park to San Jacinto Peak via Devils Slide, PCT, Wellman, Peak, and East Ridge trails. Spikes are currently usefulthroughout the trail system above about 7000 ft, possibly lower in places on cold (icy) mornings. Spikes could potentially be used to ascend to the highest peaks at this time, although crampons are certainly safer for traversing. Locations in between, especially those on the western and southern slopes, added more with up to five inches at Saddle Junction (8100 ft). United States government. Vehicles not parked in these spaces may be ticketed and/or towed. Note however that snow depth is rarely indicative of the challenge (or otherwise) of a given trail. Hendley described his friend as always well-prepared for a hike. Spikes are recommended at least for descending upper Deer Springs Trail. Details of snow depths measured at various locations on the trail system are given at the foot of this posting. The first couple of days early next week (20th-21st) may warm slightly above seasonal, before promptly dropping well below average again, accompanying another unsettled period of multiple consecutive storm systems on 22nd-28th. Forest Service campgrounds at Boulder Basin, Marion Mountain, and Fern Basin are closed for the season. Black Mountain Road also closed on 7th November to vehicle traffic at the gate 1.7 miles up from Highway 243. At San Jacinto Peak (10,810ft/3295m) on Monday 19th December 2022 at 0920 the air temperature was 31.3F (0C), with a windchill temperature of 20.7F (-6C), 9% relative humidity, and a light WNW wind sustained at 5 mph gusting to 9.9 mph. Between November 2021 and May 2022, 61 downed trees were removed and almost the entire trail thoroughly trimmed and cleared. Storm total at San Jacinto Peak is about 14 inches for a current total depth of 36+ inches (but very heavily drifted). There is a very well-traveled track from Saddle Junction to Tahquitz Peak (multiple photos below). However excellent well-traveled and compacted tracks are now in place for almost all major trails (details below). United States. Kenneth Smith, 66, of Yucaipa died Jan. 5 while ice climbing in the Forest Falls area, not far from where Barbour is missing now. All have been reported to US Forest Service. Go right and continue for 4.5 miles to the Falls Recreation Area, past the town of Forest Falls. San Gorgonio Wilderness Map - Calico Maps With the light fresh powder the previous evening, accompanied by very strong winds causing extensive drifting, prior tracks, including my own from 13th, had been totally erased everywhere so I was again breaking trail the entire way. The trail descriptions list this route as being 16 miles round trip. The main track is clearest just above LRV and again close to the Peak junction. All trails above about 6500 ft are currently lightly, or above 7500 ft moderately, snow-covered. Authorities urged all hikers to travel with a companion, tell a friend or family member of their exact hiking path, stick to it if at all possible, know the weather forecast, dress warmly and understand that there are many mountainous pockets where cellphones don't work. South Ridge Trail [surveyed 10th Feb] is largely snow free until Old Lookout Flat at 7600 ft (c.15% snow cover). This was immediately followed by a milder storm on 22nd-23rd that brought heavy snowfall with 13 inches in Idyllwild across a 30 hour period (measured at 5550 ft), and about 18 inches in Long Valley (8600 ft). About 6-10 inches of snow are forecast for the high country on Saturday 14th, with 1-2 inches possible at the elevation of Idyllwild (preceded by 1-2 inches of rain). Snow depths measured at various locations on the trail system are given at the foot of this posting. DM, The correction has been changed. While all time and labor is volunteered, the San Jacinto Trail Report uses small private donations to cover costs. Thank you so much for your support. Spikes are currently usefulthroughout the trail system above about 6000 ft, possibly lower in places on cold (icy) mornings. Section B. Warner Springs to I-10/San Gorgonio Pass. Seven Pines Trail has not been traveled since the early November storm, at least not in its uppermost section, and there is no track to follow through the snow. The freeze level will initially be above 10,000 ft, ultimately only falling to about 9000 ft, so many of the main access trails to the high country may get no new snowfall. The cloud largely dissipated on my descent, affording some spectacular vistas. 7. There was no evidence of hiker tracks on Fuller Ridge Trail or Seven Pines Trail as of Monday 23rd January. Although not required, some hikers will find spikes useful especially for descending. 9.1 miles one-way. All trails above about 6500 ft remain lightly (or above 9000 ft, moderately) snow-covered. I agree. A light overnight snowfall, which produced another three inches in Idyllwild, finally stopped at 0700 this morning. Data are provisional and require verification. Current air temperature at San Jacinto Peak is 17.8F (-8C) with a windchill of -5.6F (-21C) and a steady SW wind sustained at 19 mph gusting to 30.2 mph. San Gorgonio Wilderness Association; Google Search for 'San Gorgonio Wilderness' Lots of useful links. Dry Lake (San Gorgonio) From The South Fork Trail Winter conditions Be prepared for all weather conditions. We had a Garmin GPS with us and it showed the total round trip mileage from the parking lot where you first start walking, to the top and back, as being a little over 18 miles round trip! In my most recent survey there were at least 82 treefall hazards between PCT Miles 170-175 including 20+ major ones, and about six more on PCT Miles 175-177. Authorities were able to locate and rescue two 17-year-old hikers who were lost for several days on the Pacific . At San Jacinto Peak (10,810ft/3295m) on Monday 28th November 2022 at 0855 the air temperature was 26.2F (-3C), with a windchill temperature of 8.8F (-13C), 11% relative humidity, and a sharp due West wind sustained at 17 mph gusting to 24.6 mph. At this time there is no further significant precipitation forecast prior to mid February. New phone # 909-382-2882If you want a permit for Vivian for a dayhike on the weekend in the summertime, you must get it 3-4 weeks in advance. The highest peaks appeared to add slightly less snow than some lower locations, probably because they were above the cloud for some of the precipitation events. Snow from the moderate storm on 8th-9th November (discussed here) continues to melt slowly. Temperatures are expected to remain below average for January for the remainder of the month in Strawberry Valley (Idyllwild area), but are forecast to swing well above average (above freezing) for the highest elevations on 21st-26th January. This trail is just under a half mile long and runs from the junction with the San Bernardino Peak Trail 1W07.2 and the Sky High Trail 1W07.2 to the summit box, offering a unique view of the Sand to Snow National Monument. Altitudes are approximate. This is a summary of conditions following the second significant Pacific storm of winter 2022/23 to impact the San Jacinto mountains. Note however that snow depth itself is rarely indicative of the difficulty (or otherwise) of hiking a particular trail. Crampons (or perhaps spikes or snowshoes on some days) are recommended. A short video summary of what we found is available here. I recorded a short video at San Jacinto Peak early on the morning of Monday 12th December (available here) which gives a feel for conditions as the storm was nearing its end. Trails above about 7500 ft currently remain lightly covered with patchy icy snow (more continuous above about 9000 ft). Although not essential, spikes are recommended and many hikers will find them useful especially for descending. Your contribution keeps the Report available to all, free from advertising or paywalls, and independent from agencies. Every year seems to have its challenges and it is clear already that 2023 will be no exception. Note that averages are given; due to strong winds accompanying storms there is extensive drifting. February has been more settled than the very eventful January, but temperatures remain on something of a rollercoaster ride. Light or moderate rain is currently forecast daily at mid elevations (possibly totaling one inch in Idyllwild), with an uncertain possibility of light snow in the high country (<3 inches above 10,000 ft elevation). You don't hike alone. Note however that snow depth itself is rarely indicative of the difficulty (or otherwise) of hiking a particular trail. The Peak Trail still has about 90% cover of icy snow to San Jacinto Peak. It is a difficult hike, to say the least, and is recommended only for hikers who have adequate experience. At San Jacinto Peak (10,810ft/3295m) on Friday 6th January 2023 at 0930 the air temperature was 25.7F (-4C), with a windchill temperature of 14.7F (-10C), 44% relative humidity, and a chilly NNW breeze sustained at 5 mph gusting to 10.6 mph. San Bernardino Nat. Forest, San Gorgonio Wilderness, San Jacinto All trails above about 5500 ft are currently lightly (or above 8500 ft, moderately) snow-covered. Recent hikes have included the high peaks (>10,000 ft) 2-4 times per week by various routes, Tahquitz Peak and area 1-2 times per week, South Ridge, Spitler Peak, and Marion Mountain trails, and May Valley Road and Indian Mountain Truck Trail. While searchers said three of the men who died were experienced hikers, Kumm is better described as an outdoors enthusiast, said Cpl. This trail will become significantly more treacherous as it is expected to add freezing rain and/or layers of snow and ice over the next ten days. At the Peak on Monday 30th January 2023 at 1110 the air temperature was 15.5F (-9C), with a windchill temperature of -0.4F (-18C), 98% relative humidity, and a light SSE wind sustained at 3 mph gusting to 8.4 mph. Eventually with compaction of the trails caused by increasing hiker traffic and freeze/thaw cycles snowshoes may steadily become less useful, however they will remain valuable for off-trail travel in the high country well into February. Snow cover is continuous from there, with a posthole track to Tahquitz Peak. ft. home is a 2 bed, 3.0 bath property. Generally considered a challenging route, it takes an average of 11 h 14 min to complete. The intensity of snowfall at San Jacinto Peak this afternoon is the best Ive seen since late 2019. San Gorgonio Wilderness-California. By late afternoon, with the sun sinking, the search was suspended for another long, cold night. As always after storms in the San Jacinto range be aware of considerable ice fall from overhead trees. 1629 Sams Cy, Beaumont, CA 92223 - MLS #EV23032625 Please allow at least 72 hours for processing of permits.And as a reminder, self-issue permits are only good for that day.Also, Mill Creek RS phone number is now 909-382-2882 and they are closed Tues/Wed. Although I carried snowshoes it would have been risky to try to use them on the icy traverses. Every year seems to have unique challenges and 2022 has been no exception. When to go: June-October. Locations in Pine Cove up to 6500 ft were reporting 3.1 to 3.8 inches of rain by 0500 today. . Details of snow depths measured at various locations on the trail system are given at the foot of this posting. 0:57. South Fork camps such as Dry and Dollar Lakes are also filling several weeks in advance.If you want to hike during the week, you have a better chance of getting a permit.Self-issue permits aren't always available - they oftentimes run out, or get stolen. Note that average depth is given; due to strong winds accompanying storms there is extensive drifting, often accumulating in the trails. Reliable tracks are in place (at least) for Devils Slide Trail. Most days will be at least partly cloudy. I've backcountry skied in Northern Arizona, Utah, and Southern Colorado. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------,1,1003736.story?coll=la-home-local Hikers Warned to Avoid Icy Risks Four are dead and two missing in Southland mountains. Hikers should be prepared for temperatures near or below freezing in the high country, and generally well below freezing when considering wind chill effects (see below for my recent weather observations from San Jacinto Peak). Turn around take a look, establish points of reference, a mountain top you can see or a particular rock formation, that will take you home. While these are expected to bring significant precipitation throughout the state, there remains considerable uncertainty regarding timing and precipitation amounts for Southern California. Forest Service campgrounds at Boulder Basin, Marion Mountain, and Fern Basin are closed for the season. At the Peak on Monday 23rd January 2023 at 1010 the air temperature was 11.1F (-11C), with a windchill temperature of -16.2F (-26C), 47% relative humidity, and a bitter NNE wind sustained at 20 mph gusting to 27.7 mph. 10 inches on 9th), Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 1-2 inches (was 4 inches on 9th), Annies Junction/approx. And as a reminder, self-issue permits are only good for that day. Sold - 40789 Oregon Trail, Cherry Valley, CA - $1,695. Today qualified as a day off from the incessant storms, although even then we managed a minor storm in Strawberry Valley (where Idyllwild is located), with two inches of fresh snowfall overnight and into the morning. Although the snow is not currently particularly deep (10-12 inches) it is heavily drifted and has an ice layer underneath the fresh powder. There is evidence of a relatively well-traveled track south from Saddle Junction on the PCT, but as of the morning of Saturday 17th this track did not make it through to Chinquapin Flat. At 11,503, "Old Grayback" provides an excellent high altitude training for those . South Fork via Dollar Lake 9.8 miles 4,622' gain This forum has 533 topics, 1,821 replies, and was last updated No Topics by. This started as low as Devils Slide Trail and continued all morning. Conditions remain very unsettled for the first week of January. Todays rainfall total has passed an inch in Idyllwild, and various locations in Pine Cove (5800-6500 ft) were reporting 1.1 to 1.3 inches two hours ago. These concerns may steadily increase over the next few weeks with (eventually) temperatures fluctuating either side of freezing, seasonally stronger insolation, and highly variable snowmelt. The trail is clearest above immediately above LRV and again close to the Peak junction. While all time and effort is volunteered, the San Jacinto Trail Report requests small private donations to cover costs. Conversely in places scouring by the wind means the depths are well below the average. As encouraging as that is, it should be noted that snow accumulation at San Jacinto Peak is only at about 65% of the depth in March 2019, and this winter overall remains well below the historical average for snow in the high country, despite recent events. On my hike up to San Jacinto Peak it started snowing gently at 1025 in the high country. SNOW DEPTHS measured on 1st January 2023 are as follows. Favorite hiking regions include the San Gorgonio Wilderness, Eastern Sierras, Channel Islands and San Gabriel Mountains . This is also the parking area for the Big Falls Trailhead. Even around the 10,000 ft peaks temperatures are expected to fluctuate either side of freezing for at least the first half of February, which will lead to freeze/thaw cycles and likely icy conditions in the mornings followed by soft, challenging snow in the afternoons. Devils Slide Trail has a traveled and largely compacted track to Saddle Junction in place already. Steady melting is expected with warming temperatures this week, especially at mid elevations and on sun-exposed slopes. Forecasts are increasingly confident of a moderate storm on Sunday 11th, with up to 1.5 inch of rain at the elevation of Idyllwild, turning into 1-3 inches of light snow on Sunday night, while 8-14 inches of snow are forecast for the high country.