They might appear like a daunting target but they still only have a 4+ save, so make sure youre mitigating that with other tools if youre going big on them. The acid spray also jumps to AP-3, and is 6+d6 shots rather than 2d6, so theres a high floor on the output. Finally, somewhat to our surprise, this model has kept its 3+ invulnerable save, joining an extremely elite club in 9th Edition books. ThenewTau Empire codex arrived next, in early February, followed bytheEldar codex in March; Tyranidsin April; and both Imperial Knightsand Chaos Knights in May. Most of the time, youre going to want to go with a heavy venom cannon, enhanced senses, and carnifex crushing claws, which adds up to essentially a redemptor dreadnought without the side arms and defences sidegraded to 9W and a 2+ save for 130pts. Its just not as good as a Hive Tyrant, and the difference is great enough that it makes it challenging not to pick the optimal choice. Press J to jump to the feed. Given they also get a chance to deal mortals with a mighty bite when they attack, have all the same defensive options as a Trygon, and rock in at a spicy 125pts, these feel like the distraction unit of choice in this slot. To that end, they have evolved improved movement, weapon skill, wound, and save characteristics in the new codex. It has two Maleceptors who can use Leviathan tricks to go off for massive damage, Harpies for spectacular shooting power, a Flyrant that will flatten almost anything and cant really be pinned down, and Carnifexes to taste. If you want to find out how you go about devouring a whole entire planet for fun, profit and biomass make sure to check out our Crusade review on Tuesday. The other key tool here is the Psychic Power Hive Nexus. Games Workshop announced the new Eldar codex as part of its Las Vegas Open preview stream on February 1, 2022. For Tyranids, one of these is labeled as Adaptive, and as a pre-battle ability you can swap this effect out for a choice picked from one of the three custom trait lists. In a somewhat surprising move, the newCodex:Aeldari incorporates rules not only for the Ynnari subfaction and the new Corsair models, but also the Harlequins who previously enjoyed a codex all to themselves. This huge flying gribbly first encountered on the planet of Mortrex was originally mentioned in the 5th edition Tyranid codex, and Crusade rules have allowed Tyranid characters to mimic its horrifying implant attack but nothing compares to the real deal. There are also a few auto-hitting weapons in this book with 18 range, so adding the range means you can get the boosted AP out of reserves, good news for Pyrovores in particular. The Tyrannofexs rupture cannon has long been one of the largest living weapons deployed to the battlefield, and its latest incarnation is a certified Titan-killer. Goonhammer and Stat Check are Teaming Up! However, it combines very well with the second part, which boosts the AP of shots under half range, and that starts to get really interesting it means that the incidental firepower from Gaunts and Gargoyles is often going to be operating at AP-2, and opens up more play for AP0 stuff in this armour save economy. Tanking even a single Gargoyle through a turn can be huge too, as you can use Endless Swarm to add d3+3 models back to an Endless Multitude unit in your command phase, both getting the unit back fighting fit and maybe snaking a model onto an objective before control is totted up at the end of the phase. We have no idea what the Hive Mind is feeding these fiends, but theyre more aggressive than ever before, sporting an extra 2 of Movement, another Attack, and a Save characteristic of 5+. You can combine it with the Heightened Senses for a monster that just re-rolls everything all the time, which is quite something! Its slightly unclear if its intentional, but currently a foot Hive Tyrant can take two heavy venom cannons or two stranglethorn cannons (just not one of each), and a bodyguarded Tyrant getting full wound re-rolls on shooting feels pretty good! Todays review focuses on the part of this book that are relevant to matched play. Moving on from those two to damage dealers, Tyranids get two Witchfire powers in Neuroparasite and Psychic Scream. As is so often the case in Warhammer 40k, however,now that the new rules have been subjected to real-world play, 9th edition Drukhari have quickly become a top-tier competitive army, with multiplerecent tournament wins. Codex: Tyranids 9th edition was released on TBD Unit points throughout Time. The synaptic network of the Tyranid Hive Mind. The idea of having a Broodlord and Genestealer immediately encroaching on enemy turf is certainly cool, but the unit is just outshone by the other choices. Some monsters are big and chunky, others are small and highly numerous. That means you effectively get one free pick, and then get to select your other trait out of a list of six game to game certainly not bad. Thats great for chompy chonkers with big bases, like theTyrant Guard, but how do you squeeze a whole swarm of little lads into nibbling range? Also interesting is Relentless Hunger, letting you make a 3 move when you fail a charge, perhaps allowing you to skulk back into cover or push far enough to claim an objective. The available custom traits are split into three lists, Hunt, Lurk and Feed with five choices each, and if youre building your own Hive Fleet you pick one option each from two lists, and declare one of your picks to be your adaptable trait, which can be swapped out for a selection from the third list at the appropriate moment. At the start of each Battle Round, you pick one of these from a unit thats on the Battlefield (or a destroyed one using the Synaptic Legacy stratagem) and that you havent picked before, and it becomes active. The Hive Crone is a much more normal all-rounder flyer with some neat tricks against opposing FLY units, but as long as the Harpy exists in its current form there is zero chance you will ever take one in your precious two FLYER slots. Its an immobile Fortification Monster that you can drop in on the board anywhere 12 from the opponents deployment zone, it has modest firepower but the same terrible BS5+ as the Tyrannocyte, and can spawn Mucolid Spores or Spore Mines. ++WLT: One Step Ahead (-1CP), Elites: This relaxing aromatherapy session dissolves the enemys stress (as well as their flesh and organs), making it that much harder for them to land a hit. Wait, could that be? Not cheap, though, and you might sometimes struggle to justify the price over about 1.7 regular Carnifexes. Each time thisWARLORDwould lose a wound, roll one D6: on a 5+, that wound is not lost. This list is a basic tour through all the best datasheets slammed into a Leviathan shell. there were no survivors) then your model can make a Normal Move instead of Consolidating, ideal for Flyrants to return to the warm embrace of their Tyrant Guard. All nice, though they are also twice the price. Last up, Biovores who arent cheap, but might have some play. Seems great on a Flyrant, but also very strong on a Trygon Prime, where the volume of attacks works super well with it. It doesn't look like any more will be announced. Similar story for Onslaught, another classic power with very little changed. There are fundamental changes to the latest evolutions of these biomorphic fiends from the old versions you once knew. Crusher Stampede is for big babies. Of course, you might not have a choice. AP nothin. Prior to the army set and codex release, GW revealed details on new units every week in October 2022, including tasty previews of: The Leagues of Votann are a newly released faction, whose codex first went up for preorder on September 17, 2022. Im big on defensive deployment, so while also covering most of the army in a -1 to hit bubble, having both your heavy hitters being untargetable is an easy sell for me. On May 28, the codex (and the new models) were split up, available to buy separately for the first time. So if you have a Hive Tyrant in your army (perhaps courtesy of the massivenew Combat Patrol), youll be able to activate theRelentless Ferocityability. Like most modern faction traits, Hive Fleet Adaptations have multiple effects. Thedelayed new Death Guardcodex (9th editions first rulebook released for a Chaos army) went up for pre-order on January 16, 2021, and was released on January 23. Alongside the factions codex, GW also released the long-teased Paragon Warsuits, Celestian Sacresants (as shown on the codexs front cover), and Dogmata, as well as faction-specific Battle dice and datacards. Most uses of the Trygon probably do lean on those, so it doesnt seem super likely these will get there, but they are pretty cheap as a distraction. In combination with the Psychic Power, this maybe also encourages you to bring one big unit of Hormagants, throw them at the enemy with boosted wounds and strength to carve something up on your turn, then annihilate anything that tries to counter-attack in melee. Once per turn, each Toxicrene can use its Massive Grasping Tendrils to envelop an enemy unit on a D6 roll of a 3+ (or 2+, if theyreINFANTRY), they cant Fall Back at all. An early thing worth calling out with that is that far fewer things in this book are CORE-locked than normal some effects still are, but many toys (including this power) are generally applicable. Personally, I want the big summer 2023 release to be the Old World, given that it's the 40th anniversary of WHFB. 9th Edition is coming! You can also come in within 9 of the enemy at that point, but if you do the monster cannot charge. Carnifexes arent the only colossal creatures getting juiced up by the Hive Fleet. New rules in this latest codex include the powerful Harbingers of Dreaddebuffs, and the option to dedicate your mighty mechs to one of the chaos gods, getting their keyword and a gnarly new ability as thanks for your service. Our impression of how the most powerful builds are going to play is using Carnifexes as roaming threats that keep the enemy occupied, Harpies as overwhelming fire support, then a mixture of Maleceptors going Mortal Wound crazy and Flyrants using Tyrant Guard and the various evasive strats to stay safe to provide big damage output thats tricky to respond to. Three hits (and extremely generically useful ones at that), two misses and a buildaround is a fine rate for a set of traits, so expect to be buying these for your bugs left and right. These dont get a HIVE FLEET keyword, and also share the Drone Bioform special rule, which makes them work pretty differently to most units. These two potent bioweapons shared with its smallerVenomthropecousins make the Toxicrene the perfect response to massedINFANTRY. Switching over to ruining the days of enemy Psykers, the Warlord trait is the always funny (but never actually good) aura of causing Perils on any double, but The Deepest Shadow is where the fun is. Yes, there are potent offensive relics available generally, but those relics wont help you if your character is a smoking crater before it gets to where it needs to be. Leaked Codex PDF. A byproduct of the spores churned out by this chitinous chain-smoker, this venomous fog burns everything it touches, inflicting mortal wounds on enemies just for being in Engagement Range of a Toxicrene and rendering them unable to fight until after all of your units have had their turn. The Trygon Prime gets upgraded to an HQ choice, and the most eye-catching thing about it is that its now throwing out 12 attacks. WTH! Lets start with a big one in the Maleceptor, one of the units in the running for best (non-Harpy) datasheet in the book, and a serious build around. We include affiliate links in articles. Gorgon can hyper adapt to Lurk or Feed, which is a little bit of a shame as theyre otherwise where youd like to use Hunts Synaptic Goading for a pre-game move. Finally, for your cheap choice, the Tyranid Prime. And theres a lot of units to choose from. 6th Edition (2012-2014) 2014 - Codex: Tyranids (6th Edition) Hive Crone. In the same month, the Astra Militarum (aka Imperial Guard) finally got their 9th Edition codex, packed in with the Cadia Stands bundle. Compared to a regular walking Tyrant it has an extra wound and a LOT more attacks with its bone sabres, but the major shifts are with its abilities. One thing to note here is that many monsters have been given 15-17 wounds so that they hand out 3VP for Bring It Down which is a new balancing factor that we appreciate. Rounding out the stuff to talk about we have some standard 9th Edition fare extra relics, extra traits, and a way to manipulate your army wide mechanic. Tyranids get a drop pod in the form of the Tyrannocyte, a beefy affair that stays mobile after landing, brings some guns of its own (though only at BS5+) and can either bring in a lot of small infantry, up to six medium infantry models, or one monster of 16W or less. TheGrey Knights and Thousand Sonsreleased in August 2021, followed by a standalone release of the Orks codex in September. That massively increases the viability of building around the unit, and its a big winner on stat improvements as well, going up to 17W and a 2+ save! Multiple editions of Venomthropes being easy to snipe out have made me wary of fielding them, but considering how durable they are now Im strongly considering swapping them in for the Malanthrope. It has a respectable rate of fire, so even squadrons of lighter vehicles are at risk of annihilation something we have a sneaky feeling the Tyranids learned fromfighting Speed Mobsin the Octarian War. The Chaos Space Marines 9th edition codex went up for pre-order on Saturday, June 25, 2022, and was released on Saturday, July 2. The codex also has Tyranids Crusade rules for chowing down on an entire planet. I feel like the Hive Fleet Adaptations concept works really well for a faction thats designed to be constantly changing, and the combination of Synaptic Link and Synaptic Imperative are flavorful and fun. new tyranid codex 9th edition D: Officially announced on May 23rd 2020 and released (kind of) on July 25th, 2020, Warhammer 40,000 9th edition is the up and coming new batch of. Dont forget that Hive-Mind Imperative from the Supplement can provide ObSec on demand though, so its not like they cant flip objectives when needed. Incredibly good, next. Its also now delivered by Synaptic Link, and allows Advance/Charge, Advance/Shoot without penalty and also permits units to fire Heavy Weapons after moving without penalty. That isnt everything this vile beast can offer your forces, either. Exocrine. With improvements to range, armour penetration, and rate of fire, its become a daunting prospect for even the largest mobs of infantry. ++Powers: Paroxysm, The Horror, Malanthrope 150pts As mentioned above, the horde stuff here maybe feels like it could all be a point cheaper, at least for Termagants and Hormagaunts, which rock in at 7pts and 8pts each respectively. Synaptic Imperatives are the new monofaction bonus for Tyranids, and give you access to a pool of effects you can draw on based on which SYNAPSE units you have in your army. Hive Fleet Leviathans days of being one of the most commonly seen Hive Fleets are certainly coming to a middle. If you like your Hive Tyranids shooty youve got plenty of choices too Pathogenesis provides a decent bump in shooting range and the ability to reroll one hit and one wound die, certainly not terrible if youre thinking of bombarding your opponent with heavy venom cannon shots. Weve seen this same effect before, but not available to things as nasty as Flyrants and Trygon Primes, and for the former in particular it combines with access to Tyrant Guard and Overrun to make it really hard to pin down and eliminate one a problem for opponents given how nasty they can be. Its the Sneaky Ones (). SYNAPSE units can also act as part of the chain for a Synaptic Link, and each Synapse unit has a unique Synaptic Imperative ability that you unlock by including them in your army. Top army lists from the 13 large ITC Warhammer 40k Tournaments from the past weekend, and six weeks into Arks of Omens 2023 Season. First look at new wave of Warhammer 40k Horus Heresy marines, Unreadable MTG cards in draft packs a mistake, Wizards says, SpongeBob Warhammer army crafted from cornstarch and PVA glue, Blood Bowl 3 dev says fixes are coming after open letter, Winter is coming to medieval Zombicide board game, Age of Wonders 4 preview a promise of endless adventure, For more Warhammer, MTG, and DnD, follow us on, improved subfaction rules for the six different Tau Septs, Hexfire: Supernatural Warfare in the 41st Millennium, The Lord Castellan Ursula Creed character, Kabalite Warriors the Drukharis stock infantry unit now get, In fact, most units in the army are getting an, The Kabalites Splinter Cannon a heavy anti-infantrygun now does. Dont be surprised if that gets erratad. In some ways that may not actually be the worst thing in the world, as a lot of what will be needed is just some point increases, which isnt hard. I definitely want the codex of the race I chose in the end (because the books a beautiful) but I . We don't . Not only that, but this book debuts a new spin on subfaction customisation, and this one rules, because as well as being able to build your own Hive Fleet from scratch, you can also customise the named Hive Fleets using the Hyper Adaptation rule. While that boxreleased in December, shipping delays pushed the books toJanuary 2022. Uncertain if it will get the nod over tools to just wipe out the enemy, but the power is there. The Tyranids codex hit shelves in April 2022, bringing the alien armies to the forefront of ninth edition. Its simply too good when combined with this book, especially given that for the most part the single wound models seem overcosted and less useful than Tyranid Warriors. There are a lot of 2+ saves kicking around on big bugs now, and quite a few things lumbering around with T8 and a 2+ just on baseline, which kicks ass for monster fans. In yourCommand phase, select one friendlyCOREunit withinSynaptic Link rangeof thisWARLORD. We have multiple ways to deploy these doom balloons and their explosion timing is different, now exploding when enemy units end their movement near them (or after having moved past them) versus at the end of the charge phase. Winged Hive Tyrants (and Tyrant Guard to support), Maleceptors (and Neurothropes to support), Your first unit of Zoanthropes to unlock the. These units have the SYNAPSE keyword, which has the immediate benefit that HIVE FLEET units within 6 automatically pass morale, and some additional utility beyond that. There is a mild hit to your Forgeworld friends, in that this power now ignores wounds on a 6 for TITANIC units, but the fact that this hasnt been hit with a CORE limitation is huge. Thats right, were talking about the many terrifying improvements Codex: Tyranids is bestowing upon the many millions of wee critters that make the Hive Fleet work. Codex: Space Marines containsheaps of lore for the first-founding chapters, as well as their more prominent successors. They have a whole bunch of weapon options, essentially anything from the Warrior datasheet, and end up as a decent but entirely skippable model pretty much however you go. Plenty of the Hive Fleet Warlord Traits are good, but none of them except Kraken (and some of the Leviathan Supplement ones) scream out as must takes, so youre certainly in the market for some good generic traits. Youll find this army rewarding if you want to throw a daunting wall of chitin at your opponents and draw on a flexible pool of powerful abilities to ensure that their resistance is futile. The Blood Angels Codex Supplement was released on December 5, 2020. There are also some minor buffs or nerfs to existing effects Rapid Regeneration for a d3 wound heal now only costs you 1CP and Unyielding Chitin (damage reduction for warriors) has been renamed to Reinforced Hive Node and considerably buffed it now costs more on units of 5+ models, but works in melee too, which is huge if you want either big Warrior units as a centrepiece or small Leviathan ones to be annoying thanks to permanent Transhuman. Just one here, the Sporocyst, and it sits in the comfortable spot where it looks pretty cute and interesting, and does enough that itll be fun for casual play without doing anything wildly stupid to the competitive metagame. ++Dermic Symbiosis, Flyer: All the stratagems, warlord traits, relics and secondary objectives youd expect from a 9th Edition book, plus an updated Hive Mind psychic discipline. To top it off, you also get one wound re-roll each time you shoot or fight, which can support some of the bigger creatures too. This aptly-named ability allows models to fight if they are within 2 of any enemy units, meaning you can pile on plenty more bodies in every Fight phase. That describes Direct Guidance as well, which is just a worse version of Bioweapon Bond from Octarius, giving a CORE unit +1 to hit. Following more hints that fire and magic would be making its way to Warhammer 40k later this year, and anannouncementthat both codexes had been delayed, weve finally got confirmation of whats in store. Harpy, 2 Heavy Venom Cannon, Synaptic Enhancement 180. The rest of whats here is merely OK though, outside the stratagem. The release schedule forGames Workshops 9th editionWarhammer 40kcodex army bookswasrepeatedly thrown off course first by the UKsreturn to covid lockdown in late 2020, then by an ongoing plague of printing and supply chain issues that has persisted into 2023. Finally for big brainy bugs, the Maleceptors Psychic Oversight provides substantial support for performing Actions of all stripes, letting units that fell back or Advanced perform normal Actions, Shooting not to break Actions, and units to perform Psychic Actions as well as casting their powers. The psychic power also leans into this, though is probably going to feel like a downgrade for anyone used to the old excesses Symbiostorm is now just a simple, clean +1S for shooting attacks. Whilst these improvements alone make Hormagaunts much more vicious, the new codex is squirming with ways to render them downright terrifying. Units that gain this rule also gain a BURROWER keyword, which can be used for a handy stratagem. Theres some nice stuff here overall, and while its probably eclipsed by big monster mash lists out of the gate, theres some depths worth serious exploration. You can make things even riskier for opposing Psykers with the relic to round stuff out, but handily its broader than just another tool for that. Sign up for theWarhammer Community newsletterto ensure you dont miss out on all the juicy previews weve got coming up. Some of you may have heard that Devourers got a bit of an adjustment, but the hordes of Gorgan care not. Gotta say, 16 is not a value I expected to see in an attacks characteristic. As a reminder youre only allowed one model with the HIVE TYRANT keyword (including The Swarmlord) per detachment. The Dark Angels supplement the fourth such Space Marine chapter supplement to have been announced so far featuresbespoke datasheets, Warlord Traits, Relics, and a Psychic Discipline, as well as a suite of Crusade campaign rules that represent the sombre quest of the Unforgiven, according to GW. The turn before you bring one in from Deep Strike you can basically pre-declare an area where it will arrive and place a marker down, and when it comes in the following turn you have to bring the Mawloc in within 12 of the Marker, but enemies within 6 of it get slammed for Mortals on a 3+ (with boosts for big units). With the newly enhanced statlines of many monsters, Voracious Appetite is more welcome than ever full melee wound re-rolls for a monster for 1CP is a button youre going to slam again and again. Most Tyranid characters already have a high strength (though the Broodlord could arguably use this to decent effect) and the bonus attack or bonus Toughness only is not going to take you as far as any of the other relics available. Yesterday we took a look at some of thebiggest bugsthat the Tyranids have to offer, and today well be answering that age-old question which keeps Guardsmen awake in their bunks at night would you rather fight one Carnifex-sizedHormagaunt, or 10 Hormagaunt-sizedCarnifexes? The World Eaterswere last out of the gate we reckon in our World Eaters Codex reviewthey might be the very best codex of the edition. In terms of abilities Hive Tyrants can allow a CORE unit within Synaptic Link range to re-roll hit rolls of 1 courtesy of Will of the Hive Mind. The former provides a 4+ invulnerable save for 25pts, and the latter makes the model SYNAPSE and grants SHADOW IN THE WARP for a mere 10pts. The end of 9th edition 40k is fast approaching every army has its codex. Who knows, maybe theyll help you curry favour with the Omnissiah. The model isnt bad at all, and against enemies using Monsters of their own you can really mess up their movement plans with a well-timed spawn of a Ripper Swarm, but its not a must-include when stacked up against the rest of the book. In Stock. These vanguard organisms now get into combat faster and stick around longer something that should put fear into commanders who think they know how to deal with a Carnifex brood. Synaptic Insight returns from the Warzone Nachmund book, and its still baffling fiddly to set up, fiddly to track, and capped at only 12VP for reasons that are unclear. Codex: Tyranids First up is Codex: Tyranids. ++Relic: Chameleonic Mutation I feel like it should have been a core power available to everyone. As with the other compilations the A running compilation of rumors, leaks, sneak peaks for Tyranids 9th edition codex.